How can dogs sense things in advance? Behaviour

Discussion in 'Jack Russell Terrier' started by gzhpcu, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. gzhpcu

    gzhpcu New Member

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    How can dogs sense things in advance?

    We are just going away for a weekend, and can not take Piccolo with us because we are staying with friends and they are having a party.

    We usually take him everywhere with us, except when we go away by plane for a week. In this case, he sees our suitcases and knows we will give him to a friend.

    This time, though, we did not pack anything before bringing him to a friend, but he knew it anyway. Instead of napping, he kept following my wife and I all the time with a question mark on his face.

    I don't know how he figured it out! What a cute rascal!
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Dogs who are attached to the people they think they own, just know.

    My little girl knows that when I take my computer spectacles off I am shifting into another room, but when she sees me take them off then put on a pair of bifocals she knows that I am going out.

    So far she has never had to be left alone overnight or even for any length at a time, but if it was an emergency she would be at the dog Pension/boarding place, but I think that either the owner or one of his sons would probably take her home with him [they all live in separate houses on the massive place].
  4. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    They are excellent at picking up on our body language and so can pick up signals from us that we are unaware of.

    However, what that can't explain is my old lad Sam's amazing knack of waiting at the gate when my hubby came home from work. Hubby used to finish at various times and I never knew what that time was going to be. Without fail though, 10 minutes before he arrived, Sam would go out and sit at the gate. It came in useful as I learned to trust his instinct and got the tea on when he went out to do his waiting :)
  5. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    Dogs are very astute at picking up on human body language even the most subtle signs will alert them.

    My two know when I'm going out in the car (with or without them) because it's the only time I wear my watch. They also know when I'm taking them with me because I always take their water container out of the car and refill it with fresh before we leave.

    Although they both normally sleep in the car, on the days we go to training they both wake up a good 5 miles before we get to the trainer's home and will become more and more excited the nearer we get!
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    My two 'read' shoes and trousers. They know which items mean that dogs are not going to be invited. They also have that spooky response in the car, when they wake up just in time to arrive at our destination - odd isn't it?
  7. gzhpcu

    gzhpcu New Member

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    When I wear my swimming trunks, Piccolo gets excited and starts dancing around me, because he loves going to the pool area.

    He knows based on the sound of our voices whether he has to stay home or is coming with us.

    I can't figure out how he knew in advance we were giving him away.

    Even though we are only going away for two days, I already miss him.
  8. gzhpcu

    gzhpcu New Member

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    Last night, Piccolo surprised me again: He hates being washed. He loves snacks. When my wife calls out "snack", he comes running like mad.

    Last night my wife wanted to wash him and called out "snack". He ran towards her, looked at her, stopped midway and started trembling with his ears down. As my wife moved towards him, he ran away and hid in the bathroom!

    I saw it all, and I thought my wife was really offering him a snack, but the little rascal read her mind!
  9. Jack 1992

    Jack 1992 New Member

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    Hi i am a bit worried about my 1 and half year old staffy since i have mover house she was happy to start with now she has change she very fussy with her food she looks tired allways on her bed and not doing much and looks depressed. I did get an border collie a mouth after we moved and she is still fine with her but when we going dor her dayle walks she has started to be funny this other dogs she cowers and hids behind me and she just not the same dog any more any ideai what i could do to get her back to the way she was when we fist got her
  10. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Hi Jack,
    This does sound odd behaviour for a young Staffs. Has she been in season recently? If so, do you think she might be having a false pregnancy? I think I would get her checked over by a vet. to see if there is any physical reason for her lack of interest.
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I just wonder - if Jack's bitch was OK until he got the BC, is it possible that he caught her and she might be pregnant.

    Vet call I think, although it does sound a bit weird.

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