Meet me -- Bu (alias, "Little Badness.") Introductions

Discussion in 'Portuguese Water Dog' started by MaliBu, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. MaliBu

    MaliBu New Member

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    Bu (Sheldon Bu)
    That DOES SOUND dreamy. Was it France? Italy? Greece?
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  3. MaliBu

    MaliBu New Member

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    Bu (Sheldon Bu)
    Where did you live? Italy? France? Greece? Turkey? Spain? Morocco? Israel? Tunesia? Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Algeria, ; Malta, Cyprus? All those places sound fascinating in different ways. For a good long while I think it was really "in" to go to Croatia -- at least among Europeans, it was.There are some trendy Red Sea resorts in Egypt now, too but I'm less interested in the Red Sea, I think. Any of the other places sound cool. Some, I think, would be difficult if traveling alone, though. I would want to take my "Bu," but am not sure that would be practical. I think Europeans like to travel with their pets... but don't know hotel policies in Europe pertaining to dogs.

    WEird -- the first post didn't show up, so I tried to repost (and of course added some words... and now it has shown up. Maybe it takes a while. But is eating my little dental floss carrier and my sunglasses... ay yi yi . . .WHEN DOES THIS STOP????
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I live in Israel and my apartment was in Ashqelon, but for the last 25 years I have lived on a very small agricultural Moshav outside of town. So the beach is not just down the road but it is still only a very short drive away. Not possibly for me though but I much prefer where I live now, even though it seems like to be in the middle of nowhere.

    Your first post should have shown up - maybe you accidentally hit Post Reply before you added to it? And as for Bu eating your dental floss box and sunglasses... Tikva does not chew any of my things now but she does have a habit of finding things and then hiding them in her "nest" on the couch - nail clippers and suchlike.

    Sunglasses? Pereg once took my computer specs off of the table and chewed them :rolleyes: but Tikki can only reach the table if she is on my chair, so I make sure I move it away from the table if I get up to move somewhere.

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