See a VET General Chat

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Lifew/dogs, May 12, 2024.

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  1. Lifew/dogs

    Lifew/dogs New Member

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    See a VET

    I was an animal control officer when I move to a new place it takes me almost a year to find a suitable vet. My requirements are small:
    No dog of mine is worked on without me present viewing unless a surgery.
    No vet will euthanize my dogs without me present and maybe another dog as well.
    No 1 yr rabies shots
    Must follow Jeanne Dodds's vaccine protocol.
    Why have requirements?

    Things I have seen a vet do:
    1-They only sell Hills-worst food ever altho works on some things ok but another brand can do that too.
    2-Dog in town HBC unconscious and barely breathing white scot terror, bleeding nose, ears, mouth. Asked if he knows the dog or owners? NO BUT really yes.
    I tell vet at 11am if no owner claims by noon euthanize.Owners call before noon and he begins to hook up fluids, meds, whatever, Owers pay 2k, dog dies.
    3-Vet to remove 1/2 porcupine quill from muzzle of shelter dog I FOUND and she was adopted by a nice family, she worshipped children. Vet (due to status-shelter dog) put her under and she died.I believe he didn't use an anesthesiologist.
    4-Vet doesn't know a breeder well she has Munchausen by proxy on her dogs. A 3 yo male she claimed had diarrhea she had PTS. LIkely he bit her. Her dogs lived in kennels so big deal. She could have picked up any diarrhea and claimed it was his. She moved from vet to vet often using different names. I told all vets her aliases; she owed them all money.
    5-Dog removed from room by vet. She is an extremely intelligent dog gone from my view-had UTI girl in training "It could be cancer." Thanks for your help Nancy. When dog is returned she tried to hide under my chair which had an X under it. What did he do to her that she needed to hide? She was the most intelligent of all my dogs EVER.
    6-Over inoculation caused epilepsy in my male shepherd. Stop shots stopped epilepsy asap.
    7-Vet was told of dogfighter in town. I told him and said next dog bloodied up call me. I took pix and claim was sister broke loose and they fought. TIed to 5 foot chains buried with car axles underground.
    8-11 yo Dog fell thru ice- golden. Took 20 mins to reach him. If he turned around he had a broken ice path to follow out. Meantime flew in cop car blue lights vet again not recognize his patient and never came into the room to treat the dog. Dog died but I left frustrated and pissed off. I was so close to bringing him home and put him in a bath increasing heat slowly. So sometimes I was a vet and I did work for one in spring 2 months of heartworm testing.
    Whenever someone says "call or ask your vet" I really hate that. What more do they know than a long time breeder or a longtime dog owner with 7 shepherds? HUH? Not much.
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  3. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    I don't get what you are saying unless it is to call you instead of a medical professional with years of training and experience

    If I'm ill, my first port of call is my doctor. If my dog is ill, my first port of call is the vet.

    I have seen how quickly an illness can turn to disaster if prompt medical attention isn't given and I've seen many who would prefer to ask for help on a forum rather than take their dog to a vet so YES, I will recommend that an animal is taken to the vets as a first port of call rather than asking on a forum - every time
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I would sooner call a mortician.
    Profile: "I was an animal control officer 5yrs in my small NH town."

    Writing Forum: "Before retiring Lonnie worked as an ACO for a small country town in NH, part time days."
  5. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    So, you know better than a vet who has spent eight years in school specifically to learn how to be a vet.

    My you are clever!

    You spent 5 years in a part time job as an ACO (that requires only on the job training a maybe a couple 1-5 day seminars) and you know better than a vet with years of experience in the treatment of animals.

    My you are smart!

    It's a wonder you bother to use a vet at all since you are so much better than they are. Why not post your address and phone number so we can start referring everyone to you directly?

    Yes, sometimes a vet makes a mistake. It happens. And sometimes a vet just screws up. This is why it is important to develop a working relationship with a vet BEFORE your animal needs urgent care.

    How do you know that a rabies shot caused your dog to have seizures? All you have is one anecdote. Claiming the shot caused the seizures is like saying "when I got in my car there was an earthquake so obviously my car causes earthquakes".

    There is NO evidence to suggest, let alone declare, that rabies shots cause seizures. There is plenty of evidence that rabies shots do not cause seizures.

    I have a lot of knowledge about dog (and cat) health from years of experience. I can even make an educated guess as to what is wrong with my pet. But I am not so egotistical to think that I know better than my vet. And I certainly do not think I (or anyone) can successfully diagnose and treat an animal from a single post on an internet forum.

    I know people who breed dogs, have owned 7+ dogs at one time, etc, who are completely clueless about dog health. Heck, some of them even post on internet forums claiming to be experts on dog health.

    A smart person will not claim to know everything. An idiot will take a little knowledge and claim to be an expert.

    The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.
    – Albert Einstein

    Vets do not know everything. A good vet will never suggest they do. Building a good working relationship with a vet will create the best results for your animals. Your vet gets to know you and gains trust in what knowledge you do have. They don't dismiss your input. At the same time, you get to know the vet and gain trust in their knowledge and abilities. You do not dismiss their input. You work together as a team to provide the best care for your animal.

    When you tell people that "see a vet" is lousy advice, you hurt the animals. You kill animals. No self-respecting animal control officer would tell anyone that a visit to the vet is not just unnecessary but a bad idea. A true animal knowledgeable person would NEVER suggest that their knowledge as an "owner of 7 shepherds" makes them a better authority on dog health than a veterinarian who spent 8 years getting their degrees, years of experience diagnosing and treating dog health issues, and attending continuing education courses, etc.

    In another post, you snidely referred to the old adage "assuming makes an ASS out of U and ME". Well, you make an awful lot of assumptions when you diagnose and treat a dog based on one internet forum post. I guess that makes you a complete ass.
  6. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    And THAT is where @Lifew/dogs made a BIG mistake, and showed her ignorance. What she said was:

    "Over inoculation caused epilepsy in my male shepherd. Stop shots stopped epilepsy asap."

    A seizure can be caused by anything. But one seizure does not mean the dog has epilepsy. Even if the dog had a second seizure following a second rabies shot, it does not mean the dog has epilepsy. All it means is the dog had a reaction to a shot. It is NOT epilepsy. Because if it WAS, then it would NOT have "stopped epilepsy asap".

    Because epilepsy is incurable.

  8. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    In addition, all that is said is that the dog had a seizure. There is no information regarding how much time had passed between the shot and the seizure, what else had occurred between the two, if the dog had been outside and got stung or ate something, etc.

    This is exactly why vets ask questions, do tests, etc. They know that ASSuming a direct causation between one thing and another is bad medicine.

    I once ate a bowl of clam chowder and soon after broke out in hives. ASSumption would say that I am allergic to shellfish. But there could have been many other reasons for my reaction. I might have been allergic to another ingredient. It might have been caused by a combination of things - either one by itself would have been fine, but contact with both at once caused my system to overload. It may have been coincidence and my reaction had absolutely no bearing on the clam chowder.

    A seizure could be caused by almost anything. Maybe the OP hit the dog in the head and caused the seizure. Maybe the dog had a high fever that was caused because the OP misdiagnosed the cause of the dog's vomiting and gave him pro-biotics instead of seeing the vet.
  9. Lifew/dogs

    Lifew/dogs New Member

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    and what??
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    And that makes you such an expert?
  11. Lifew/dogs

    Lifew/dogs New Member

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  12. Lifew/dogs

    Lifew/dogs New Member

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    Makes me smarter than some client thinks vets are gods.
  13. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Vets are not Gods, but they are far more experienced in finding what is causing a medical issue than a layman who thinks they 'know' dogs
  14. Lifew/dogs

    Lifew/dogs New Member

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  15. Lifew/dogs

    Lifew/dogs New Member

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    I think i'll copy and paste your words in any other forum and see what we can learn about YOU along the way. Did you ask my permission to post my stuff elsewhere? I can sue you for that. DELETE.
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Excuse me for asking, but is your mother-tongue English? Or perhaps you were not taught English grammar at school, because that sentence, as it is, is a load of male cattle excrement.
  17. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Not one thing you say makes sense.

    You have absolutely no clue about anything. Your advice is ineffective at best, and may be downright dangerous if someone actually listens to it.

    You make unsubstantiated claims. You post irrelevant links.

    So you took your dog to get his rabies shot at the vet. As you walked him to the car he had a seizure. YOU therefore declare that the rabies vaccine gave the epilepsy and that by never giving him another rabies shot he never had another seizure.

    First, if vets are so incompetent, why take your dog to one in the first place, especially for something so simple as a vaccination.

    Second, just because it happened right after the shot does NOT mean the shot caused it. It could have been anything. Maybe he had an allergic reaction to the cleaning solution the vet office used. Maybe he had an undiagnosed ailment.

    Third, just because he never had another seizure when you stopped getting him rabies vaccinations, does NOT mean that the vaccine was the cause. He may not have had another seizure regardless of being given another vaccine. He may never have been in contact with the real cause of the seizure.

    There is no way to know if the vaccine caused the seizure. You are simply guessing.

    And, as mentioned, ONE seizure does NOT equate to epilepsy. Your dog did NOT get epilepsy because of a vaccine. Your dog POSSIBLY had a reaction to the vaccine and MAY have had a seizure. But you have turned a remote possibility of causation and a single seizure into a definitive causation and epilepsy.
  18. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Sure you can sue. But it won't go anywhere.

    "Under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute, it is permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports. There are no legal rules permitting the use of a specific number of words, a certain number of musical notes, or percentage of a work. Whether a particular use qualifies as fair use depends on all the circumstances."

    You have been quoted for the purpose of commentary and criticism. There is nothing illegal about that and no court would find in your favor.
  19. Lifew/dogs

    Lifew/dogs New Member

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    You are full of it. " its really difficult to get past the fact that I can't move a post as I see fit. It's not uncommon for my members to accidentally put a post in the wrong place, and it also means that if I wanted to consolidate my forum posts or do any editing, I would need to fully copy/paste the Entire contents of a forum post into a new post in a different forum category. Considering some of the messages in my servers are thousands of characters long, its really not realistic."

    Jus lie if it makes you happy.
    "Taking content without permission is considered STEALING."
    There is only ONE PERSON who knows me at all on there and I haven't posted for over 30 years. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS....stop stealing and stop yapping about me elsewhere.
  20. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    What does any of that have to do with Fair Use doctrine and someone quoting your posts from another forum???
  21. Lifew/dogs

    Lifew/dogs New Member

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