My 11 month old RR has had puppy training all his life. He is very smart and loveable and sometimes obedient. Is it the breed? He will do anything you want when food is involved. But otherwise he'll do what he wants. Should I expect him to be more obedient with age?
The more you train a dog, the better. But, some dogs are just smarter than others. Overall, the breed has average intelligence. It's good that you have a food motivated dog. Dogs will be dogs and you can't expect them to be little soldiers. He is still a pup and you can't expect 100% obedience from him all the time.
Thank you, that's the encouragement I'm looking for. I'm very happy and sstisfied with hos progress, just want to make sure I do the breed proud.
They are hounds. Super intelligent and will do something when there is something in it for them, but they aren't just going to do what you say just because you said it. That's part of the reason I love hounds, they are stubborn and you have to work with them. If he is food motivated then that will work well for you, pick a super special training food that he doesn't get any other time and hopefully that will help to convince him to work for you
Thanks so much. You are rigt he is all about what's in it for me. I too adore that about him. I just wanted to be sure I am doing all I can to represent the breed well. Look forward to continued chats.