sounds submissive. Maybe trying to pay too if you see pawing when the other dog gets close. Not a whole lot you can do. work on it a bit.
Is it a submissive or a kind of stalking act..... I don't see either way it is a problem so long as she isn't getting attacked... She may be smart and hedging her bets with other dogs....
I presume that this is an adult Husky? It sounds as if she is more interested in meeting or playing with the other dog than going on her walk. I think I would not give her the opportunity to lie down. At home, I would work on teaching her to pay attention to you. The easiest way to start is by rewarding her for making eye contact using special tasty treats. (You will of course always have suitable treats at the ready). I use the words Watch Me. On a walk, when you see the other dog, direct your dog's attention onto yourself, (Watch Me), and allowing a decent distance between the two dogs, walk smartly on. You may need to use your treat as a lure to begin with. Remember to reward her when she gets it right.
I have noticed that my Husky doing the same thing. It's been a while he did it again when I applied these things on my Dog.