How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Very few masks in these parts! Perhaps I would see more if I ventured to cross the road into Aldi-land!
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I do not know what it is like in town but I did not see anyone wearing a mask today even though it is now law. Being the last day of Pesah so everything was closed [tomorrow is also a holiday outside of Israel], there were lots of people walking about - like a normal Shabbat although we have not had a normal one since the lockdown, not that it has made much difference. We are also under curfew again from yesterday 5pm until ~6 or 7am tomorrow, but even without the curfew the law is not to go more than 100m from your home unless it is to buy food or medicine - which would have been impossible today as everything was closed.

    So why is nobody taking any notice? Yesterday the macolet closed around 4pm and was busy busy busy all the time, and the majority of people were not wearing masks. Ninja said there are plenty of masks at the pharmacies so there is no excuse. He had brought a couple of things for me and presented me with a few more masks, one of those full face visor thingies [!!!] plus some gloves - but what do I need masks for when I cannot go out?

    Oh, before I forget - how is Eddie's eye today Carole? Any sign of improvement?
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    The inflammation does come and go, and is always worse later in the day. Some of the medications have had to be aborted as they caused him real irritation. He seems to respond best to Blink drops and Viscotears, but he has to have some antibiotic drops and they are definitely not as soothing. I am due to stain up his ulcer again on Friday - to photograph again for his vet. He is happy enough, but progress is slower than I expected it to be, (sigh).
  5. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    Obeying the command of Sergeant Squirrel!
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    [​IMG],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,[​IMG] ....
  7. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    A litre of whiskey and a sharp knife to the fucking face!
  8. Chris

    Chris Member

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    An extension for at least three weeks to the lockdown here is no surprise.

    We are in the registered vulnerable so are in week 4 of the 12 week isolation. Will we be let loose after that? Who knows.

    One thing I do know, I think we will all be wary when we start going out again when the lockdown is lifted until an effective vaccine is available
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I think many people probably also feel that way Chris - I know that I will not be going over to the macolet even when I am permitted to leave my home, until......whenever, and I honestly do not know if I will ever feel safe to do so again. Not that it will make much difference to me though because I so rarely do go out, but it is a frightening thought though, sort of like always having to look over your shoulder in case the virus is waiting to strike.

    As for a vaccine, and hoping that it will, in fact, be effective, I wonder how many anti-vaxxers will be rolling up their sleeves.
  10. Chris

    Chris Member

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    I'd like to think all of them Juli, but I have my doubts. This is one virus that needs a 100% response to eliminate it or keep it under control, but no doubt there will be those who fall for the conspiracy theories and think the vaccine will be out to control them :(
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Chris, do you remember the whooping cough outbreak in 1975? That was because of too many parents refusing to let their children have the MMR and DTP vaccinations. Both my children had had all their vaccinations up to date but there was a bad outbreak of whooping cough that year.

    When my twin's husband was head-hunted and they went to the US they were only allowed to take a certain amount of money with them, so most of what they gained from the sale of their house etc had to be left behind. So, my they and Mother paid for me and my children to go to the States that year, each of us being permitted to take the maximum amount of money with us. We were supposed to be going for the whole six weeks summer holiday.

    Some weeks before we went my son started coughing but because of having been vaccinated, and with no "whoop" he was just treated with anti-biotics and when he still coughed after the course the doctor said it was probably an allergy and nothing to worry about. Three or four days after we arrived at my sister's house, both he and my daughter "whooped".

    Both of them were desperately ill - I remember only too well the doctor in the ER at Boston's Children Hospital in the middle of the night saying he did not know what to do because he had never seen whooping cough before, and holding my son upside down by his ankles "because he is drowning".

    That is what happens when anti-vaxxers refuse to have vaccinations. And the rest of us suffer because of their selfishness even though we are vaccinated.
  12. Chris

    Chris Member

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    I had whooping cough as a kid and even though I was very young, I remember just how awful it was.

    I believe we have a resurgence of measles now too.

    I do wish parents would protect their kids.
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I remember the whooping cough and diphtheria outbreaks when we were children but we luckily missed both. Also missed mumps but did get measles [which affected my hearing], German measles and chicken pox.

    I do not think the MMR vaccine was out when my children were babies although I think measles was then included with the DTP? as neither caught measles although both had chicken pox and mumps which Abigail picked up at Nursery school and passed on to Daniel - who came out of nappies at 19 months-old because he was covered with itchy chicken pox which did not go very well with terry nappies! Neither had rubella though, Abigail having to have the vaccination when she was 12. Abigail also picked up threadworms from Nursery, and both got head lice from school.
  14. Old

    Old Member

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    Here in America we get packages delivered. We ordered some masks, but we got scammed. They never showed up. Our neighbor gave us a pack of four.
    I don’t know about the rest of the world, but everything on our TV is designed to scare us. They don’t tell us a thing about other countries. We’re just told if we’re old we’ll probably die. I hate our news.
  15. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I live in the US, but don’t watch much TV. What network do you watch? I read a lot. There are many articles about what’s happening in other countries, although there is potential for all media to have bias one way or the other. And you know what, we should all be scared. I’m scared of the selfish people not wearing masks and being in a hurry, so not keeping a 6ft social distance. It is true that older people, especially with certain pre-existing conditions, are in more danger, but I don’t know what you’re watching that says if you’re old you’ll probably die.

    I think it’s good to watch a little news, and read some articles, but it’s not healthy to do so too much
  16. Chris

    Chris Member

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    They are reviewing the general wearing of masks here. They've kept saying they're not effective but are reviewing the evidence regarding general use.

    I think it's more to do with the shortage of personal protective equipment in hospitals to be honest and I expect the advice to change once we are let out of lockdown

    Here, those employed but told to isolate (non essential workers) get 80% of their wage from the Government and a lot of companies are making up the other 20%

    Those on the highly vulnerable register (me and hubby included because of COPD) have a food parcel delivered weekly. You can't choose what comes but they are adequate.

    Businesses have a 12 month business rate period and a grant to help keep them afloat.

    Our Government have been pretty good at protecting us so far
  17. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    We were delivered a couple of bags of basic food items when we were at our lowest, but only the single delivery. However, we did get added to the 'meals on wheels' run, and have been having two main meals delivered twice a week - plus a few extra treats. (We actually got Easter Eggs!). The meals are freshly cooked when they are delivered, and are pretty good quality too.
    OH and I disagree, but I think we should declare ourselves fit, and return to fending for ourselves, - he thinks we should see out the self-isolation period. I did attempt to visit Aldi today, but the queue was round the car park, and I chickened out. My immediate needs are not sufficient to warrant a supermarket delivery - but I wouldn't like to ask a neighbour to get items like whisky and dog biscuits for me!
  18. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Eddie's eye was no better when I stained it this morning. As the vet thought Ed's other meds might be delaying the healing of his ulcer, we have decided to stop his sulphasalazine for a week, and see whether that makes any difference.
  19. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am sorry to hear that Eddie's eye is not getting any better Carole - just have to hope that stopping the sulfasalazine for a week will make a difference.

    Regarding returning to fend for yourselves, I tend to agree with Chas that you should see out the self-isolation period, and I definitely would not recommend trying to cope with queuing at Aldi. Do they not have a special time for seniors? Yes, I know you and I are still only youngsters [I wish!] but seriously, if they do have a special time set aside and you really do not want to ask a neighbour to get your "necessities", could you not add a few extra items that would warrant a delivery?

    I could have received food and all necessities for Pesah, plus cooked food for the whole week of it, but B"H I have enough and tbh prefer my own food, although I did appreciate - and very much enjoyed - the cooked food and soup that Liat [Amit's wife] sent. But I know that if I do need cooked meals at any time all I have to do is make one telephone call and I will get.
  20. Chris

    Chris Member

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    It's easier for us to make up a delivery because we shop for Gary too. It's surprisingly easy to get to the £35 for minimum delivery.

    Carole, most areas have volunteers that are happy to shop for you and collect prescriptions. Join your local 'Next Door' site and just ask. They will be happy to provide the help if it's anything like here as they have set up groups to do just that
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have just totally confused myself over an online order. I had been putting things in the online basket as I was almost out of various things that Hai does not stock at the macolet, plus some vegetables and fruit as he only carries a few basic items of them, and on the assumption that I would not get a delivery slot for about two weeks I placed the order about an hour ago.

    It says to write in the Notes section if any members of the household are in solitary confinement according to government instructions, and whereas on previous orders since the lockdown I have answered in the negative because I thought they meant confinement due to being infected with the virus, this time I wrote that I was in solitary confinement because of my age and disability.

    Anyhow, I confirmed the order and then was offered the choice of two slots, one on a Sunday, one a Monday, so I clicked on the Sunday slot. Confirmation popped up and I thought booger, that is another month yet as I thought it had said Sunday 19.05 - until I checked on the calendar and saw that 19.05 is on a Wednesday......checked the order confirmation again and it said Order date 18.04.20, Date of delivery 19.04.20 - tomorrow! As I am registered with Shufersal under my ID number, they presumably have me on a priority list, hence the quick delivery slot. I think they must keep some slots open for people who are listed for priority deliveries.

    I also think the current situation is playing games with my brain, as I had to keep checking the date! playing .

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