Staffies and water. General Chat

Discussion in 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier' started by bluemurphy, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. bluemurphy


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    Staffies and water.

    Is it just my dogs or are all staffies afraid of water. Mine will paddle in a puddle on a hot day, but there is NOOO chance they would swim. Its hard enough getting them to go out when its raining.
    I see other dogs swimming and they look like they love it. I`ve tried going in first, throwing toys/ sticks in, but nothing works. :roll:
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  3. bluemerle lover

    bluemerle lover New Member

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    some dogs love it some dogs dont i have two collies and one loves water but the other one is not to bothered with it i wouldnt worry when your dog is ready to attempt going into deeper water he or she wil let you know when there ready:grin:
  4. Moli

    Moli New Member

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    Both my staffies hate water, even puddles!!!
  5. strawboss

    strawboss New Member

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    When we got Maya she wouldn't have anything to do with water but over a year or so she started looking forward to boat rides etc.
    She still won't swim so has a life jacket in the fishing boat, & will wade/paddle quite deeply & dunk her head bless her heart:lol:
  6. cable

    cable New Member

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    my staffs arent keen on swimming, my eldest will quite happily sit in a bath and let me wash him.... the pup wont!

    one day i was sitting by a lake fishing with jake(my eldest) he spotted two ducks on the bank and decided to chase them, obviously the ducks took off over the lake and jake followed! he sunk like a stone. i got really worried because he was under for a good 5 seconds, just as i was about to dive in jake surfaced facing the bank. he must have turned around under the water:? needless to say he spent the rest of the afternoon feeling sorry for himself....
  7. Anne

    Anne Global Moderator

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    My lot hate water. Never have they jumped in a stream to cool off, they avoid puddles and refuse to go out in the rain. Mention the word bath and they all scatter in opposite directions :grin:
  8. griff

    griff New Member

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    my eldest staff loves water:grin: she has her own pool in the garden and goes in it daily and she also attends hydrotherapy each week:grin: my staffx doesn't like the pool in the garden but is like a loony in the river:lol:
  9. Jenny234

    Jenny234 New Member

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    indie loves water. but she jumps in and jumps straight back out. it sends her into a mad half hour run around,lol.

    apparently staffies and other deep chested breeds can find it difficult to learn to swim cos they are more front heavy and their front tends to swim.

    we took indie to a fitness swim at a hydrotherapy centre and she learnt to swim there with a life jacket on, so shes not as worried to get into water now
  10. bluemurphy


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    Thanks for your replies. I`ll have to wait and see what happens. There seems to be a pattern emerging with rain and puddles though!.
  11. YR

    YR New Member

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    Like nothing better on days like this than messing about by the river:grin:
  12. Ella's Mum

    Ella's Mum New Member

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    ella loves the paddling pool but not the rain :roll:
  13. bluemurphy


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    Must be fate. Our pup has discovered water!!. She`s only 4 months and loves the stuff. We had a small paddling pool out over the weekend and we couldn`t keep her out of it. She even puts her head under!!!!!!
    I even stopped watching the footy to watch her!!.
    I was a wee bit under the influence to remember to take any pics though. Sorry.:lol:
  14. Laura

    Laura New Member

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    My 2 LOVE the water. I think it depends on what they are used to, like others have said some dogs (like people) just like and dislike certain things however I have been lucky in that I have always taken my dogs to the beach & to a nearby loch so they have always been around the water from a young age. I think if they are confident around the water and arent pushed into anything most tend to enjoy it I know more Staffords that prefer water (I know a few who regularly go to hydrotherapy pools) than I do who dont...




  15. YR

    YR New Member

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    Those are great pics and it looks a lovely setting.
  16. KatieB_23

    KatieB_23 New Member

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    Gadget's a Staffie X and he loves swimming!
    Wierd though cos if there's a puddle he'll jump over it, and if it's raining he prefers not to go outside.
    He's quite happy to be bathed though.
  17. Missysmum

    Missysmum New Member

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    Missy hates rain, and avoids puddles as if there are crocodiles in them:lol:. Mention bath, and she hides in the farthest corner of the house. She used to be scared of rivers, and the sea too. I've gently encouraged her to play in a small stream, and take her to the beach a lot. First time at the beach she was scared. Now, she runs straight into the sea. Last time at the beach, I was paddling, knee deep. Missy was right by my side. A big wave swept right over her head and she looked at me as if to say " :shock:what the heck:shock:". I laughed and made a fuss of her so she started playing "find the shell on the sea bed" , dunking her head under for ages! Next "game" is to "get the little doggie to play in the paddling pool"8). Think I'll do that today. It's already 25 degrees C (77 farenheit), and it's only 8-30 am!
  18. Benzmum

    Benzmum New Member

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    Ben my Staff x loves the water, when we go to the beach he charges down to get to the sea and loves playing and swimming.

    When he was young he hated it but decided to go after seagulls one day who quickly took off and flew out over the sea, so Ben followed and found he had to sink or swim!!!

    He ihas a typical Staff body, the broad chest and chunky bones but his head is not quite so square and he has longer legs, so don't know if that makes it easier for him:)
  19. stormin_tina

    stormin_tina New Member

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    my dogs are totally the same they are irish staffords i don't no what kaiser is like with water but he doesn't like going in the bath
  20. Benzmum

    Benzmum New Member

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    Took Ben to beach today what a laugh...he had a great time, he went swimming in sea and thought it would be great fun to chase breakers and to try and catch the swell, was really worried he'd be sick as he swallowed so much sea water but no....and he was such a gem, he hhad a ball and he had his first ever ice cream cone!!!!
    He wants to go back tomorrow!!!!!:lol:
  21. loveabull

    loveabull New Member

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    Angel is a staffie, she love's her paddling pool, rivers lakes and even had her first swim in the sea but she hates puddles ( will walk round them) and hates the rain if we get caught in the rain she pulls like crazy until you take her home which is no fun cause she's really strong. She also likes taking a bath.

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