Questions about Rough Collies Questions

Discussion in 'Collie (Rough)' started by Tancred, Jun 14, 2020.

  1. Tancred

    Tancred New Member

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    Questions about Rough Collies


    I am thinking about getting a dog in the future, not the near future but maybe in a few years. I have done some research and taken a number of those online dog breed selector quizzes and I usually get the Rough Collie as my best match. I am looking for a laid-back, friendly dog. I used to own Dobermans but I think they were too much dog for me and would like a more laid-back dog this time around.

    I have only met one Rough Collie in my time. She was a good dog as I recall (it was a long time ago), so I wonder what Rough Collies are like to live with. Do Rough Collies really bark a lot? This could be a problem since I live close to my neighbors. I live in a small house with a small yard, will that be adequate space for a Rough Collie? I will certainly walk and play with my Rough Collie if I get one but I worry that a Rough Collie might need more physical and mental stimulation than I could give. I have read that they are fairly laid-back dogs, though. Is this true? Some sources say Rough Collies can become nervous or destructive.

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  3. OMCHamlin

    OMCHamlin New Member

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    I have had a Border Collie, a Sheltie and am on my third Rough Collie (a boy) so I figure that makes about three and a half or maybe almost four Collies. They have all been rescues, and until THIS guy, they have been the kindest, most wonderfully laid back dogs I have ever had.
    "This guy", a four year old named Brody, should have been named Satan, or Demon or Hell Spawn or something along those lines, it would have been a fairer assessment and a caution to others (like; Danger, Uncleared Land Mines!).
    Bark, you ask? Well, yeah, but it's okay, I'm nearly deaf now and the ringing in my ears drowns it out mostly... Seriously, he's been a challenge, and he's "wound a bit tight" as my neighbor most kindly put it. He's coming along (s l o w l y...), but I figure by the time he's about eight or nine maybe he'll have calmed down a bit. He'll listen pretty well until you toss in a squirrel, or a cat, or someone riding a bike (Harleys have a most special place in his heart and perhaps his vocal cords). Our yard is about 25 or 30 feet deep by about 80 or so feet long, and I wish we had about triple that, it is pure poetry to watch him run flat out. Most importantly, I feel he would benefit from having a playmate of equal size and temperament to burn some of that energy off. We play tug of war and catch quite a bit, which he enjoys, but it always seems to turn into a special game of his called "Bite Hand", which he particularly enjoys, and as our hands have become masses of gnarly scar tissue we can hardly feel it any more (perhaps I exaggerate a little...)

    With all of this, you might be tempted to think we simply tolerate him, and there you would be so very wrong. We do love him dearly, how could we NOT?

    Here he is at obedience school (the Collie looking blur)

    He's actually pretty handsome...

    Here was his picture posted by the Collie Rescue, he stole our hearts right there, but someday I'm going to find that lady at the rescue and punch her, I swear it! I cannot imagine how many Quaaludes she had to stuff in him to get him to pose so adorably...
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    What a lovely (looking) Collie he is.
    Your post raised a smile, - at least he hasn't blunted your sense of humour. Like people, some dogs are just harder to get on with than others. Some throw in the towel, which is probably why your boy found himself in rescue. He certainly sounds hyper, has he had his thyroid hormone level checked?
  5. OMCHamlin

    OMCHamlin New Member

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    Seriously, he's healthy as a horse, which if he were a horse, he'd be pale, for Death himself would proudly ride him for the Apocalypse... I just hope he doesn't leave his sythe laying around, Brody would chew the handle off and it's best not to piss the "Reaper" off, aye?

  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Hi Chris - Brody is looking as handsome as ever - and it is nice to have an update about him even if he is still keeping you on your toes!

    Please give him a cuddle and ear twiddles from me!
  7. OMCHamlin

    OMCHamlin New Member

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    Wrong'o, no toes left, fell asleep barefoot one evening, he chewed 'em off. Getting used to it, but still fall forward quite a lot... Balance thing, who knew they were so darn important for that, right?
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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