What is ideal Controversial

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by mjfromga, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    What is ideal

    So this is becoming something that happens often. Without looking at this and ONLY hearing it, it sounds bad. Lots of roaring and even some yelping. There have never been any injuries. Malone will challenge Nigredo. Teeth bared and hackles raised. Malone does not submit quickly.

    He WAS initially trying to mount/hump Nigredo but Nigredo is having NONE of that and violently threw him off and pinned him down and Malone hasn't tried that for a while.

    Nigredo has to repeatedly throw him down and pin him to get him to leave him alone. He gets back up for a while and then usually he stays down but sometimes he KEEPS getting back up.

    Nigredo sometimes begins to lose his patience. He will stop battling Malone and stand with his head low and growl a certain way while Malone is still jumping at him and harassing him. I always intervene at that point and remove Malone. Malone either does not detect the potential danger or does not fear it.

    Nigredo has never shown aggression towards another animal, but they say the quiet and peaceful ones are the most dangerous when pushed too far. That stance to me means "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH AND I AM GETTING ANGRY".

    He is a dog and as thus is not totally predictable and if he truly snaps, Malone will get hurt and there may not be anything I can do. Nigredo is 100 lbs and ridiculously STRONG when he wants to be.

    This stopped without me intervening but I HAVE felt the need to get involved from time to time despite being told it is best to let them work this out.

    They are not left together EVER when I am not here. Malone is always crated when I am not home. If I shout at them, they will stop momentarily but often resume in a moment. If I get/stand up and am very stern, they will break it up and move along.

    Malone is nearly 7 months old and not neutered yet and he is bad and I understand that this behavior of testing Nigredo is SOMEWHAT normal for his age and whatnot, but it isn't getting any better.

    The day Nigredo finally loses his patience is a day I NEVER want to exist.
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  3. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Here they are outside. Malone is harassing Nigredo (blocking his path over and over) and spinning in circles like a maniac....
  4. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    This dog had food aggression at 5-6 WEEKS old. He came to me with temperament issues. He still has hyperactivity and other annoying issues. He has decided to snarl at me over a bone. This kind of stuff I don't play with.

    I can just as easily take him to the pound and tell them he bit me and he will be dead by tomorrow. I tried to give this dog a home. I have spent a lot of money on him... But I am TRULY losing my patience with him.

    This is disgusting behavior. I can and WILL handle it but I should not have to. I have been nothing but kind to this dog. He was taken from his mother far too soon and he has a horrible temperament.

    If these issues continue to crop up, I'm not even going to lie... I am going to have him put down. I cannot have a large adult dog that is this unpredictable. I won't put anybody in danger.

    He had NEVER shown any possession issues until this particular toy. He did not bite me but he WAS NOT playing. I was extremely angry as where I am from, you do not growl at the person who cares for you.

    If my father had witnessed this behavior at the point of it happening, Malone's fate would already be sealed. He would be gone immediately. My father is old and disabled and these types of dogs cannot be trifled with. He cannot defend himself should a dog attack him and he doesn't take chances. Neither do I.

    He is 20% pit bull and I hate pit bulls and I hate the temperament of this dog. He has been NOTHING BUT TROUBLE since day 1. Everyone in my family and even my friends are just telling me to GET RID OF HIM. I am getting close to listening.

    I know with the way people here think of dogs and whatnot... There will be only sympathy offered for the dog, which is pathetic, but it is what it is. I have really done a lot for this dog and he has caused me nothing but headaches and vet bills. There's no JOY out of owning him. NONE.

    I needed to rant and get this out so I figured to do it here.
  5. Old

    Old Member

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    MJ from GA
    I hear you. I’ve been there. I want you to know there’s at least one person out here who gets it.
    Good luck whichever way you decide. It’s a tough decision.
  6. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    Chris likes this.
    This is going to come across harsh so sorry it might offend you but honestly I don't know why you're even on a dog forum. Over the years you have clearly shown a disdain for owning them, you stated you would not own another after Nigredo but then rescued Malone which don't get me wrong, all credit to you at the time. But you was given loads of helpful advice throughout Malone's puppyhood which you seemed to say the right things in response too but with how you view dog ownership, your beliefs in the rearing and management of them etched, I find it hard to imagine you took much of the advice given to you on board. You never seem to seek out proper advice and constantly hold on to traditional, dangerous and outdated advice. Who told you it's best for them to work it out for example? Someone clearly not knowledgeable enough to understand how dog fights escalate or the damage that can be inflicted both physically and mentally. Why are you even allowing Nigredo to get to the point he HAS to defend himself from the constant pestering? I'd be removing Malone at the first signs of him bothering Nigredo. No ifs or buts or 'but they're dogs'. Nigredo is not teaching Malone anything other than how to act defensive & aggressive himself which on a puppy that already had A shaky start is just asking for continued trouble. Dogs are not all like Nigredo who by your own admission is lazy and happy go lucky, seemingly very chill with the existence he has. Malone is a different mix, and from day one clearly needed more exercise and mental stimulation which does not come from being allowed to just run around your yard or constantly badger Nigredo etc. ideally you would source the help of a qualified behaviourist to help you with the situation you're now in but judging by your feelings toward Malone and your old fashioned beliefs in dog ownership I doubt you want to invest the time & money into him he deserves.
  7. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Lou you didn't offend me. You've said all that to me before and I expected those types of replies here and even said so. Only sympathy for the dog, and none for me. It is what it is. This dog would almost certainly be dead without my effort to give him a home... So truly I don't even want to hear it, but say what you will.

    I had to take a break from the forum and try to relax. Despite what you think, I have spent quite a lot on him. I haven't spent thousands of dollars on dog trainers that don't exist, but I have spent a lot on him.

    I did take some time to chill out and realize he's just a puppy and he needs more guidance. I have taken another job to help ensure he has what he needs. He is doing much better now. He still has hyperactivity and problems... But he is growing up and it is better.
  8. Old

    Old Member

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    mjfromga likes this.
    I’m not Lou. However, I have spent a fortune on dogs. Hope things are well.
  9. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Thank you. Things are better now. Still monster puppy but tolerable. One day at a time.
  10. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I’m glad to hear that he’s doing a little better, and hopefully so are you, and also that you’ve realized he’s just a puppy. He will still be a puppy for quite awhile longer. Merry Christmas
  11. Old

    Old Member

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    He’s growing up mentally. He keeps surprising me at how smart he is.
    Merry Christmas to you too.

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