hello, We are trying to find advice on our dogs hind leg ACL injury. In dogs I believe it is called a ccl. We did some off-lead high activity, and afterward found our dog was limping. Vet visit said to low activity for a month , we did for 2 months. Recently took back to vet as right hind leg was on and off limping. Vet did a anesthetized exam and x-ray and said TPLO surgery is recommended. Very expensive surgery locally. Are there any clinics that offer a discount? Love this dog, we are two seniors. Any suggestions would help. Dave
Here is Monty. No ridge but an incredible hunter, but a loves his family. Any experience or suggestions about ACL repair would be helpful. dave PS he was a rescue from our local humane society about 3 years ago. We knew nothing about ridgebacks and they had him listed as a retriever mix. Incredible loving personality and so smart!
Not much financial help with vet bills in the UK. There are PDSA clinics, but they are only in certain areas, my non-earner daughter lives in a semi rural area and has never been able to get any help with her vet bills.
hi carole, thanks for the reply. I guess I was thinking of a different way to solve the problem than surgery. Braces, etc? Not many places in US assist with vet bills either. thanks, dave