A reminder from Pereg? General Chat

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Malka, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    A reminder from Pereg?

    I get various funny dog pictures sent to me from various sites, but the following made me sit up and think o_O


    Maybe I should explain, if I can. The hand-written sign in Ivrit is in script, not the typed Hebrew letters in letters, and more importantly, in our prayer books. And no vowels in script [or in typed letters] just in prayer books.

    So this comes into my inbox and I think o_O

    The Ivrit hand-writing says Pereg. Actually it says the letters Pay, Reish, Gimmel from right to left. P R G - Pereg. And Pereg means Poppy, as in the flower, but which is usually used for poppy seeds for baking. And the cookies shown are Hamentaschen [a Yiddish word] known here as Haman's ears, the usual filling for them being mainly poppy seeds. A custom treat for the Festival of Purim.



    I had initially called her Poppy but standing outside in the pouring rain, propped up against the wall of my home getting soaked to the skin almost non-stop trying to house-train her saying "come on Poppy, make peepee for Mommy" sounded rather off. Plus it sounded too much like 'puppy'. So I changed her name to Pereg, which meant the same.

    So when I opened the email in my inbox and saw that, I though hey, Pereg might be gone but she is making darn sure I can never forget.

    But I never would or could - which is why I will not change my avatar.

    Sleep sweetly my beloved Pereg and know that you are forever in my heart. xxx
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  3. PaulainPoole

    PaulainPoole New Member

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    OH what a heartfelt story, thank you for sharing this with us all.
    Our dogs become a part of the family which only dog lovers understand.
  4. katilea

    katilea New Member

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    Exactly a week after Inca passed I went to 'our bench' and had been trying to get a shot of JJ with his ball, in one pic he had gone off shot before I'd pressed the button but there was an image of what looks like a dogs face! ..Other people could see it too (on the photo) though there was nothing to see with the naked eye at the time and no shadows on the ground at the time that would explain what looks like a puppy with distinct eyebrows! can you see it between the bench and the scooter?

    inca's spirit.jpeg

    I've never managed to capture another 'spirit puppy' since and I've gone and taken pics every month on the date she died since she passed in march 2016. (and some randomly at other times in the hope of capturing it again).

    JJ has often appeared to be playing with another dog or watching one move around the room, where there is nothing for me to see. I've felt a dog laying on my bed and against my feet in bed at night (initially thinking it was JJ), then realised I could see JJ in the opposite corner of the room curled up on his own bed fast asleep. I feel she is still with us in spirit and visits often.

    After she passed JJ has occasionally done things suddenly that Inca used to do (before he knew her) that he's never done. an example of this is when Inca and I lived at our old flat when it was just us. I'd sit on floor at door (with it open) when she was in communal garden and she'd come and perch her bum on my leg and sit there sitting on my knee looking into the garden with me.

    By the time I had JJ I was in a wheelchair so couldn't easily get on the floor and cross my legs like that so it's never been something he's done and Inca had arthritis by then herself, so it's not something he's seen her do either since he's lived here with us. The morning after Inca had passed I was sat up in bed with one leg folded in front of me while checking email and JJ suddenly out of nowhere jumped the on bed, sat with his back to me backing up onto my leg then pushed his body into mine with his head against me (he'd never done this in his life before up to this point!) I felt a really intense wave of emotion and the air in the room felt quite cold for a few minutes, then he jumped off as suddenly as he had jumped on and just seemed to go back to being JJ ie doing what he usually did,, bringing me his tennis ball and indicating he wanted to go out! (which is what he usually did first thing in the morning). He's 'hugged me' like Inca used to when she was young a few times since and it's different to him coming for a fuss as himself. It's almost like Inca's there telling him to come and give me a hug from her, as she did so I'd know it was from her.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I sometimes wonder, Kate - Pereg was given peace on 1 April 2015 and Tikva was born on 15 May 2015. And yet... and yet... Tikki has such similar habits at times, disliking certain people who walk past just because of the way they look or dress... "telling" me if someone is walking down the path whether they are friend or "I do not know but..."

    And non-stop talking if I am on the telephone!

    Tikva. It means Hope. The hope being that The Monster would never come to call as he did to Pereg. But even now I am still on seizure watch and I think I will always be.
  6. katilea

    katilea New Member

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    I often wonder if Inca would have reincarnated already if I hadn't already had JJ at the time she passed. Our family belief is of reincarnation (though for humans its into the next life) I only found out a few years ago that it was possible for a dog to return in the same lifetime because their lives are so much shorter than ours. I do believe she will come back one day in the form of another dog, but whether she's waiting for JJ to get old so she can return to help us and be my next helper again I'm not sure.

    I hope she's enjoying some freedom and after watching the film 'A Dog's Purpose' ..maybe she has already reincarnated and gone to help someone else who has a life where she can travel more. I hope she will return one day when I'm older and I also get that wonderful moment that Ethan (in the film) got when he realised 'Buddy' was Bailey.

    I'm kind of hoping she won't wait that long, though it's not a good time right now for me to get a second dog and I don't think it will happen this year.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Neither Pereg nor Tikva were/are service dogs although both acted/act as hearing dogs for me, seeming to know that my hearing is not good. And both knew/know that the beep when I switch my chair on means I am going to reverse so get out of the way.

    Tikva will be my last four-legged companion and all being well she will outlive me, but I have made arrangements for her in that situation. I cannot imagine life without "My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet" [Edith Wharton] although unlike Pereg and Lexi, Tikki sleeps in a crate at the foot of my bed.
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Neither Pereg nor Tikva were/are service dogs although both acted/act as hearing dogs for me, seeming to know that my hearing is not good. And both knew/know that the beep when I switch my chair on means I am going to reverse so get out of the way.

    Tikva will be my last four-legged companion and all being well she will outlive me, but I have made arrangements for her in that situation. I cannot imagine life without that "heartbeat at my feet" [Edith Wharton].
  9. BronsonTheBulldog

    BronsonTheBulldog Member

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    Wow. Reading both your stories has left me with a tear in my eye. I've known the loss of a doggy companion, but only through rehoming and not anything else. But my Daughter's bunny rabbit, 'Sonik Elmo Misstoffelees Fudd Sullivan the 2nd', when he got flystrike and had to be put to sleep because he lost the use of his back legs, was suffering too much and the kindest thing to do was to end his pain and suffering, we were both heartbroken for a long time after, as these were both mine and my Princesses first ever pets. His little brother 'Stinkybum Superstar Baby Fretelli the 2nd', I could sense felt it too! And I sit and think of him most days still, knowing that even though he's gone, he's now running round in bunny heaven with all his friends, happy and no longer hurting.

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