staffs and cats Questions

Discussion in 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier' started by helenmelon, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. helenmelon

    helenmelon New Member

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    staffs and cats

    hi we have a sbt and he is 8 months old, he is such a bloody puff.. he is scared of the fridge for gods sake lol anyway....... im thinking of getting a kitten, would that be wise? thought as buster is 8 months n still a pup that he would be ok but i really need to check first
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  3. darasa

    darasa New Member

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    I have no idea about Staffs and cats as a breed .. but in general I would have thought any well planned introduction with a dog that was not already cat agressive should be OK

    Maybe someone with more knowledge will help more
  4. Anne-Marie

    Anne-Marie New Member

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    I cannot remember who posted it, but there was a photo of someones Staffies cuddled up to their cats posted on here, so it can be done!;-)
  5. griff

    griff New Member

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    i have a staffy and a staffy x along with a 3 legged cat:) i already had the cat when i got my first pup,i don't think it should be a problem as long as your dog is not aggressive towards cats and is not possesive of you/your long as you have a carefully monitored introduction things should be o.k:grin:
    just to show they are all friends:)
  6. Ella's Mum

    Ella's Mum New Member

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    ella wouldn like it one bit :lol: :lol: she would be licking her lips , but as he is only a pup you might find there ok i depends on the type of personality he has what does he do when he see a cat outside ???
  7. Missysmum

    Missysmum New Member

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    Missy runs for her life before the "TIGER" gets her !:smt043:smt043:smt043:smt043:smt043:smt043. Yep, She's scared of them.
  8. loveabull

    loveabull New Member

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    I guess each dog is individual my Angel has chased a cat out of our garden luckily it jumped onto the fence before she could reach it I'm not sure what would have happened if she had caught it but I wouldn't like to find out.
  9. Doggydina

    Doggydina New Member

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    My wee staffie cross (also Angel) loves my cat, cat not so sure though, ha ha. But they get on great. As said before, just be very watchful on the introduction. :grin:
  10. Stamford

    Stamford New Member

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    Ossie loves my two cats,and one of them has slowly but surely gotten used to him,but the other one still hates him,although she will just about walk past him without hissing now.Although we did have the cats before we got Ossie.
  11. Miranda

    Miranda New Member

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    We have a staff puppy and a 2 yr old cat they are nearly living in harmony!!!! We did however have the cat before the dog.
  12. Naomi

    Naomi New Member

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    I had a staffy who was also scared of cats. He saw one under the hedge, when it hissed at him, he ran back indoors, ears back, tail between his legs, you'd swear he'd had a rocket shoved up his bottom :roll:

    Cats & dogs can live together but introductions should be slow and supervised at all times. If the cat (or dog for that matter) have an escape route if things don't go according to plan you should be okay :D
  13. Cooper

    Cooper New Member

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    Hi, my mum inherited my 1 year old SBT when I moved back into my parents house after a relationship breakdown. In my previous house we had a cat and our SBT would chase her... but at my mums - she wont go near the cat there because the cat is so used to dogs and defending her own, and the dogs are actually scared of her - so it also depends on the cat... with a kitten you have an advantage but you could also get a rescue cat that has loads of dog experiance.
  14. Miranda

    Miranda New Member

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    My cat and Staff are now living in harmony(well nearly) I was told by my friend's Mum how Staffs want to kill cats. How ignorant is that!! My staff wants to play with cats and whines when they jump away from her. I hope that she will aways be like that, and will continue with the training classes to be a friendly, trustworthy dog.
  15. bale844

    bale844 New Member

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    i have 2 cats + 2 staffies, mine have always been fine with each oter but i did have the cats b4 the dogs so im not sure if that makes a diference?!?! jo xx
  16. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    We have four Staffords and two cats.

    They look on our cats as part of the family ad would still chase a strange one, as would most dogs.
  17. danny78

    danny78 New Member

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    hi i have a staff called buster and he is seven. he is scared of cats here is a picture. please send me one of yours. thanks.[​IMG][/IMG]
  18. teenytiny

    teenytiny New Member

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    My SBT has taken 3mths to get along with my 2 cats...not long, seeing as some dogs never take to cats:?
  19. inneedofhelp

    inneedofhelp New Member

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    i have 2 staffs and 2 cats AND BELIEVE ME ITS NOT A GOOD IDEA.....
    kahn chases the cats all over the house, so i think keep him with another staff or without kittens
  20. Stamford

    Stamford New Member

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    It does depend on the individual dog really,like i said in an earlier post Ossie either takes no notice of our two cats or he wants to play with them.The problem being they don't want to play with him,although we have noticed the younger of the two cats now has a little play until ossie gets to full on then he too does a runner.

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