Bye bye Pooks Other pets

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by mjfromga, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Now that you say that, it may be true. He keeps trying to suckle on everything. He also doesn't have his last upper molars yet when I looked in his mouth. He's very bony but they listed his age at 8 weeks (now about 9 weeks).

    Birthday listed at 4/27/2016 but could just be random. This shelter as I said is notorious for questionable/bad practices. He's only 1 lb. Way tiny for a 9 week old kitten.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
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  3. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    We occasionally have stray mummy cats giving birth at The Rescue Home, (we have a litter of 6 week old kittens at moment) they are lot bigger & fatter then your little One, we know from pass experience once the kittens reach 10 weeks old mummy cat will just disappear leaving her kittens behind, we then get them checked by vet & put them up for adoption
  4. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Our Blue was 8 weeks when we got her, and was not nearly this tiny. He's extremely bony so I figured his age was correct, he just simply had no food. But I could be wrong! I only had what they said to go by.There was no mother cat at the shelter, just him and two other black kittens who were said to be his siblings. He was actually larger than they were.
  5. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Here is an example of what I mean. I've seen many kittens and we've had several and none have behaved like this. He still tries to eat everything and has extreme greed. Its ridiculous.
  6. mikebusano

    mikebusano New Member

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    like every cat I know, he'll be back after a while. Don't keep your hopes up but expect the unexpected.
  7. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    We don't expect that the cat will ever return. We've long since given up hope and I've already begun to settle in with a new cat. Pooks was with us for 11 years and would not have just run away. She is unable to return or she would have. We have new neighbors and we suspect they had something to do with this. We cannot prove anything and the cat is gone so we've just let it go and moved on. Our remaining cats will not be allowed out now.
  8. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Oreo went in for a neuter as per contract, and they really don't care for animals well there. The kittens are to be neutered as soon as they reach 2 lbs. Pediatric neutering is done in all shelters here. The overpopulation problem is too extreme. They told me that the vet went out for an emergency and that they'd hold him until the next day. They held him, neutered him and told me to get him the next morning. When I went to get him, his face looked like this:


    Covered in swollen scabby things. NONE of that was there when he was admitted. His feet and claws had damage too. He also absolutely reeked when he was clean when admitted. He was very hungry but he's always like that anyway so idk if they fed him or not. They broke his carrier and lost his food and bowl I left with him. Makes me think they didn't feed him because they leave bowls in the cages IF they feed the cats, and they couldn't find his. He was very nervous and kept running from me at first, but got over it quickly and is currently on my lap asleep.

    All in all, I'm happy he's out of there, but the shelter really needs to make some improvements.

    PS - he has a small wound on his stomach that seems to have been sutured closed. His adoption papers said SPAY instead of neuter, so I think someone almost went in for a spay BEFORE they realized kitten was a neuter. I've seen neuters and a wound on that spot on his belly is way abnormal.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2016
  9. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Poor little chap. It sounds very unsatisfactory. Back safe and well with you now, hopefully all the bad stuff is behind him. Get well soon Oreo.
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Oh booga - they really messed poor little Oreo. I hope after all that they actually did manage to neuter him - sounds like they do not know what they are doing.

    Get well soon little Oreo xx
  11. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Poor Oreo looks they they have man handled you very roughy, In America they do seem to neuter/spay animals very young, here in England kittens are not neutered/sprayed until they are around 5 - 7 months old, (depending on weight/size of kitten)
    As for puppies/dogs
    Male dogs have to be minimum of 12 months old before vet will neuter them, as for female dogs my vets wait until they have had their first season, or 3 years old for large/giant breeds before they will spay them.
  12. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Yes. Nigredo was done well before 15 weeks, as well. Its common practice here. Not ideal, but I know why they do it. I'm just unhappy with how he was returned to me. He looks worse this morning as it tries to heal. The scabs and missing fur are terrible. I'm not even certain what it is or how it got this bad?



    He is NOT amused


    And for anybody that may know... The wound on his belly. When I pull the patch of hair up, I can see something light blue. Like maybe glue or sutures ore something. Its definitely a wound and it's definitely oddly placed since he went in for a neuter. Does anybody know what this is? I'm just so frustrated with all of this...

  13. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Poor boy, if it was me id be asking for some answers
  14. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I am concerned now that it may be mange. He sees the vet later in the week, but mange would be terrible. The scabbing and hair loss really don't resemble normal scabs and whatnot. Let's hope that if it is mange, it isn't the contagious kind, as he's spent so much time clinging to my Nigredo, that it would be terrible if he got it, too. Oreo doesn't seem itchy like it's mange, though.


  15. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Fingers crossed for you that it isn't serious. Sometimes puppies can get a mild form of mange, perhaps kittens get it too. The vet is one to sort it, I would tell him about the neuter events too. Oreo could have rubbed his face when he was caged.
  16. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Mange is apparently way less common in kittens than puppies. I'm sure the vet will sort it. Hope it's not expensive...
  17. David Hernandez

    David Hernandez New Member

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    David Hernandez
    Oreo is nice name.
  18. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I didn't name him, I just went with the name the shelter had given him. Not particularly fond of it, but it suits him.
  19. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Oreo went to the vet today. He weighed in at 3 lbs 3 ounces. Insane! He eats more than is realistic and is gaining weight extremely rapidly. He DID have what the vet said was a mild case of roundworms, and so he was given a dewormed for that. He also needed a vaccine round, which he got. His face is healing well, it was just scabs from scraping his face on the cage like I thought.

    ALSO - the vet confirmed that he is indeed only about 8 weeks old now. I've had him about 3 weeks so they gave me a 5-6 week old kitten just like 6JRTS said. He's doing quite well and is really extremely cute and a good boy. Happy to have him.

    Pooks is still gone - which I expected. We are sure now that we will never see her again. Our new neighbors dog seems to be gone, too so I'm not sure what is going on.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  20. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I'm glad there is nothing serious wrong with Oreo. He will feel much better without those roundworms. I have to agree about Pooks, I'm sure she would have been home by now if it was possible.
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Much as I am sad that Pooks has gone - and I hope that whatever happened to her was quick and painless, I am happy that little Oreo is doing good and that there was nothing major affecting his lovely face.

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