Out of no where a couple days ago he has started sneezing quite a bit a day not to much repeatedly but enough for me to grab attention of it his nose is little runny but not to much runny he sometimes paws his nose he's still acting his normal self just sneezing he's sneezes Alot more when he sniffs stuff I plan on taking him to the vet this week when I get paid but I was just curious if anyone has been through this before and may be able to let me know if it's serious and or wait a little to see if it passes
Hmm. I wonder if dogs can have seasonal allergies like people to pollen? My dog was also sneezing a lot one day and it seems to have passed. Please keep us updated!
Could be a seasonal allergy running nose, watery eyes, coughing and sneezing are typical allergic symptoms in both two- and four-legged allergy sufferers. http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2012/06/22/pets-seasonal-allergies.aspx
I thought may have been up his nose as well I looked but didn't see anything like he was fine Sunday took him to the mountains and fine that night I went to work Monday and came home and noticed he was sneezing and he's been doing it since then for 2 days straight I might also take a look at his mouth tonight my friend said he could have a infection with all the new teeth coming in I feed him twice a day in the morning and evening was feeding 4 cups a day but I brought it down to 3 cups a day with some salmon oil supplement added each morning I have him on blue wilderness grain free food which he has been on since I got him
Not sure if this matters or not but thought I say but me and my gf actually recently got sick ourselfs between Monday and now wonder if there's a connection who knows
Dogs can actually have hay fever - not sure if its same as humans hay fever- they can also be allergic to freshly mowed cut grass
Have you washed any of his things just before this started? Detergents, fabric conditioners etc may cause a reaction. Also carpet cleaning detergents
The only things that got washed the night before this happened was me and my gf clothes so I don't think that's it and the only other change in his home recently was my gf got a kitten but I think she brought her home the day after he started sneezing I think unless he's allergic to cats I don't think that would be the problem either it seems he's sneezing less now but if he's still doing by tomorrow morning I'll take him into the vet he's due for a wellness check anyway
And maybe it's that alter bone I got him from Walmart that's the only other changed he has had since he started sneezing so I'll take that antler bone from him and see