Tikva - wondering what's going on! Photos

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Malka, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tikva - wondering what's going on!

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  3. Chris

    Chris Member

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    What a lovely photo. You're looking well, Juli and little Tikki looks full of health. Now who's the fella? Something you're not telling us? :)
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I knew I should have cropped that picture! I had hooked my snood back behind my ears because of the mask, which is why it looks like they stick out, and I had put it on because I wanted to show Amit something on my computer and I do not normally get that close to anyone. He has had his first vaccination, the second is due next week, as he is a volunteer first responder but I am still not prepared to take chances. Especially as he mixes with so many people.

    Tikki adores him and had been trying to get off my lap to get to him - that was about the one second she kept still. He will adopt Tikva should I not be around or am unable to look after her. It was his brother with the Shih Tzu who looked after her when I was in hospital a couple of years ago, and Amit has also looked after her a couple of times since, so she also knows his wife and family. He is a big guy and towers over me - and he deals with things that I am unable to do. He has my Power of Attorney over legal and medical matters - not, I hasten to add my financial matters, and I trust him implicitly.

    Right - someone on one of the blogs I have fun posting on has a habit of using a particular gif of someone laughing, and I play up to it by saying "that looks just like someone I know", or "wait till he sees this" - it is a running joke.

    This morning the gif appeared again, so I said "I am not going to say it this time" and got the response "I know, wait till Amit sees this". About an hour later Amit turned up to bring me something I had asked for, showed him the gif, so he promptly decided to take the photograph of both of us - and Tikki of course - to post back, and had pulled his mask down so his face showed. .

    So nothing to tell really - but I had not posted a picture of Tikki for so long and I thought this was such a cute one of her - ears out and eyes staring as if to ask what was going on - so I thought people might like to see her.

  5. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Juli, you look fine and Tikki looks adorable. So that is the lovely Amit. He even has a kind face x
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Nice to be able to put a face to a name.
    That is a sweet picture of Tikva.
    You look neater than I do when I have to venture out. My mask seems to get mixed in with my hair, and my hat never sits right. I will be so glad when we can finally throw the damn things away.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Thank you for the nice compliment Chris - I am the most un-photogenic person ever, and my computer specs do not have very flattering frames. Tikki really is adorable even though she looks so serious in the picture - she usually has such a soft expression, with normally smiling eyes. And yes, Amit really is a very kind and caring man and it shows in his face.

    Thanks Carole - but I have to admit that I was not bundled up to go out - what I was wearing was to try and keep warm indoors [the heat on my a/c is not functioning correctly]. The oversize "hoodie" is actually an ankle length dress, worn over a polo neck sweater and thick fleecy-lined loose jogger bottoms, the cuffs tucked into fluffy ankle slipper boots!

    I actually prefer the three-layer blue pleated masks, although I only wear one if someone comes to the door or brings a delivery in - and keep well backed away from them. I am not sure whether I will ever be able to get near people without a mask, as of course I cannot have the vaccination, but if I have to always wear one when near people then so beit.

    As for Tikki - can you believe that she will be six in May? That tiny pup who was much too young has grown up in the blink of an eye. This is a better picture of what she normally looks like - still with her ears back as she was looking at, and listening to something she could see outside, but the one Amit took yesterday so makes me laugh.

    I actually too some photographs of her the other week but for some unknown reason my computer did not recognise my camera, so I will have to wait until lockdown is over and Effi can come and sort it out.
  8. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    Yes nice to see you and tikki ,
    That’s funny when I saw Amit my impression was he looks kind too .
  9. My bear Yoji

    My bear Yoji Member

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    Ha “ hi “ it’s good to see you
    You both look well
    I miss you all, but, I’ve been pre occupied
    All is well
    ......I will be back xx
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Hi Philippa - you and Yoji were missed and it is nice to see you back again!

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