How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Queensland blue

    Queensland blue Member

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    Here a lot of people began planting their own vegetables , at one point there was a seed demand backlog , and they became difficult to get .

    when I got the chance I stocked up myself ,
    And sourced a few staple root vegetables , herbs too.

    I try to avoid the bigger supermarkets , and now go to butchers and smaller ones mainly .
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    A good move. The man loves to play the lead in a drama. This could run and run!
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am unable to plant anything, so that is out of the question for me. The supermarket I use for online shopping is the one I used to go to many years ago when I was able to go off the Moshav, either into town or to the big shopping centre near here. It is the largest supermarket chain here and IMO is by far the best. Not just in quality but in service.

    Poultry/meat/fish I get for both Tikva and myself from a stall/shop in the market downtown. The people who own it live just a few houses up from me, so I telephone when I want something and Mikhaël drops it in on his way home.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    All the more reason for me to keep away from the news as much as possible!
  6. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    The wait for election results is nerve wracking. Hopefully tomorrow...

    I am honestly very concerned by how many votes the president has gotten. It scares me how much support he has. There have been presidents that I didn’t support, didn’t like, but this current one I really hate. I find his words and actions disgusting and offensive. He isn’t a good person. It really disturbs me that almost half of the people in my country are ok with his words and behavior.
  7. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Yes Finally !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I had a feeling this would be how you are feeling, Marc!!!


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  9. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Things are getting out of control and scary here in the US. Before the election on November 3rd I think the highest daily positive test number was somewhere around 80k-85k. Now we’ve hit about 185,000 positive tests in one day and a 7 day average over 150,000.

    Meanwhile the president does nothing except claim election fraud and is refusing to admit he’s lost. He isn’t allowing the things that need to happen for the next president to take over. His administration is putting up roadblocks to the next one preparing, refusing to release millions of dollars to them that they need to prepare as well as not allowing the president elect to get the presidential classified briefings that he should be getting daily, that all his predecessors have had access to, including trump 4 years ago.

    He’s refusing to ask for a national mask mandate and is against businesses closing down again. Meanwhile some states and cities are shutting some things down and limiting others.

    We need a leader so badly and all we have is a big cry baby want to be tyrant
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have to admit, Marc, that some of the things I read and some of the pictures of what is going on in the US are positively frightening.

    Someone who posts on a blog I follow lives in Portland and he has moved his family out for safety as he says the place is like a war zone.
  11. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    One week ago we hit ten million confirmed cases of C19. Well now, one week later, we have hit eleven million cases. It’s running rampant and we have no centralized plan. This is only going to keep escalating
  12. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Marc, that sounds so scary.

    We are in a lockdown here until Dec 2nd. It's not a full lockdown though as the kids are all at school and so are the university students. Time will tell if 4 weeks with the schools remaining open does anything though
  13. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Even if we had a shutdown I’m considered an essential worker so I would continue working. Before when many businesses shuttered for awhile the federal government approved additional unemployment benefits. Because of the $600 a week additional from the feds plus the usual state unemployment benefits, most laid of workers got more money to stay at home than I was earning at my job. That was a real bitter pill to swallow. It’s still super stressful to deal with the public and they are sick of masks and generally don’t respect social distancing. I’m having a really hard time with it. The stress is building in me and impacting my sleep and the enjoyment and productivity of my days off.
  14. Chris

    Chris Member

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    People in paid employment here get 80% of their wages while this virus is active (so far until next March) if they have to be off work through lockdown etc.

    The economy is taking a massive hit and how it will be brought back when this is over is anyone's guess at present
  15. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I am an essential worker as well. And have been since the virus begun to spread. It is very hard to do a physically exerting job where you have to meet certain speed quotas in a hot environment whilst wearing a breathing restricting mask. For some people - it is impossible or neigh impossible. It is also impossible to social distance in a crowded warehouse with 100+ people per night. So I gave up on trying and when I got light headed or struggled with air - the mask came down. It is what it is. So far I am still okay. Coronavirus is of course not good - but I won't let it stop me from working or living. That federal wage of $600 on top of normal UI was too much. Many people were getting way more than they'd earn working. Crazy.
  16. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Part of what I do at work, besides customer service and sometimes working a cash register, is very physically demanding. Depending on the week I probably move 7-15 tons of product, by hand, of off pallets onto racks and then off the upper racks to restock. Like this coming week on Thursday, besides our regular truck that comes in we are receiving another tractor trailer with 28 pallets of stuff we have to put out and/or store. I wear my mask over my mouth and nose the whole time, and I wear glasses too. I’m disappointed to hear that (@mjfromga) you don’t wear your mask properly. I personally find that to be selfish. I wear my mask to protect you, you wear yours to protect me. I don’t work with as many people as you do. I’m moving all this stuff with one other guy.

    There is someone at my work who works one day that I do, and until last week it was two days we worked the same shift, who can’t seem to keep his mask up, his nose and mustache are constantly exposed all over the store. He just hadn’t tried to find a mask that fits well. I brought this up to my manager 3-4 weeks ago and asked him to talk to him about it. If I have to wear it, so does he, and it’s a state mandate, and the store could be fined if we were reported. Took him a week to talk to everyone about it, but a week later his nose was still hanging out. I mentioned it again and the manager put his hands up like “what am I supposed to do...” This pissed me off. A week later a see him doing the same damn thing and I went and blew up at the other manager, And again five minutes later. Told him it’s their responsibility to enforce this with the employees and said I’m not comfortable with this continuing like this and that I wanted to go home, and be paid until they resolve this issue. Well they got 200 masks overnighted to the store and did tell him he has to keep it up. Why did they have to wait until they pushed me to the point of anger and raising my voice to finally make it clear to him that he has to wear it properly. It’s just simple respect for others. He has no health issues to make it so he can’t wear it, just selfish. No disrespect intended but I’m glad I don’t work with you, and if I did I’d insist you keep it over your nose and mouth. I don’t like wearing it, but I keep hearing it’s the simplest way to keep C19 from spreading. If I see this guy not keeping his mask up again I’m not sure what I’ll do, but I will once again bring it to the attention of the managers, and hope they make it clearer to him, that if he can’t wear it properly then he should go find another job. Hopefully it won’t come to that, but I won’t be surprised if it does.

    Dang, I got myself worked up just thinking about this. Please do the right thing and wear the mask
  17. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Judge all you like. You do not know me or my physical condition or my working condition. Though I will say this - I take my mask down only to catch a breath now and then or drink water. In my facility - very few wear their masks properly at all. So while you're busy passing judgment on a person and situation you don't know anything about - I would be one of the LAST people to be concerned about. At least I wear it properly as much as I can.

    Also, even management doesnt wear the masks properly... Nor can they insist on the entire facility doing it since nearly nobody does. They cannot fire over half the staff. COVID did spread through the warehouse when it first erupted but it hasn't been bad at all since.

    I do the best I can and it's easy to say certain stuff but if wearing masks were as easy and realistic as many try to make it out to be - there wouldn't be so many people against it etc. I am not ANTI MASK like many are, I just need a breath of air now and then... And I will take a moment to get it if I need it.

    Oh and one more thing - I work in a warehouse that plays blasting rap music loaded with full profanity etc. This is played by the managers - so trust me... They are not the type to care if someone tries to insist on something or raise their voices at them. They'll fire you for being rude to them before they bother trying to enforce masks.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
  18. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    @mjfromga, The way I read your post made it sound like you got sick of your mask and part way thru your shift stopped wearing it. What you just described sounds very different from my assumption. Of course you need to drink water and can’t do that with a mask on. I do find it disconcerting that your managers don’t wear their masks properly and don’t enforce the rules. I would be calling the health department and ask for a surprise inspection, but that’s just me. It’s no wonder this thing is spreading like a wildfire if people are flaunting the rules which are there to try and slow the spread.

    When it was hot out my mask would collect moisture under my chin. But I still kept it on because it’s the right thing to do. IMO
  19. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    @mjfromga, You could report them to OSHA and ask them to do aN unannounced visit in the middle of the night
  20. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I work for the largest ecommerce corporation in the world. They hide the real infection numbers from the public and despite investigations, none of the centers are ever audited or shut down. You're pretty progressive it seems @who owns who. These are warehouses full of minorities and the company only cares about numbers. There is also no entry to anybody without a badge. So I can and will try that - but I have lived here for a long time... And can already tell you what will happen - NOTHING.
  21. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    OSHA is the occupational safety and health administration. They would have to let them in. Let me know how it goes. Good luck. I’m glad we were able to clear up that misunderstanding.

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