Shaking spinger General Chat

Discussion in 'English Springer Spaniel' started by Elisa Clery, May 29, 2020.

  1. Elisa Clery

    Elisa Clery New Member

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    Shaking spinger

    Hi there, my 2 year springer got his first vaccinations in March this year and in April he became unwell with fever symptoms. Vet did all test, blood, liver and urine tests, found nothing so he was put on prednisone which perked him up but now we are trying to wean him off it but he is back to shaking, tired all the time, no appetite. I wonder is this a symptom of withdrawal from the steroid, would love any information as we are so worried about him
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I don't think there is anyone on here that would be able comment on your Springer's problem, other than to say that shaking is often a symptom of pain - which could have been being masked by the prednisolone.
    My Beagle boy was put on prednisolone when he first started with ulcerative colitis. It really didn't suit him as he began drinking so much that he was leaking urine, and had to have his water intake rationed. I weaned him off the pred. as quickly as I could safely do, but there was no shaking - just a return to normality.
    I hope your vet can find the reason for this, - maybe a second opinion would be useful. It is horrid when we know that something isn't right with our pets, and we don't know how to help them. Do let us know how you go on.
  4. orangeversion

    orangeversion New Member

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    Honestly, I have no idea about your problem but you should to another vet just for a second opinion. Hopefully, someone from this forum can help you or if your dog is alright now then please let us know.

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