Hi Chris, I have just registered here to find out what's going on too. Lynn says hi by the way...she was asking after you and Brenda too. Carole c, the warning I get states that it's unsecured and that your credit cards etc are at risk, you have to check a box to say you understand and proceed ( I use opera as a browser) or return to safety. I risked it, checked the box and every single page you click on on dogsey you have to tick the box accepting the risk....I haven't done it again as I know 2 now including 3 members won't risk it.
In Dogsey's case, the security certificate expired 5 days ago, so it most likely just needs an update. @Azz should be able to update that.
I don't see why our bank cards would be affected, we never registered any cards when we joined Dogsey. I lapsed visiting there when Breedia started but think my membership is still active. I hate this type of message appearing, it makes me feel quite insecure.
I d I did click it and as far as I can tell my bank account is I.k, I am not sure it's to do with you having a card registered there but perhaps more the fact that we tend to save cards on our devices?? Hopefully it will all get sorted out and if not, at least I now know it's an.expired certificate
Hi all sorry about that - the SSL cert expired and for some reason didn't get updated properly. I have manually updated it now so Dogsey and Catsey should be back up. The browser warning you received is just the standard warning it gives when you go to a HTTP site instead of a HTTPS site (you may remember years ago pretty much all sites were standard http sites). Breedia homepage is down atm so I need to sort that out as well..
@CaroleC that is just a standard warning given to outdated security certificates. Not being secure, the host server MAY be susceptible to hackers - which means if you gave the website any of your confidential information that data could POSSIBLY be at risk. It can also POSSIBLY mean that a hacker could POSSIBLY install malware on the site so if you download anything from the site it could POSSIBLY infect your computer. Blah blah blah... Generally speaking, if you visit an unfamiliar website and it gives you that warning, you should stay away. If you get it on a website you know well and that doesn't collect confidential data from you (like Breedia or Dogsey, etc), it most often means that the automatic security update didn't happen. Just letting admin know you got the warning will resolve the issue like it did here. If you get it on a familiar website that does collect confidential data, then it is best to email or call the company and let them know so they can verify the website wasn't hacked and not use that website until you get confirmation the issue has been resolved, change your password to that website, and keep any eye on your credit card balances, credit report, etc.
That's not what it means. It just means your connection to the site is not encrypted, so if your own personal wifi or your home network is insecure (like for instance if your internet service provider (ISP) is spying on your activity, or there is someone who has got into your home wifi/network) then they could listen in on your activity and obtain things such as your passwords when logging on to a site (and so if you're on a banking site and you go to log in, they could obviously see your password and ID). Obviously this applies all through the network - so from the connection from your house/device, all the way to the server of the site you are visiting (so it isn't anything to do with the security of the site/server itself - just your connection to it). Hope that helps.
How does one obtain the registration code on Dogsey? I tried to fill out the "contact us" form, but the code for requesting a code, also requires a code. Are they closed to new members? Apologies if I misunderstood something.
I have just tried going on Dogsey and though it welcomed me, I couldn't get any of the posts to open. It may be moving or just out of service. Hopefully @Azz will let you know which. I don't think there has been much traffic on there lately anyway.
@Azalea you don't HAVE to register on Dogsey to remain active. Azz is hoping to consolidate all his various forums, including this one and dogsey, into one large forum. As long as you are registered on one of them and your email is current in your profile, you will be registered for, and able to participate on, ALL the forums when they get consolidated. At that time, Azz will send you an email with a link (or temp password) so you don't have to reregister.
This is correct @Azalea - you won't need to register anywhere so long as you are already registered on one of the sites (But if you meant you want to join Dogsey, we turned off registrations a while ago as we just had too many spammers - hence part of the reason for wanting to move to more modern software )