Wandering if any JRT or Russell terrier families have a good luck with chew/toy subscriptions? We seem to destroy or grow tired of expensive goodies. I hate the idea of getting stuck in a subscription service if it's wasted. I'm not looking for a pupsitter, just wanting to add to my pups happy life. Appreciate any feedback.
When we have any kind of cloth items that are ready for throwing away we tie a piece into knots, some large, some smaller. Once it’s knotted we stuff his biscuits into the knots. That keeps him busy for a while & once they get really tatty we throw them away
Old pairs of socks, knotted together, and pieces of soft cotton rope are favourites with my two. Also, tennis balls - the cheap pet shop ones break up and aren't worth buying, but Eddie loves his Kong squeaky ones. Having had expensive disasters with both bones and antlers, their chew treats are now paddywack, (dried sinew), and ears - with or without the fur - rabbit, cow or pig.