I need some feedback on the food brands that you feel are best for your American Bulldog. Any and all information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
There are many dog foods you can refer to such as petsmart fish, nexgard for dogs and many other things
I don't know where you live @BethanySharp2 but in the UK NexGard is a prescription only tablet for worm and flea control. I have found that the website All About Dog Food gives really comprehensive reviews, but some of the foods may only be available in the UK. There may be similar sites in other countries. Very few manufacturers make foods for specific breeds but you are best choosing a grain-free food of a reliable brand, which has a high percentage of a named protein source - beef, venison, salmon, turkey etc. Beware of any descriptions like meat meal, or meat by-products.
Correct. Nexguard is a flea and tick treatment not a pet food. In addition, "petsmart fish" is not a pet food either. Petsmart is a pet store in the U.S. and they happen to sell fish as pets - not as food. I suspect you are a spammer testing the waters to see if the mods are paying attention here before you start spamming.