Weight Questions

Discussion in 'Bloodhound' started by Jordan8516, Jun 5, 2018.

  1. Jordan8516

    Jordan8516 New Member

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    Hi everyone, hopefully there's quite a few here that have experience with bloodhounds. I got my first one and love my Maggie Mae to death. She's 5 months old now (22 weeks) and looks good and healthy as well as acts it. But everything I look up they say bloodhounds should weigh like 25-30 lbs at just 8 weeks old but she just now weighs 38.6lbs. Can anyone else give some input on their bloodhounds as they are/were pups and how they turned out? I'm not disappointed in her by her size by any means, I'm just glad she's happy and healthy, and I mean she still is a big girl for 5 months lol. I'm just curious since her growth is nothing like anything says it should be.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Hello Jordan, welcome to you and Maggie Mae to Breedia from Tikva and from me :039:

    I am sorry that I cannot help you and I do not know if anyone on Breedia has or has had a Bloodhound, but weights given are usually just average, which means some are heavier and some are lighter, and as your babe is still a puppy and has lots of growing to do I would not worry about her weight at the moment. What does your vet say about her weight and what are you feeding her on?

    The most important thing is that she is happy and healthy and that you love her! :)
  4. Jordan8516

    Jordan8516 New Member

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    I haven't taken her to the vet, I learned from a long standing bird dog breeder how to give vaccinations, deworming, and such forth and as I said she's perfectly happy and healthy. Of course any concern that comes up I would but haven't had any reason to, usually the first trip is to do the rabies vaccination at one year. But I feed victor hi-pro plus which is from all research I've done a great quality food and high in good protein and calories for growth especially in puppies. But I appreciate the response, thank you.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Having never had large breed puppies/dogs, all I know about feeding is from what I have learned from Breedia and I have not looked up the food you feed. There are many far more experienced than I as to the best puppy food for large breeds to make sure they do not grow too fast while their long bone plates are still growing.

    I have only had small dogs [not] "handbag dogs" and the largest one was Pereg, the girl in my avatar. I do not have her card handy but she was plus or minus 20kg and that was due to her epilepsy and medication. She was originally on a good kibble but I changed her to raw feeding about mid 2011.

    My little tiddler booga [a Doxie/Minpin accidental cross] at just gone three-years-old has been raw fed since I weaned her, and is now all of 5.7 kilos - and solid bone and muscle with no fat on her.

    But I know that it just as it is impossible to compare different breeds/sizes with their needs, it is impossible for me to say which is best. For me it is raw feeding but it is not for everyone and I would never promote it as such. Each to his/her own.

    May we please have some pictures of your girl? :)
  6. Angus and Piper

    Angus and Piper New Member

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    CaroleC likes this.
    She is fine , and remember the lighter and skinny they are the faster they are and can jump twice as high . As long with less hip and joint problems down the road .

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