Breeding Questions

Discussion in 'Boerboel' started by Hugo Munoz-Breto, Feb 5, 2022.

  1. Hugo Munoz-Breto

    Hugo Munoz-Breto New Member

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    Hugo Munoz-Breto


    Hello all
    I am an admirer of the breed and I am going to breed my dog for the first time. I have never done this before.
    Any advices?
    Please see below my website.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    You have not bred your dog before and yet you have a website already set up, on which you state you are "a passionate breeder" and are taking reservations for puppies that as yet have not been conceived?
  4. Hugo Munoz-Breto

    Hugo Munoz-Breto New Member

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    Hugo Munoz-Breto
    You are correct and all the points. Yes I am passionate about the breed and I plan to keep two males out the breeding after that the female will be fixed and that is the end of the story. I have invested considerable time and money in to this project, I do not plan to make any money but i will like three things as result.
    1) Find decent and good homes for the puppies
    2) decrease my losses to a minimum
    3) Keep two males

    I created the website for those purposes. In order to achieve those goals I created the website. the breeding was carefully planned and the sperm of the stud has been collected and frozen. Look at the pedigrees and you will realize the reason for the breeding.

    Finally yes, I have never breed a dog before and produced a litter. This is my firs and last. Is too expensive.

    Thank you for the reply, I hope I was able to explain your comments,
  5. Hugo Munoz-Breto

    Hugo Munoz-Breto New Member

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    Hugo Munoz-Breto
    I forgot I am not taking deposits until several months after the breeding is confirmed with an ultrasound.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    As you have never bred a dog before, you are not "a passionate breeder" - for the simple reason that you are not a breeder. You might hope to be a breeder at some time in the future, but at the moment you are not one. Passionate or not.

    I might hope to become a Rock Star. But I cannot call myself "a Rock Star" if I have not even made a recording.

    And whether you are taking deposits on possible future "maybe" puppies or not, taking reservations so far in advance when you have no idea whether there will in fact be any puppies for those reservations, is like me taking reservations for the record albums that I might, or might not, ever make.
  7. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    Chris B likes this.
    I would not recommend keeping two males from the same litter, - particularly if they are from a substantial working breed. See, Littermate syndrome. What type of activity were you proposing to do with the two males that you keep?
    If you are going to wait months after the ultrasound confirms pregnancy, why bother with deposits at all? As long as all went well, the puppies would be ready to leave after three months had passed anyway. Just my opinion, but the fear of losing a deposit can encourage a buyer who may have developed doubts to continue with a purchase that they are having second thoughts about. The buyers of strong working breeds should be fully committed to them.
    Regarding the actual process of breeding, if you don't have it already, you can do no better than buy, The Book of the Bitch, by John Evans and Kay White, and published by Ringpress. This is a very reasonably priced paperback book which covers all aspects of the bitch and is a virtual bible for dog breeders.
  8. Hugo Munoz-Breto

    Hugo Munoz-Breto New Member

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    Hugo Munoz-Breto
    Helidale likes this.
    Thank you.
    Great advice, it makes sense to wait until the puppies are born. I though about two males competing and perhaps fighting. I will probably keep one male. I hope I can make the best choice, I have been reading about how to select and test puppies.
    The book definitely a go. Thank you for the advice
  9. Hugo Munoz-Breto

    Hugo Munoz-Breto New Member

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    Hugo Munoz-Breto
    You are right Kaya my dog is a hand full. I worked hard socializing her and she is incredibly stubborn. She is a great dog.
  10. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    If your dog has no working background or titles, I really suggest you do NOT breed her. It's normal for people to want a puppy from our favorite dog, but realistically it is a bad move.

    If there are complications with the pregnancy or delivery, you can lose your dog.

    A male dog can potentially injure her during the mating.

    Bringing in more dogs into your home will change your relationship with her.

    In addition, how will you ensure "decent and good homes". It is very difficult to screen potential homes and with this breed, you will have that many more bad homes interested in the puppies.

    People will lie and cheat and steal - and those willing to go the furthest in misrepresenting themselves will be the worst homes. But it is very difficult to weed those people out - because they know how to lie.

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