Someone was asking me on another forum what age a staff is fully grown. Her's is 7 months now and I said I thought it wouldn't have much further to go but I don't know about Staffs! I know that since Takara was 8 months (ish) she hasn't grown just filled out so said this might be the same but that I would double check! Any info would be great!
i guess it varies between dogs but was under the impression they stop growing upwards at about 10 months and then they fill out between 12 months and 2 years. could be wrong tho. but indie stopped growing upwards when she was about 6 months old, but shes never really filled out.
Think thats right, Tara got to 16inches by the time she was a year...But is only now begining to put muscle on...
staffies start to fill out at about 18 months old and stop growing at around 3 years old they stop gaining height before the 18 months