Ten years on here with you lot General Chat

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Phil, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    Ten years on here with you lot

    10 years since I joined Dogsey and Breedia.

    A crusty 45 year old with 30 odd years of dog experience and I still wonder........

    I've no doubt this has been asked before but how would you rate your breed when it comes to general intelligence.

    Define intelligence as you wish and I'm particularly interested in the views of those who have other breeds by which to compare.

    I'd love to hear personal views and opinions to back up your views but if not (0-10 top trump style) where would you place them in the dog world ?
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Phil, you were before me - I think I joined Dogsey soon after Pereg was hit by the Monster in April 2011. But I well remember the picture of your #4 baby with Skye watching over him with your comment "I wonder why this one is so quiet". Skye of course being deaf then.

    I miss that old boy so much.
  4. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Depends how one defines intelligence,I believe it is a factor of two things, what the owner considers intelligence and the individual dog (not necessarily the breed).
    To me intelligence has more to do with independent thinking, and problem solving.

    Kyra was right up there with trainability and willingness to please and her problem solving was also very impressive when she wanted something, she planned things out in a manner that used to amaze me.

    For Example: If Heiko had a bone and Kyra wanted it, she wouldn’t just take it but would pick up a toy and lie down a few feet away from Heiko and start playing with the toy throwing it up in the air, pouncing on it ect: Heiko watching out of the corner of his eye, then curiosity overcomes him, he stands up leaving his bone to go investigate what this great toy is, as soon as he moved away from the bone, Kyra pounced and grabbed it.
    Poor Heiko fell for it every time.
  5. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Thank you Phil. Such a beautiful picture of your then new bubbie and the very special Skye.

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