Hi to all of you! Introductions

Discussion in 'Your Introductions' started by LucyK, Oct 22, 2021.

  1. LucyK

    LucyK New Member

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    Hi to all of you!

    Hello, I'm quite new to this but I'm thrilled that I found this site!:D

    A year ago I adopted this little buddy from a local shelter and ever since my life's been a thousand times better.:049:

    Although I still wonder what type of breed he is. Do you guys have any idea?

    My family is betting on a mix of Belgian Shepperd and Border Collie.

    He's super intelligent, loyal and protective which would match characters of mentioned breeds.

    But I gotta mention that the overprotective part may be result of an abuse from his previous owners... His past was for sure not easy. As I was told, he was truly hurt and sick when admitted to the shelter. But I'm very happy that he's doing so much better now and is trying to give new people a chance.:)

    If you have any guesses on what breed he could be, please leave a comment!:D

    Also does your dog make this funny face as shown in the last photo?:lol:

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  3. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    It is really difficult to determine a dog's mixed heritage, especialy on photos alone. Most dogs consist of 3 or more breeds. Those breeds can mix to look like a completely different breed. One breed can show up in the appearance, but another breed may only show in temperament. A breed can show up in something so minor as a streak of white down the chest or a bit of velvet-soft fur on the chin.

    The only way to know for sure is to do a dna test. I've used dnamydog on my dogs and have been happy with the process and results. It's a bit less expensive than the other brands.

    With that, I would say likely border collie. The smile is common with them. In a couple photos, his muzzle looks a bit thicker and his tail more bushy than sleek. That makes me think there might be something like GSD in there. I don't necessarily see any Belgian in there.
  4. LucyK

    LucyK New Member

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    Thank you for the reply! I've been thinking about DNA test, problem is that in my country is not that much of quality choices. But I'll look up the "brand" you suggested. Maybe it'll be available for my country. Thanks again.:)

  5. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    Can only be a guess but I would say mainly Border Collie, and perhaps a quarter GSD. A lovely intelligent cross. If you do a dna test, do let us have the result!
  6. Helidale

    Helidale Member

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    PS. Wisdom Panel should be enough for determining breed heritage.
    Embark will give you more information, but maybe a lot more than you need.

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