I have a 5mth old presa and I'm struggling to get her insured, I am in the U.K. Can anybody help? Thanks
Are you looking for health insurance, or 3rd. party cover? Just had a quick Google, and there does seem to be a problem with getting insurance for what are seen as guarding breeds. Healthy Pets seems to be one company that has been suggested elsewhere - I have no personal experience. If it is the 3rd party insurance that most concerns you, why not join The Dogs Trust? For an annual membership fee of £25, (£12.50 for seniors), you get £1000000 cover for any dog in your ownership, (an excess does apply - I think it is £200). You also get access to a 24hr vet helpline, and a Canine Care card in case you should pre-decease your dog.
Have you tried M&S? https://mandspetins.co.uk/quoteAndBuy.do?e=e1s1&curPage=captureDetails They used to insure Presas then added them to their exclusion list but not sure whether that's still the case..
Hi Chris, I am due to get a male Presa in 2 weeks, and I am in the Uk. I cannot find insurance anywhere for him. Did you get any? Thanks. Kate
I hoped to find something myself. If I cant, I will message the breeder and wait for a response! thank you.
If you are unable to get it (which is simply crazy, but if they won't accept they won't accept) then you could start a savings fund. Not what you want but worse case scenario.
have you tried Petplan and Healthy Pets? Both used to do it (looking at other forums where the question has come up)
Can you not just put her down as a mastiff with them been a canary mastiff ? I used to have mine insured with petplan but can't remember if I put her down as a presa or a mastiff.
I did the math, and I just can't see pet insurance being worth it. Let's say you insured your pup from the start. A decent amount of coverage would be $34-40/mo USD. So if you dog lived just 10 years, and that's conservative, you will have paid out almost $5000 in premiums! For then what? 70% after co-pay? And you'll still be on the hook for regular checkups, shots, routine, etc. You need to ask yourself if you think you'd be paying that much in medical bills. (now queue the guy who's going to tell me how much liver transplants costs)
I have never insured my dogs. With multiple animals it just isn't economic, and up to rehoming Eddie I have never really had a great deal wrong with my dogs. It would definitely have paid me to insure Ed as he was puppy farm (mill) bred, and has had a host of auto-immune related illnesses and operations. On the plus side, he has been my cleverest and most successful performance dog, and I don't begrudge him a single penny!