Your advice and opinions are much appreciated: Hatchiko my Male American Akita General Chat

Discussion in 'Akita' started by Animal Welfare, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. Animal Welfare

    Animal Welfare New Member

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    Animal Welfare

    Your advice and opinions are much appreciated: Hatchiko my Male American Akita

    Hello you all lovely people...

    I am still new to this Forum and the the whole idea of sharing thoughts, concerns, questions and quotes with others, so please, do bear with me (especially if I sounded awkward) :rolleyes:

    I currently have the following babies:

    Ginger, German Long Hair 5 year old female cat (Toffee)
    Ginger, American and Brindle, Dutch 9 month old female bunnies (Jenny and Coco)

    I recently adopted an American Akita (pinto - tricolor black mask) male Akita last November 2019: Hatchiko.

    He is turning 6 months on the 28th of Feb. This boy is adorable, goofy and loves to communicate with his mouth a lot and I mean a lot!!! But he is the most enchanting and charming baby boy on this planet!

    I actually needed some advice from your kind selves on the following points - had many dogs and pets before but this boy is really special:

    1. Hatchiko is turning 6 months by the end of Feb and I was wondering if someone could help me out on knowing if this baby boy is going to be a giant or just a normal large size (VET claims he is huge lol but healthy and fit)
    32 kg, 65 cm height from foot till shoulder, 100 cm from snout tip till tail tip and 140 cm height whilst standing with his paws on my shoulders ( I am just 150 cm tall, weighing 50 kg 40 years of age) .

    2. I feed him 3 home-cooked meals mixed with his dry food (MAXI PUP Royal Canine Kibble 2 full cups) with: usually chicken, meat or Tuna with mixed veggies + either pasta, bread or rice. His treats are all natural Turkey, corned beef, hot dogs or boiled eggs (sometimes cheese in minimal amounts as a reward) along with fat free yogurt and some broth; I really try my best to use natural ingredients

    3. He is nearly done with his teething process i.e. no more milk teeth, but the adult ones are still pushing out and growing longer - I brush them at least 3 to 4 times a week

    4. I walk him 30 to 40 minutes early morning, 30 to 40 minutes late afternoon and between 60 to 90 minutes before we sleep ( I give him 15 minutes to run around a closed park where we chase each other and play tug with his leash).

    I am really, God knows, trying my best to keep him healthy, entertained and content.

    Now, my issues which somehow concerns me:

    1. He keeps getting diarrhea from time to time or soft stool (but no mucus, blood or parasites) - gave him a couple of medications prescribed by the vet but still it might stop and return (would sometimes eat grass or leaves to induce vomiting i.e. yellow liquid or mucus) but Vet said this is all normal from the weather change
    2. His mouth is mainly warm and he is salivating a lot (could be from his teeth growing process)
    3. He still loves to mouth on me especially when he needs something or wants me to do something for him ( I am working on that)
    4. Loves Toffee - my cat, plays with her from time to time, but he keeps pulling her hair, out of play, and chases her around - but never hurts her, and she just hisses or lays on her back a bit then runs to her carrier etc. ( I need your guidance on how to make them play softly)
    5. My bunnies are in their play den and he just licks them and stares at them all day - they are secured of course
    6. He loves people, kids and other dogs. He is very friendly and sociable and loves his routine and his long naps on the gold ceramic flooring. He is also very smart, hilarious, but stubborn and gets bored fast :)
    7. When we play together, and I sit on the floor, he keeps trying to mount me or hump me and I move him slowly away or cease him from such (as he sometimes bites on my arms and shoulder but without causing any damage)
    8. He started being very protective i.e. might bark on any weird looking moving object (plastic bags or moving shade cloths) while we are having our walks, any strange sound, or stand between me and the grocery guy when he arrives at my home (very very cute). He did not hit puberty yet as he still pees in a normal female-like position and his testicles are still upheld.
    9. He doesn't like to cuddle much except maybe snooze for a few minutes beside me (I actually intrude). At night, when it is sleep time, he starts by jumping on my bed, mouthing me slowly and twirling around, then goes down and sleeps under me but on the floor - every single day (I really hope that this pup loves me and is not annoyed from me... I think I need to be more patient for him to bond with me)

    P.S. BTW, He adores my hubby, who works mainly from home so he stays with him more than I do, but the strange thing is that my husband might scold him (no scream or shout) when he does something wrong and doesn't actually interact with him as much as I do, but I guess Dogs really do feel intentions and what a person is from the inside rather than external deeds or actions only (lol..sometimes I feel that is not fair to me though)

    I know that all the above might sound normal for most dogs, but of course, knowing how you all are experienced (probably in Akitas) and you are generous in sharing new info, I would really appreciate your feedback.

    Thanks a million folks!
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  3. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    It’s hard to tell how big he will grow as all dogs are individuals, and vary in growth stages, genetics /bone structure also play a part.
    At 6 months I cut meals down to two per day and carry on with two through life.

    They enjoy carrying things around in their mouth, including your wrist, mine used to gently hold my wrist and take me to what they wanted It’s not an aggressive act just an endearing trait.

    Taking young pups on long lead walks isn't encouraged,(there bones are still growing)
    the rough guide is 5 mins per day for each month of age.
    Its recommend not over doing it on hard surfaces, but free running on dirt and grass is fine.
  4. Animal Welfare

    Animal Welfare New Member

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    Animal Welfare
    Thanks for the advice.. Seems I am going on the right pace but requiring a few altered changes... Hatchiko loves his walk and running on grass and sand and that smile of his just lightens up my life :) About food, sometimes I break them into smaller portions of 4 throughout the day...Anyways, whatever size he is going to be either a dwarf, medium, large or a giant... he will always be my big baby boy....Most appreciated GsdSlave
  5. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    GsdSlave, CaroleC and Chris like this.
    I’ll add a few thoughts...

    I don’t know where you live, and what you have access too, but In my opinion there are many, many better brands of dog food than royal canine. I’ve just looked up the maxi pup and it has a lot of corn products, maize flour, maize, maize gluten. Dogs don’t need corn. Also has “animal fats”, without saying what animals...I could go on but I will just say that I believe this is a high priced, low quality food. If you care to share where you live, members could offer opinions on other brands of food for you to try. I would be concerned about the diarrhea, and I believe you can fix this with a diet change, and I don’t think it’s something that should require medication. Many, if not most vets, will recommend foods like royal canine, hills science diet, purina pro plan... these are mass produced foods, with large advertising budgets, with often low quality ingredients, lots of corn, animal by-products (which can be things like fur, hides, feathers, beaks, etc.). In the U.S, where I live, hills science diet will give free food to veterinary students.

    His on and off diarrhea is likely food related. My dogs were having soft and sometimes runny poops, and I tried some different foods and this issue went away.

    Akitas are generally a very high prey drive dog. He may see your cat as prey. Really don’t have any suggestions on how to improve their interactions. My brother had 2 Akita’s, a female and her son. The female liked kittens, would gently carry them in her mouth and move them around, like they were her babies, and allow them to climb on her. The male, her son, was a cat killer, who killed almost a dozen cats that got into his well fenced yard. Hopefully since the cat was there first he will not develop any worse habits with the cat.

    If his testicles have not dropped yet, at 6 months, they might not ever drop, which will require a more invasive and expensive neutering. My male didn’t start lifting his leg to pee until he was maybe 10-11 months old, I don’t remember exactly when. At home in his yard he still usually doesn’t lift his leg, but when we are out walking he definitely does.

    My male never tried to hump me but he would try humping his bed and also a very large stuffed dog that I had gotten him, which I eventually tossed out to discourage this... He did this after being neutered but has since grown out of it. This is very normal dog behavior.

    Akita’s tend to be aloof. I wouldn’t be overly concerned that he doesn’t like to cuddle. Don’t force it on him too much. My male will cuddle some, and spoon, but the female will lay on the bed facing me, often with a paw on my chest. She does not spoon. Sometimes I’ll be petting one of them and they’ll just get up and lay down somewhere else. It’s not personal, they’ve just had enough.

    Dogs, of all breeds, have their own feelings, and despite the fact that you may think he’s “your” dog, he may have picked your husband as his #1...
  6. Animal Welfare

    Animal Welfare New Member

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    Thank you so much. It means a lot that I see all this thought and time put in your kind reply.. I just hope for the best and I will keep on pouring my love and care on my beautiful babies and abide by all your considerate advice.

    P.S> I live in the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi
  7. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I did a quick internet search and found Dubai pet food, who will ship food to you. They carry a brand I am familiar with, called Acana. This is an excellent, high quality food made with very quality ingredients, a little on the pricey side, but you get what you pay for. It is probably shipped originally from Canada or the US to Dubai, but it’s possible that a lot of the pet food there is made elsewhere and shipped.

    I just did another search and found “the pet shop” in the Dalma mall, in Abu Dhabi. They carry quite a few good brands, and it looks like they might be connected to the place I mentioned above. They have Acana, Orijen, Stella & Chewy’s, these are all foods I’m familiar with and are good. Of these I’d go with the Acana. They also have some foods I’ve heard of , and might be good, perhaps someone from a different part of the world might give you an opinion on these.... Arden Grange and ZiwiPeak. They carry taste of the wild, but my dogs didn’t do well on this food, they had soft and runny poops, and often wouldn’t even finish it.

    Like I said in my post above, I think you’re dogs poop situation is from his food, and I don’t think very highly of royal canine. Let us know if you change foods and how it goes. If you do change his food, do it slowly, over 5 or so days, slowly adding in more of the new and less of the old.

    It’s still amazes me what you can find on the internet. If I was looking at a map that had no countries listed on it I wouldn’t be able to point out yours, but I can go online, find a pet food store in your city, that lists what brands they have and suggest something that I’m familiar with and would highly recommend. What a world. Being as all this food is shipped, I would check the expiration date on the bag.
  8. Animal Welfare

    Animal Welfare New Member

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    Animal Welfare
    Thank you all for the wonderful support.

    Although I take Hatchiko at leas once a month to the Vet just to check on him, I still do like to ask people from personal experiences which is, for sure also very valuable.

    My baby boy is turning 7 months on the 28th of March. He is about 42 kilograms in weight now and getting bit higher. I was wondering when do American Akitas or Large to Giant Breeds in general start getting their Growth Spurts? I don't think he hit puberty yet but I guess that's coming soon.

    any ideas?
  9. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    There is no way of telling, all dogs are individuals, and vary in growth stages, also genetics play a part depending on the lines some grow quickly others more slowly.
    They don’t reach full maturity till 2/3 yrs old.
    How tall is he ? any pics?
  10. Animal Welfare

    Animal Welfare New Member

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    Hello everyone!

    Hatchiko is now 10 months old and he is growing into this amazing and loving Gentle Giant! My life is a blessing having him in it...
    Maybe someone could give me tips of personal experience on how big their Akita's are and what should I consider:
    Weight: 50kgs
    Height: 73 cm at the shoulder - 75 at the hip
    Length: 170 cm whilst standing on back limbs
    Lots of extra loose skin (probably he will fill into it)
    Feeding: 3 to 4 times a day 1 cup of cooked food - Chicken, beef, tuna, rice, pasta, fish and veggies depending on his mood (never gave him dog food)
    Walks: 30 to 40 minutes at 05:30 am
    20 to 30 minutes at 18:30 pm
    30 to 60 minutes at 21:45 pm
    He loves his naps and is very sociable and friendly with both people and animals.. He is a breath of fresh air
    Teeth and coat brushing: Every other day

    Have a look and tell me what you think (BLESS HIM)

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  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I think that Hatchiko is gorgeous!
  12. Animal Welfare

    Animal Welfare New Member

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    Animal Welfare
    That is so kind of you :) He is my baby boy.. and of course his sisters: Cocco and Jenny the bunnies and Toffee the cat lol
  13. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    He is a very handsome lad.
  14. Animal Welfare

    Animal Welfare New Member

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    Animal Welfare
    Thank you so much
  15. Animal Welfare

    Animal Welfare New Member

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    Animal Welfare
    Thought of sharing my lovely babies with you all... tips and suggestions are highly appreciated dear all, please

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  16. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    What a beautiful boy. You are right to be proud of him. xx
  17. Animal Welfare

    Animal Welfare New Member

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    Animal Welfare
    Most appreciated :)
  18. BenjaminDare

    BenjaminDare New Member

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    He is a very handsome guy :D
  19. oren

    oren New Member

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    He is beautiful! I own an Alaskan Klee kai and I don't know much about the breed but you can read more on the Akita here:

    Hopefully it helps and good luck!
  20. Keith Wiethe

    Keith Wiethe New Member

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    Who is your breeder? Handsome guy!
  21. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    This Akita lives in the UEA, and I’m guessing was born there, but I’m not sure.

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