Here is female I kept from 2016 litter Photos

Discussion in 'American Pit Bull Terrier' started by Bulldogs4Life, Mar 24, 2017.

  1. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    Here is female I kept from 2016 litter

    Some of you might remember my planned breeding and me having a litter last year (thinking of names and such). So here is my girl from that breeding. Morgi (my daughter named her). She is 28 lbs and has a lovely temperament. My daughter wanted to practice junior handlers so I snapped some pictures.

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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Morgi looks a sweetie, how old is she now? She is rather lighter (in weight) than I would have imagined, as my Beagles are 12.5 and 17 kilos.
  4. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    She is a really sweet and rather calm dog. I kind of like that nature in her. She is 14 months old, so she is still growing. I guess that makes her about 12.7 kilos. I think she could use another pound maybe, of muscle and fat, not sure exactly but know how I want her to look. I believe she won't grow a lot more. Her half sister is older and 25 lbs / 13 kilos.

    Usually my females in low 30s when fully grown, so around 14-16 kilos. I posted the parents previously mom 32 lbs / 14.5 kilos and dad 42 lbs / 19 kilos.

    ETA: For height reference my daughter in the picture is 39", I believe that's placing Morgi between 15-16" range.
  5. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Ah, that is about the same as my Beags then. I have rechecked their weight record.
    Merry is a true 15", 12.25 kg. almost 27 lbs.
    Ed is more brawny, shorter on the leg and longer bodied. He is almost 16" and weighs 16.4 kg. - a whopping 36.8 lbs!
    Of course we see very few APBT's over here these days, so the weight interested me.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Morgi is rather beautiful and she has such gentle eyes.
  7. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    CaroleC they can be larger of course, the weight range is 30-60lbs. I do not often see dogs of 60lbs though, only occasionally even a few bigger and some under 30lbs.

    Malka thank you, and seems like an old soul at times
  8. LMost

    LMost Member

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    She's looking great.
  9. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    CaroleC and Malka like this.
    Been almost a year

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  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Where has the time gone? As beautiful as ever - did she ever gain much weight from the earlier pictures?
  11. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    She 35lbs in the pictures and close to condition weight. So she has grown and filled out, maybe 38lbs when not lean.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Thank you - weights give me a much better idea of actual size than heights - so your lovely girl is smaller than I thought, because that way I can compare her size with Pereg and now Tikva. Such good musculature which makes me think that Tikva is not as skinny as I had thought, although she is nowhere near as muscular, but I am not so bothered if she goes down 200g and prefer to be able to see muscles and ribs etc, especially after having tried so hard to get Pereg to lose the weight that her condition and medication seemed to pile on. Incidentally, I have to change everything from lbs to kilos to realise the size of your girl, and as I say, she is smaller - much smaller, than I had thought.

    Ah, but your Morgi is really beautiful.
  13. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    I don't even know her height exactly either, a I've been asked on my dogs a few times, but only have ever measured a few of them. I just know they are within the weight range thats within the standard. And they should have a balanced height to weight ratio. I always forget about lbs vs kgs I try to remember as I know I converted when talking with Carole.

    I keep mine at a leaner pet weight than average, but it is not as lean and as muscled as conditioned weight. What I have read is that some body fat is good, but that being a little light is better than a little heavy healthwise. Of course I try to keep them at an ideal weight and if the body has no fat / dog isn't getting enough calories that could lead to health problems (just as anorexia or issues causes extreme under weight in humans) have detrimental effects on the body and brain.
    I think it is great you keep your little one at a fit weight. Wish more people would do this. Apparently there are some dedicated to actually intentionally having over weight dogs and these people almost have competition to see who can have the fattest (cutest) dog. I only recently learned about this. Pretty shocking.
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Oh, Tikki is definitely fit - if you could see her leaping up and doing twirlies in mid-air you would have no doubt about that! If she would only come out for walks with me on my big mobility scooter - but she will not. However she is on a 12metre tether all day, and unless it is raining heavily she goes out and races about at will as the door is always open - which together with the 12m she can race indoors, gives her plenty of exercise. And she is definitely perfectly balanced [raw] fed.

    I am just not used to seeing a slim [no, she is not skinny, not looking at your gorgeous girl, just slim] as Lexi, who was small, weighed 5.5-6 kilos but being long-coated it was impossible to see her shape. I could pick her up though. Tikki is maybe 5.6-6g - I will know when Ram comes here to weigh her for the Parkworm shot, I think due 26 this month. But she is far too strong for me to pick up - unless she wants me to!

    Pereg started full growth at 17 kilos [work it out for yourself] but due to her epilepsy and medication, ended up at ~22 kg and had been fed raw for since I learned about it. And when she was post-ictal she would scream for food for hours after a seizure as only food seemed to [eventually] calm her. I definitely had not been able to pick her up since she was a small puppy. She was not long-coated but definitely had a double-coat which meant it was not really possible to see her actual shape.

    And - Tikva, being a cross between a standard smooth Dachshund and a MinPin, both breeds tending to easily get obese, [and also both having epilepsy in their breeds, hence Tikva, which means "hope"] - and with such a very short coat, it is so easy to see her actual shape - her muscles, ribs, even most of her spine. Which makes me sure that she really is getting all she needs.

    So seeing those pictures of Morgi made me realise that Tikki is not skinny, she is just slim - and she is rock solid, although of course not as solid as Morgi.

    Thank you.
  15. gill34051

    gill34051 New Member

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    So here is my girl from that breeding. Morgi (my daughter named her). She is 28 lbs and has a lovely temperament. My daughter wanted to practice junior handlers so I snapped some pictures.

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