Lame collie General Chat

Discussion in 'Border Collie' started by Rebecca Neal, Jun 24, 2024.

  1. Rebecca Neal

    Rebecca Neal New Member

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    Lame collie

    So my boy Beau hes 3.5 yrs, about 18 months ago he started being lame and was xrayed for hip displacia, but came back all clear.
    Anyway he always seemed to be slightly lame during puppyhood but shifting lameness his favourite being, skipping on his hind legs first one then the other, it didn't seem to bother him.
    But about 8 weeks ago he was lame again first one leg then the other, went to vets and he was given loxicom, this never touched the lameness so took him back and vet suggested a ct scan at that point he was lame on near front and back, collected him from vets and he was very lame on offside front where they put cannula, he has been chronically lame since.
    Ct scan brought up very little info so I was told it was panosteitis, different painkiller was given as loxicom not touching it, so at the moment he's on amantadine, previcox, and 3/4 paracetamol morning and night, still in pain, still limping. Over the period of the 8 weeks he's had laser therapy , acupuncture, and hydrotherapy none seeming to be doing anything.
    2 weeks ago a specialist looked at ct scan and said its not panosteitis vet needs to look at wrists and paws, but unfortunately the vet didn't do them on the first scan, so another ct scan !! Results bringing up nothing!!
    We are now at a loss as to what is going on, I'm waiting atm for specialist to look at second ct scan, in meantime I'm telling vet I want blood test for limes or autism immune, he said they'd done bloods but nothing came up but he was vague in saying what exactly had they tested for?
    So my poor boy has been on short walks past 8 weeks , no running no friend round , no seaside , I'm at my wits end , he has no other symptoms and is seemingly happy. Any help please, anyone similar experience
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  3. Rebecca Neal

    Rebecca Neal New Member

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    So my boy Beau hes 3.5 yrs, about 18 months ago he started being lame and was xrayed for hip displacia, but came back all clear.
    Anyway he always seemed to be slightly lame during puppyhood but shifting lameness his favourite being, skipping on his hind legs first one then the other, it didn't seem to bother him.
    But about 8 weeks ago he was lame again first one leg then the other, went to vets and he was given loxicom, this never touched the lameness so took him back and vet suggested a ct scan at that point he was lame on near front and back, collected him from vets and he was very lame on offside front where they put cannula, he has been chronically lame since.
    Ct scan brought up very little info so I was told it was panosteitis, different painkiller was given as loxicom not touching it, so at the moment he's on amantadine, previcox, and 3/4 paracetamol morning and night, still in pain, still limping. Over the period of the 8 weeks he's had laser therapy , acupuncture, and hydrotherapy none seeming to be doing anything.
    2 weeks ago a specialist looked at ct scan and said its not panosteitis vet needs to look at wrists and paws, but unfortunately the vet didn't do them on the first scan, so another ct scan !! Results bringing up nothing!!
    We are now at a loss as to what is going on, I'm waiting atm for specialist to look at second ct scan, in meantime I'm telling vet I want blood test for limes or autism immune, he said they'd done bloods but nothing came up but he was vague in saying what exactly had they tested for?
    So my poor boy has been on short walks past 8 weeks , no running no friend round , no seaside , I'm at my wits end , he has no other symptoms and is seemingly happy. Any help please, anyone similar experience
  4. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    A second vet looking at him may help - other than the specialist. Sometimes, one vet is more familiar with some odd things and can diagnose what another vet has no clue about. And a specialist is an expert on a specific thing so they may only be able to tell you what it's not versus what it is.

    For the bloodwork, you should be able to ask for a walk through of the results - having the vet explain what numbers relate to specific diagnoses. Sometimes, it is not a simple "he does not have X disease", but more " it's unlikely he has X disease". In those cases it is difficult for everyone involved because there is no definitive.

    Has your vet considered neurological issues vs skeletal? That the lameness flips around to different legs could lean towards that.

    Pano is usually starting to stop by the time the dog is 18 months - that your dog didn't start being lame until after that age would be odd for pano.

    You also might start keeping a journal. Write down when and what your dog eats (snacks, chews, etc), when he goes for a walk with the length of the walk and terrain, what plants he may chew on or run through and when, etc, along with when he starts limping, which leg, how long the limping continues, and so on.

    That journal could help with a diagnosis. It could be a sensitivity to something in his environment, etc.

    Good luck. I know it's difficult when you can't get a straight diagnosis and can only try to treat the symptoms.
  5. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I responded on your other thread.
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Toedtoes likes this.
    I would always go for a second opinion when I am not happy about an original diagnosis. As you have had so much diagnostic work done already, I presume that you are insured. Ask your vet for a referral, he is too young to be an invalid.
  7. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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  8. cooperdog

    cooperdog New Member

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    poor pup, hope he feels better soon!

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