The skinny one General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Malka, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    The skinny one

    No photos I am afraid as Tikva is either rushing around outside or curled up on the couch having a zonk, but I managed to get her weighed this morning. She was last weighed, as usual, every three months by first Michal and now Ram weighing themselves, then hoiking her up to weigh them together, deleting one from t'other to get her weight.

    Last time was 28 December last year when Ram came to give her he Parkworm shot - they need her exact weight to know how much of the vaccine to draw. The next one is not due until the end of next month, but various people have been having a go at me because she is so thin.

    Yes she is thin, Her spine and ribs show but her hips/thighs and shoulders look like she is on steroids, and because she had been wearing a sweater during the day until last Wednesday, it was not so obvious.

    She is now the same weight - 5.5kg - as she has been for ages and although she has grown in size [she is abour 20½ months old] but she is so skinny that some people are being nasty and accusing me of starving her..

    She is raw fed - never asks for more food, is full of energy and is a very happy pup - except when trying to put a sweater on her, which I will not try again,

    Tikva is just skinny, definitely has enough food, so what do people want me to do? End up with an obese little dog?
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    In two days Tikva will be 21 months old. She has grown, true, but is thinner than ever, and I was able to weigh her and she is now 5.2 kilos and not just skinny but thin. She was 5.5 on 28 December last year when Ram came to give her the Parkworm shot.,

    She is as happy and energetic as ever, but tbh she looks as if she is starved.

    I am not going to call out Ram just because of Tikki's weight and body size because both he and I know she is fed well on the raw food and supplements she needs. He is due at the end of March in any case for her Parkworm shot, when she will have to be weighed - same scales on the same floor tile - same way as always.

    But someone has said that they have reported me to for cruelty, for having a little dog who goes outside on a tether, and looks like skin and bones.

    I have increased her food and she never asks for more, so what do I do now? She is very thin, yes, but she is energetic, rushes around when she is out, and sleeps well.

    Me? Cruel? So what do I do now.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I should have added this to the above - sorry.

    Tikva had a biscuit after she had woken me to let her out for a pee this morning and then came back in to her crate so we could have another zonk.

    She had eight frozen [bought raw] whitebait for her 10am breakfast, which was a little bit late. went out for a quick pee and poo as the rain had stopped, and is now curled up on the couch zonking.

    I know she is healthy although it is obvious how thin she is, but her hip/thigh/shoulder muscles look like she is on steroids. I cannot speak to Ram until at least 1pm because he is usually operating in the mornings, and although I am not worried about Tikva being so thin, I am scared about the thought of being reported [to whom?] for cruelty.
  5. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    Is she drinking a lot ?

    With regards to 'being reported' - you can presumably keep evidence of vaccination or any vet visits ?
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Phil - she drinks as normal - not much as she is raw fed. And yes, I have her Vet card which shows [and has been signed] by her vet for all vaccinations and vet visits since she first came to me at 3 weeks old.

    She has been seen by her then primary vet [Ram's deputy vet] since she came here. Only been to the surgery once to be spayed. But first Michal and now Ram come to my home every three months for her Parkworm shot. Yearly for boosters. And Vadim, our Local Authority Vet - who is responsible for poultry, eggs, everything for human consumption - comes here once a year for her rabies shot.

    Everything is on her card. Written and signed by firstly Michal, then Vadim for her rabies shot - and after Michal left, by Ram..

    I just called the surgery and Ram was not operating so had a few minutes to talk to me. He still, after all these years with first Pereg and now Tikva, does not understand much about raw feeding, telling me that a "good quality dog food" is better because it has all the vitamins and minerals necessary.

    Oh yeah? Yes Tikva is raw fed, as was Pereg, but the both had/have all additional vitamins and minerals that are necessary, in full necessary amounts. Unlike most dog foods that do not. Just a smidgen of what they call vitamins. I changed Pereg from kibble onto raw maybe July 2011 from the advice given by Tarimoor on Dogsey, tweaking it according to what I was able to purchase. I still refer to her post to make sure I have not missed any vital ingredients.

    And Pereg was 100% healthy - she was just epileptic and no diet or anything can cure that.

    Ram said that if Tikva rushes around as she does - then sleeps when she is tired. Eats well and never nags for more food [unless she sees me eating a banana in which case it is "wanna nana"], then not to worry.

    If the person who says they have reported me has actually done so, then it would be Dr Vadim the Local Authority Vet who would come and check her. OK so he only sees her [and Pereg and Lexi before] yearly for rabies shots, and as Ram said, no way would Vadim query Tikva being thin.

    I know that Ram still does not understand, or believe in raw feeding and unfortunately too many vets do not, but I know that it suits Tikva, just as it suited Pereg, and I know enough to add the necessary vitamins and supplements that makes the food 100% perfect.
  7. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    You say she's thinner than ever. She was also spayed pretty early on, right? Something doesn't seem normal about that. I'd be concerned. My last dog was skinny all his life but had strong muscles, too. When he began to get thinner despite not eating less, he was getting sick. Unexplained weight loss is of concern and I'd be trying to rule out things like cancer or perhaps thyroid, digestion, or autoimmune issues.

    I want to add that there's no such thing as a diet that is perfect for every dog. Just because one dog does well on a certain diet doesn't mean all dogs do. A dogs spine really should not show and a spayed dog that is half dachshund (a breed prone to weight issues the OTHER direction) really shouldn't be underweight.
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Myra, she looks thinner because she has still grown in size if not weight. I have spoken to Ram again and he is not worried, but my driver [who is currently working in Tel Aviv] will collect us tomorrow to take us to the surgery where Tikva will have blood drawn for a full blood work-up so we have a basis to work on.

    Do not forget that Tikva is only half Dachshund, her sire being a small MinPin, so being a cross-breed who knows who she takes after?

    I am not really worried - Ram is worried - but she has never had a blood test before so I thought it would probably be an idea to get her current levels.

    She is not sick. She is a healthy energetic little one who just does not put on weight. Ram said that going from 5.5 kg to 5.2kg means nothing. She works the weight off when she rushes about.

    She was spayed at just over 6 months-old and a good weight for her size, before she had had her first season.. Not a juvenile spaying but because of the risk of her being caught by any of the stray dogs here, it was considered that she was old enough and large enough to be spayed at the time.

    The thing is that she is not underweight for her size. She is just a skinny one who is very active, eats and drink well - but is just skinny.
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Correction to the above. Ram is NOT worried. Nor has her spaying been considered as juvenile spaying. She was old enough and weighed enough to be spayed, and had no reactions from it.
  10. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I have to admit that I did find your description of Tikva's build worrying, but I know how staunchly you believe in raw feeding so didn't like to pass comment.
    I do think the blood profile is a good place to start though. As Myra has suggested, she could have something like an endocrine problem, so there no point in thinking about her diet until you are sure what you are dealing with.
    I have had two thin dogs in the past, (well, three if you count Mia, the starvation case Lurcher). Both were Cavaliers - one was Jazz, a bought in dog, and Minta was a homebred bitch, both of which had very poor appetites. Though Minta, (she of the single ovary), did fill out after being spayed, Jazz proved to be a natural vegetarian. Though beautifully bred, he went to live with vegetarian friends, and remained thin all his life. Of course, having Cavalier furnishings, it was far less visible.
    I do hope all goes well at Tikva's appointment.
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    mjfromga and CaroleC like this.
    Carole - Tikva eats very well. She seems to know when it is dindin's time and comes and tells me in case I had forgotten. Not that I could as I have both her 10am [raw bone meal] and 8pm [supplements and vitamins making up a sort of soup], mixed vegetables and cut up raw meat, both on ReminderFox on the computer, and the times pop up from an hour before her meals are due. I just click on for them to snooze for 15 minutes each time and then cancel once she has been fed.

    I know what I am doing regarding raw feeding [Thank you Jonanne - @Tarimoor - and I know that Tikva has all the food and nutrients that she needs.

    Please do not forget that Tikki has been with me since she was 3 weeks old and I had to bottle feed her with puppy milk substitute day and night, then wean her. And she has been seen by a vet - first Michal and now Ram himself, every three months. It was every week that Michal came here to start with as Tikva was so young. Then three monthly because of the Parkworm which had now travelled down from the centre of the Country. The last time Ram was here was on 28 December for her three-monthly Parkworm shot, which she is not due again until the end of next month. So it is not as if she never has a vet check-up and Ram has never suggested a blood work-up to find her normal levels.

    I have just accepted her as a skinny minnie and Ram has never queried it. She loves her food - she enjoys her food - and never nags for more. She is just thin, and it was my idea to have a blood work-up for a basis. And because of being threatened by some idiot who accused me of starving her.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Minor problem. After a not very good night, when Tikki stirred I let her out for a p&p then we both went back to bed. Well, her in her crate and me in my bed. Surfaced a bit later, gave her her morning chew, got washed and dressed by which time it was past her breakfast time and she was asking for it.

    So without thinking I fed her, although she should have been starved since midnight for the blood test otherwise some results might not be accurate. And just as I was cursing myself for forgetting, one of Ram's nurses telephoned full of apologies but they had had an emergency come in so Ram was operating, and could I please leave it for another time.
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Still no blood test as Ram has decided he wants to wait until he comes at the end of next month for Tikva's Parkworm shot, when he will weigh her on my scales as always, and give her a thorough check-up as usual. How many other pups have regular three-monthly vet checks? OK, so Pereg did but she had to have three-monthly blood tests because of her medication, both had it not been for that it would just have been the regular yearly medical.

    He also wants to see how energetic she is in her [our] home and exactly how much I feed her and how much she drinks - I empty and wash out her water bowl after she has gone into her night crate, re-filling it in the morning, so I know how much she has drunk during the day. She never wants water at night, it is crate, bikkie, curl up on the fluffy mat at the sleeping end and zonk until morning. And she never asks for more food although of course if she did, I would give her.

    I think that Ram still does not believe in raw feeding. Even though he does not sell dog food, he has made comments about "good quality dog food" being what dogs need, not raw feeding [human quality] with added vitamins/minerals and dog supplements.
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Back to this thread - Tikva now weighs 5.9 kilos! Still looks rather thin but her muscles are solider than ever. I have increased her evening "wet" meal a bit but that is all.

    Previously first Michal and then Ram had weighed her [them first, and then with Tikki] in my ensuite, but as I cannot do that I bring the scales into the doorway of my salon, where I have vertical bars on all doorways. This way I can hold the bars, weigh myself, then somehow grab Tikva to weigh both of us. And she is now 5.9 kilos!

    She is still a skinny minny - you can see her spine and her ribs and hip bones, but she is healthy and oh are her thigh and shoulder muscles large and solid. I guess I just to access her size/shape, especially as Pereg was overweight because of her medication and epilepsy. At least I do not have to worry if I give her an extra little treat.

    Ram is due here towards the end of the month for a full check-up and a Parkworm shot, for which he will have to weigh her. I get totally confused with what is due when as I do not read their Ivrit scribbles, although I know they have it all on their computer and call me when things are due.

    So many different things. She has a yearly booster [that is the protocol here] - then a yearly rabies shot [also protocol]. Drontal Plus worm pills twice a year and Frontline Plus on the 1st of every month except for December and February [do not ask why because I have no idea.]

    And now this Parkworm shot every three months.

    But she has actually gained a bit of weight so who cares if she is skinny?
  15. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    What breeds is she again? I hope everything is normal. If she has low body fat but good muscle development she is probably fine. It's hard to say without pics but she sounds similar to some of my dogs.
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Ezee - I am sure she is fine. Just thin. Dam a massive overweight Dachshund who was still nursing eight pups - first breeding [accident at 6 years old] and a sire "a little dog across the road" which was a Minpin who caught her.

    She has been raw fed since I weaned her - I bottle fed her on puppy milk substitute when I brought her home until I was able to wean her properly until I could put her one raw..

    I am just not used to such a skinny dog.

    She eats well. Pees and poos well. Very low body fat but great muscle development - prances around on her hind legs if she cannot see what she wants. And oh is she strong. And I do mean strong. Far stronger than even Pereg who was much bigger.

    But it worries me seeing her ribs and her spine even though she has rock hard solid muscles.

    Ram will be here next week to check her over so maybe I will then be able to stop worrying? I mean I know she eats enough - she has all the supplements she needs, and yes, she has gained a little weight, and maybe it is because of her breed than she is thin? Although Doxies tend to be over weight.
  17. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    She sounds very healthy. I'm sure the vet will be able to tell you more and put your mind at ease. I don't like to see much rib on mine either but it happens time to time, they generally have low body fat and can fluctuate. It is unusual to see Doxie like that but if she is young, raw fed and also a mix she is probably very fit. I did note for mine a couple that tended to keep more fat lost it and leaned up with more muscle definition when I switched them to raw.
  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Ezee - do not forget that after Tikva was weaned and had all her puppy shots, then the rabies shot, she had been seen by Michal, her then primary vet, who always came here. Tikva has only once been to the surgery and that was when she was spayed. Michal took us, brought me home and then brought Tikva home later that afternoon.

    Ram spayed her, and after Michal left, he comes here every three months for that dratted Parkworm shot, when she has to be weighed so he knows how much to draw for the shot. So she has been well looked after and checked regularly. Far more than most pups.

    Yes, her Doxie dam [a standard Doxie] was way over sized and way overweight, even nursing eight pups. And no, I do not know what happened to the other pups.

    Problem with Ram is that he still has no idea about raw feeding, even though my Pereg was changed from kibble to raw in about July 2011. I am really not sure but her epilepsy started on 1 April 2011 and I learned about raw feeding from Tarimoor on Dogsey soon after than, so raw feeding had nothing to do with that.

    Tikki is just thin. Apart from shoulder and thigh muscles which look like she is on steroids, but she is thin.

    I have no idea what Ram will say when he comes to give her the Parkworm shot - next week I think. But then even though he does not sell dog food he has no idea about raw feeding.

    I know what I give her. I know the extra vitamins/minerals/supplements she needs. I also know that what I feed her on is far far better than kibble or tinned dog "food", And if she ever asked me for extra food during the day, of course I would give her. But she has only once ever asked for more.

    Yes, someone reported me for starving her [pity they did not complain about all the dumped dogs] but that was laughed off by the Local Authority Vet. So I know she is not starved - she is just skinny. But she is now 5.9 kilos and I do not think anyone can complain about that.

    I hope.
  19. Jcarpentier

    Jcarpentier Member

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    Sounds like the person who reported you is a busy body with nothing better to do. People who know you and what you do for your dogs will just laugh if off as did the Local Authority Vet. Try not to worry.

    I also have a skinny dog. He is a Labrador/Greyhound mix and we all know Greyhounds do not put on weight. People have jokingly asked if we feed the dog but I always wonder if they really were totally joking.

    Do what you know is best for Tikva. There will always be busy bodies who have nothing better to do than stir up nonsense.
  20. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Ram has just been to give Tikva her Parkworm shot, weighing her first so he knew how much to draw from the vial. He said that I should not try to weigh her as I cannot hold her for long enough to get an accurate reading.

    Anyhow, she weighed 5.7kg which is 200g more than when he weighed her in December when she was 5.5kg

    No lectures about feeding - I think he has given up about that! but he did say she was a bit thin - not too thin, just a bit thin, but seeing her rushing around [and trying to climb up his legs so he would put his hand down and pet her], and dancing around on her hind legs, he reckoned that she is perfectly healthy. I think he would like her to gain a wee bit more but it is preferable that she is thin than were she fat, as long as she does not lose weight, and with the exercise she gets it is doubtful she will gain much, if any..

    He still thinks a blood test to get a base reading will be a good idea, so I will have to work out with David as to when he can take us to the surgery, fitting in with a time Ram will have finished operating. We used to take Pereg around 1pm which was an ideal time.

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