Help please with dog aggression Questions

Discussion in 'Neapolitan Mastiff' started by Amak, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. Amak

    Amak New Member

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    Help please with dog aggression

    Hello we own a neo x bull mastiff, desexed, turning 2 in march. He attacked another dog on xmas day, quite badly with the other dog needing surgery. He has done puppy training, is currently living with a female staffy who is 9 and has lived with 2 together in the past, problem free. He has also recently been going on group outings with 4 different dogs to dog parks to play. The dog walkers rave about how good he is and that he's submissive etc. That's why i am shocked at the attack. I took him to a dog park he knew, where it was quiet and the dog he attacked was one he'd played with before. A new dog was aggressive towards him through the fence before we went in. The owner put it on a leash and they were leaving. We walked in and my dog charged it twice. Unfortunately the retriever friend got involved and he stuck his teeth into its back near the tail and wouldn't let go. He didnt shake it or anything. It took 5 of us to get him off. One of them screamed at me to have him put down. What do we do now please ? Thanks
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  3. My bear Yoji

    My bear Yoji Member

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    You must be devastated.
    I have never owned a mastiff, but, my sister has had 4. I own an Akita and I feel the agression is part of both breeds.
    The quicker I came to terms with what kind of dog I own the easier my life has become. He is 2 next week and had probably had approx 6 fights with other dogs, nothing in the last 6 months and I believe that it’s because we are aware of what damage he is capable of when he does fight
    His fights, all but one have been whilst he is on a leash and other OFF lead dogs have come at him...Yes, if he was a different breed he would probably wag his tail at the other dog and leave it a that, but, if the dog shows any kind of agression then that’s it...a fight starts
    I don’t think you can train or teach them to get along, I strongly believe it’s a breed trait and we work around that
    How have things been fo you on the last couple of days ?
  4. Amak

    Amak New Member

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    Thanks so much for your reply. Things have been a bit better. No more dog parks unfortunately or group walks. Do your sister's mastiffs fight?
  5. LMost

    LMost Member

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    There's a huge difference between a neo temper and EM a.k.a mastiff temper.

    Your pup is really just starting to mentally mature. Your looking at 2.5 to 3.5 years before mentally your pup is fully mature.

    It could be the start of the last fear stage which some have around 18 months to 2 years generally.

    You have the independent nature of the BM side along with a solid guardian instinct, BM's are generally social dog as long as you socialize them.

    With a Neo you have a guardian, that's generally a pretty serious dog and pretty aloof, they love there families and those there raised with, past that they don't care for strangers.

    Really it is going to take time to see where the blend of breeds puts your dog.

    EM's or English Mastiffs are generally a lot more forgiving, there more judging they watch and judge actions before they respond to something along with generally using there size to ward off unwanted things than hurt things that annoy them.

    Neo's are far more likely to hurt something that gets under there skin.

    BM's are more likely to pin and hold.

    On the scale Neo's are only 2nd to the Fila as to not liking strangers.

    I would take things slow over the next year and see where the temper of your pup falls.

    You should keep socializing but a nuzzle would be a good investment IMO.

    All mastiff breed are extremely powerful dogs and most other breeds have zero chance against them.

    Best wishes with you pup.
    I've always had English Mastiffs, but am around a lot of the mastiff breeds.
  6. LMost

    LMost Member

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    Also you should never spay or neuter a mastiff breed prior to 18 months, most wait till after 2 years.
  7. Amak

    Amak New Member

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    Thanks so much for your long reply, i really appreciate it. I will definitely take your advice. He's very wary of people coming to our house and takes a few visits before he actually lets people pat him. I think he's a bit scared of people he doesn't know. Is this normal? I think he's also very protective of me so we won't be around other dogs anymore. I thought we were socialising him well so this was a major disappointment . Do you think he should continue going on his dog walks with the group he knows or stop completely? Thanks so much...
  8. LMost

    LMost Member

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    There is zero to feel badly about really. (in how you have trained and socialized)

    50% of how your dog act is dependent on it's environment/training and 50% genes.

    Your talking about dog breeds that where taught and breed for x and in the Neo's case your talking thousands of years, the best trainer might not win that challenge.

    I would say yes to keep doing the things you are with him, but I would use a muzzle, when doing them.

    It might take a little bit to get him used to it, but there are several good video's on youtube on how to do it without traumatizing the dog.

    Trust me even with a EM, someone is not going to get close to the wife or grandkids until they have visited several times.

    If you stop completely then he will most likely become more guarding at home, and if it is a fear issue it will be harder to overcome.

    Mastiff breeds are a dog that you have to keep up on training thought there life, but they show extreme love and loyalty to there families.

    You could also be really surprised and in another 6 months go back to always being the same dog as before the issue happened, really only time will tell.

    Mines welcome to visit the local hospital and quite a few of the long term care facilities around me, but if you walk through the front gate and he does not know you and me or wife is not there to let you in, lets just say it's not a good thing and he has tackled and trapped a person before for doing it.

    Please remember mastiffs are extremely smart dogs and they know who should and should not be there, there also masters of reading body language.

    Think in the lines of your pup as a 14 to 16 year old child, there great most of the time but 5% of the time they make you want to drink and give you grey hairs.
    Some will call mastiffs dumb but there anything but they are just stubborn and have selective hearing. (Much like a teenager).

    All in all mastiffs are a labor of love, after around 30 years of dealing with them guess I'm just used to it, for people just starting out with them it can be trying at times but the reward is great in the end.

    ps: scared no, generally there very untrusting of strangers.
  9. Amak

    Amak New Member

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    Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. Your advice is invaluable and we'll definitely take it on board. He is such a lovely dog with us, i know he will be great in the end. Happy new year.
  10. Jackie W

    Jackie W New Member

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    Jackie W
    I realise this is an old thread, but what fantastic advice. I have similar issues with my Newfoundland, so have read with interest.

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