Hello! Help me choose a dog breed? General Chat

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by DogsRMyLife, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. DogsRMyLife

    DogsRMyLife New Member

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    Hello! Help me choose a dog breed?

    About Me:

    I'm currently living at home with my parents, and am looking for a dog I can do agility with and doesn't mind walking on our long trails by our house. I'm reasonably active and love softball and bike riding.

    Stuff i can offer for Exercise:
    We have a park across from our house with a huge lot connected to it and we have a big stream that he/she can play in. Our house has trails by it that are miles long, as I stated above I love to bike ride and bike ride these often and I also walk them often. I really LOVE to hit baseball for hours, I used to be in softball. And once a week, usually on Saturday we go over to the dog park with our Great Dane, and stay there for an hour or two. Also our family likes to go hikes, and there about 2 miles long each. Last but not least I go on trail rides with my friends on horses and those can be very long. So I need a dog with quite a bit of energy, and stamina.

    Dog Charastics I'm Looking For:

    And I'm looking for a small/somewhat large 30-80 pound dog.
    I would really like a dog that is child-friendly. My mother does day care and we have 3-5 kids here everyday, younger then 6 years old. I need a dog with energy needs (doesn't mind a 2 mile walk a day), and that is very easy to train and eager to please. I do NOT want a dog that is know for aggressiveness towards dogs, because we have a dog currently and we run into dogs all the time. But I want him to be wary of strangers for my protection, but once I give the cue he's fine. I want a reasonably submissive dog that will not try and try to be the dominant one. I am a first time owner for a dog of my own, I've grown up with dogs just there my parents not mine.

    Here our a few dogs I am looking at, and there crosses:

    A. Parson Terrier or Russell Terrier
    B. Border Collie
    C. German Shepherd
    D. Australian Shepherd


    A. Border Collie/Australian Shepherd
    B. Either of the two above with a GSD
    C. APBT or AmStaff crosses with any of these

    If there are more dog breeds you might think fit me, please leave it on a message below. And I will NOT get a Labrador Retriever. We have never had good luck with them and I had them growing up. They always bit one of us kids or they had a health condition :)
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  3. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    In your previous post asking the same question you said it was when you ( quote This is for when I move out of my parents house not currently right now )

    Now you are saying ( quote I'm currently living at home with my parents, My mother does day care and we have 3-5 kids here everyday, younger then 6 years old ) which appears to be a contradiction .

    Has you mother agreed to you having a dog

    You don’t say how old you are and who will look after dog when you are at school/collage or work.

    Reading your posts you have jumped to completely different breeds and ideals, from not wanting a dog under 80lb to PJR, quite honestly it seems you are not really ready for a dog of your own yet.
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @GsdSlave I am beginning to think that this might be some kind of a joke.
  5. DogsRMyLife

    DogsRMyLife New Member

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    Yes, I am younger then 18, so not aloud to give out my birthday, especially on sites like this. I have decided to look right now, not get one. I figured that more people might be on the General Dog Chat, then the single breeds. So I posted it here, too. As for college, I'm doing it all online and then graduating 18. My parents are lettng me look at dogs, not for sure getting one 100% but you guys have owned dogs for a long time and thought maybe you could give me advice abiut what dogs might fit for me and my family. About the Breeds and Ideals, I'm really unsure of want I want or what I would want. I'm not sure how my life is going to play out. I hope this answers any questions.


    This really isn't a joke, I'm just a little confused about my dog life. We really wanna friend for our Dane, till I move out then the new dog will be coming with me.
  6. DogsRMyLife

    DogsRMyLife New Member

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    Oh the question about why I want the Parson or Russell terrier is because they have lots of energy and are compact, strong dogs. They were my one exception, to the 30-80 pd rule. They really are big dogs in small bodies, and they usually are ok with horses and kids if raised with them. Hope this answered that question :)
  7. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    I think your best idea would be to attend some dog shows talk to breeders, exhibitors, or do some voluntary work at a rescue centre getting to know the different breeds.

    Dogs of any breed are expensive to keep, food, vet bills, accidents ect: plus if you want to do Agility or any other sport that is not cheap either, have you considered if you would really be able to afford a dog.
  8. DogsRMyLife

    DogsRMyLife New Member

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  9. Kitkat_

    Kitkat_ Member

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    Do NOT get an APBT if you want a dog friendly dog, they are usually DA and although it can sometimes be managed with some dogs, they will always have genetic tendencies towards being DA. They are also not protective dogs, and should never be human aggressive. They are also strong dogs that need a firm hand and an experienced owner.

    Do NOT go for an APBT if you dont want a dog aggresive, high drive, high prey drive dog.

    Now as for breeds that may suit you. Maybe a German Pinscher if you want to put in more exercise and training (2 miles a day is nothing to most dogs). What about grooming, how often are you willing to brush them? Would you/your family be willing to pay for professional grooming/trimming/stripping? Do you want a dog that wants a lot of training or a happy go lucky type of dog? Do want a dog that barks a lot or a quiet dog? Do you want a dog that can deal with hot, cold, or all kinds of weather? Do you want a dog that will be cuddly and follow you, or one that is independent? Will it live in the house or will it be an outside dog?
  10. DogsRMyLife

    DogsRMyLife New Member

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    I groom my dogs once a week, sometimes more if needed. And they get bathes once a month. We do not want a long-haired dog, we do not have a good groomer nearby. My cousin strips and trims dogs coats. She doesn't cut the long haired dogs though. I'm looking for a dogs that wants tons of training. I am looking to do agility and puppy classes with him/her. Barking doesn't bother us as long as it isn't constant. For the weather, it is VERY seasonal here, and it gets very hot and cold. A dog that will never leave my side is what I want. But I don't want a dog that's is really cuddly or really independent. We do not believe in outdoor dogs. Our dogs can go outside if they want just not forced too. Hope this answers the questions.
  11. Boerboel

    Boerboel New Member

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    I would recommend a Boston Terrier, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Glen of Imaal Terrier, Pembroke Welsh Corgi or Swedish Vallhund.
  12. DogsRMyLife

    DogsRMyLife New Member

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    I have always loved corgis, but their backs are what stop us from looking deeper into this breed. My great dane is a 'Pawer', he literally paws anything. And we don't want him hurting the back of a small dog.
  13. Branjo Snow

    Branjo Snow New Member

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    I'm partial to Siberian Huskies myself, I have an intact male who is a handful to say the very least, but I did have a female Siberian who passed away recently and would have covered everything on your list.

    A husky would probably not protect you though as they seem to love all people far too much, but they do look menacing, enough to ward people off actually.

    If you can deal with the shedding your golden. You could run until you throw up and the dog will still be smiling wanting more, they simply do not have an exercise limit in my experience.

    They will end up approx 55lbs and are absolutely wonderful with children, all children whether known or unknown to the husky it really doesn't matter(as long as they are raised right of course).

    I had just left my son off at school with my female Sibe when a guy was pushing a baby stroller with a 6 month old baby in it asked if she was friendly. I said "omg you have no idea how friendly she is". He said "would you let her smell around the baby because we are thinking of getting one and I don't want her to be scared of them".

    She was so gentle, she first sat down and just sniffed the baby and then when she began to lick I said "no no" but the guy said that's exactly why he asked me, so she was gently sniffing and licking the baby and it started to giggle like crazy, her tail wagged every time the baby giggled. The guy thanked me and said "you have just made up my mind for me".

    My female would walk right up to peoples pit bulls and instantly go into play mode, but my male is the exact opposite, he is very anti social probably because he is intact, however he is exactly the same as she was with both people and children but maybe a little rougher which is why I hold his collar when kids want to pet him.

    He has pushed a few kids over accidentally though while licking them or rubbing his head against them but there is zero malice in his intentions. My female used to purposefully get between him and the kids to protect him from knocking them over, he's just too stupid to know what he's doing.

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