Needing advice/recommendation Questions

Discussion in 'Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois)' started by Shorthood20, Sep 26, 2021.

  1. Shorthood20

    Shorthood20 New Member

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    Needing advice/recommendation

    So I am looking to get myself a dog. I am very interested in a BM but I want to make sure I'm making the right decision for the puppy if I were to get one. So here is my situation and would like to know from owners and more experienced people if the BM breed would be a good fit for me and my lifestyle.

    I travel a lot for work and some days work long hours. I have a 40ft fifth wheel that goes with me wherever I go. So my main question is, with me working 10 hour days would the dog be ok being left alone for 10 plus hours before I can get home to take him/her out to play and get exercise. Anytime other than when I'm at work he/she could go anywhere with me in the truck. I'm just concerned if the breed would be a good fit having to be left alone for most part of the day until I get home?

    Thanks for any advice.
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  3. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Malinois are working dogs first and foremost. They are high energy. This makes them great for police dog work, but not as great as a pet dog who has to spend long hours alone.

    As you are working 10 hour days, I would be hesitant to get that level of energy. Even if you spend every waking hour outside of work with the dog, it will be alone for the majority. And breeds like malinois need mental stimulation as well as physical. So even if you spend 5 hours a day playing ball with the dog, as soon as you inside, his brain will be looking for entertainment.

    With that, if you really want a malinois, I would talk to rescue groups and see if they have an adult you could adopt. With an adult, you'll already know if they will be a good fit for your lifestyle. And you won't have to worry about trying to potty train a dog when it is confined for 10+ hours a day alone.

    I also would not recommend a puppy with those hours. 10 hours is far too long for a puppy to be left alone with no potty trips.

    As a former foster, I do think you are a great home. My recommendation would be to get an adult dog who is a bit less in the energy department. There are many female GSDs out there who would fit the bill. My own Cat-dog would love your life. She would sleep peacefully while you are at work, and when you came home, she would be thrilled to ride around in the truck with you, go for a hike, get rubs, etc. Look for breeds that are more about wanting to please you and be with you than those wanting a job. Even an adult mix can settle into your life if it would prefer to hang out with you rather than do activities.
  4. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    I would think that any breed or age of dog would need the day broken up and I would not be happy to leave them all day (for more then 4/5 hours without human company). It isn't just about exercise/training but company as well.
    Young pups need to go out regularly, fed 3 to four times daily, training ect:
    If you can’t make arrangements for someone to come over two, three times a day and let them out for toilet ect: then maybe you should re-think it.

    In the UK most rescues won’t rehome dogs to full time workers, unless they have family or dog walkers who come in regularly, some rescue dogs settle quickly others can take months, and not every dog can cope with being left for long periods, every individual dog is different.
  5. Nyquan DeShawn Shaw

    Nyquan DeShawn Shaw New Member

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    There are a lot of videos online about the breed that can give you a glimpse of if this breed is right for you.

    They are high energy and even that is an understatement. They need constant stimulation and socialization beginning at early age. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be very likely if you work 10 hour days. If not, the dog will develop behavioral issues and act out even becoming aggressive towards other dogs and people.

    I wouldn't recommend getting any dog if you're away from home that often but the decision is yours. Maybe another breed would be more acclimated to being alone for extended periods of time.
  6. Marine6212

    Marine6212 New Member

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    Get a cat
  7. snicrep

    snicrep New Member

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    best answer ever,

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