New Member, New GSP Owner, Puppy Question Questions

Discussion in 'German Shorthaired Pointer' started by Morgan Phillips, Sep 28, 2020.

  1. Morgan Phillips

    Morgan Phillips New Member

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    New Member, New GSP Owner, Puppy Question

    My girlfriend and I just brought home our first German Shorthaired Pointer. His name is Huck aka Huckleberry. It has been a dream of mine to own a GSP, I am an avid outdoorsmen so I have been looking for a dog that can keep up on hikes, bikes, and everything in between. Hard to imagine a better dog for this. We got our dog from an AKC registered breeding in Washington State where we live. She breeds show dogs more than hunting lines which worked out for us because we dont really hunt. Our pup was a show reject, his torso is slightly long which makes him now show quality according to the breeder. Dont really care, a healthy athletic dog is all I want.

    Here is my question: Upon bringing him home we have noticed he seems to be slightly bow legged in the rear legs. It isn't hugely noticeable, and when you compare him to videos of puppies online he is similar to some, but wayyyyyyyyyyyyy different to others. Some of these lil guys seem so athletic at 8 weeks, some seem to be stumbling all over themselves, like ours. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this? We do have a vet appointment already, I am just trying to get a little ahead of the situation if I can for my own piece of mind.

    I have included the best pictures I can. lil guy moves fast ya know.

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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    He is only eight weeks old?
    If so, I wouldn't worry, he will build more muscle as he grows. I wouldn't do too much exercise with him while he is young, 5 minutes lead walking for each month of his life is the general rule, - though he can run free and play on soft surfaces as much as he wants. This is because the growth plates at the ends of his long bones are still soft. If you are planning on having him neutered, I wouldn't do it before he is 2 years old, as castration causes premature closure of these growth plates.
    Your puppy isn't bow legged. At the moment he has cow hocks, which are actually the opposite, - but they will strengthen.
  4. Morgan Phillips

    Morgan Phillips New Member

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    Thanks so much! I have been a worried parent. ill keep him off the hardwood for now. :)

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