Akita puppy questions General Chat

Discussion in 'Akita' started by Abocci, Feb 16, 2019.

  1. Abocci

    Abocci New Member

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    Akita puppy questions

    Hi all, I apologize if this is long, but I have a 9 month, male Akita. I have worked really hard to socialize him with new places, people and animals. He reacts beautifully in most cases when other dogs are more aggressive and dominant, wether it’s in my apartments, someone else’s or the dog park. I’ve seen him defend himself twice, but both times he was bitten by the other dog first. Can I expect this behavior to just randomly change one day? Today he has a German shepard tackle him in dominance at the dog park and he got on his back and went with it. He has also never had an issue with dogs or people taking his toys or food.

    Also, eventually when I get a larger place, I would like to begin fostering dogs again, and/or get him a sibling. Everything I have read says not to own two male Akitas. Has anyone raised two together successfully? If young enough wouldn’t the pecking order naturally be established with maybe one or two battles of dominance?

    Last question for now; eventually I would love to make Huey a therapy dog. He adores people, at least right now, and has responded to several different emotions in his young life. It’s not a breed people this of for this line of dog work, but as anyone in this forum done it? If so, what routes and trainigndo you suggest outside the required training?
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  3. My bear Yoji

    My bear Yoji Member

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    As I read your post it takes me straight back to when our Male pup was the same age.
    Yoji is 2 now and in his short life he has had 5 “ battles “ just as you described. Yoji was on lead and off lead dogs approach, it’s as if he knows already that he doesn’t like them and it only takes a wrong move or growl from the other dog and it sets him off
    He has got a lot better, maybe with age or confidence
    Given what I know about my dog, I wouldn’t bring another dog into the house
    Don’t get me wrong 2 “ dogs “ can live together, but, I’m a member of several “ Akita “ groups on Facebook and daily I read posts about fights, some serious, that have broken out involving Akitas with multiple dog households.
    Some people rehomed, some keep them separated at all times.
    I personally wouldn’t do it because there is a chance it won’t work out, I couldn’t bare the stress and worry
    This obviously is only my opinion
    There is nothing wrong with the Akita being like this, it’s their trait, since Yoji I find myself reading articles everyday about the breed, they are fascinating
    Befrore me, my husband had 2 female Akitas, 2 sisters from different litters and he said they were amazing together, so, I know I can work, but, I think the times it does are few and far between
    Let us know what you decide and keep the questions coming, there are lots of knowledgeable people on here, plenty who are or have been Akita owners
    There is also the fact that if an Akita isn’t a pure breed you have the traits of the other breed to contend with
  4. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    It can be done, I had two entire Akita’s and entire Gsd live happily together I think it’s down to the individual dogs concerned rather than breed as a whole.
    ScottPictures036 m.jpg
  5. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I currently have 2 Akitas, a 29 month old male, and a 15 month old female. I previously had a male Akita and a good friend had his brother, and a friend of my friend had another brother (my brother had the mom of all 3 ). My dog got along well his whole life with my friends dog, and I would dog sit him when they were out of town. They did need to be separated to eat, before the food bowls even came out, and no bones laying around the yard as well. Otherwise they got along great and played and chased each other around. My dog didn’t like the other brother, and they were never allowed together off leash, as my dog would want to fight. My friends dog got along ok with the third brother, but periodically they would get into it, so after awhile they were only together on leash as well. 4CE5CF99-606C-43A5-A484-9A0FFE852549.jpeg 81DA3EFD-0DB5-4269-8A28-7008B2E30087.jpeg The two of them had genuine affection for each other and seemed to often enjoy a physical closeness. My current two don’t touch while sleeping, while these two pictured above would often sleep with parts of their bodies touching. It did seem like after about a week of dog sitting that they would get tired of each other and want more space, but they were always excited to visit each other, and were each other’s only dog friend.

    I obviously chose to not risk having 2 males and for me that was the right choice. Just wasn’t worth the risk to me. @GsdSlave obvously didn’t have an issue with her dogs, and all unaltered, but from everything I’ve read and heard, that is more the exception to the rule. Sometimes it doesn’t work out with having Akitas of the opposite sex.

    Both my dogs love people (but not other dogs) and before I got the female I thought about training Bandit to be a therapy dog. I have read of Akitas being therapy dogs, so if you are willing to put in the time I’d say go for it. I think there are programs to get them certification.
  6. Abocci

    Abocci New Member

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    Thank you! I have about a year left before I can move out and get a larger place, so I plan on monitoring his behavior closely and still working on socializing him. I think I’ve decided that when I do get a second one, I’m going to let him pick the dog. I hope he stays as sweet and social as he is now.

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