Cuddles General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Malka, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tikva is not a cuddle pup although if I want a snooze on my lovely stuffed recliner [it is fabric covered and I had extra stuffing put in to support the lumbar region of my spine] she is on me in an instant. Nice. Very nice.

    But this afternoon my back was doing the screechies and I needed to be on my bed on my side.

    What to do with the little booga? I could not leave her in the salon, would not put her in her crate, so told her that if she would be a very good little puppy she could come on my bed with me.

    So she did, snuggled up until she was comfortable and actually supporting my spine, and zonked off.

    It made me realise how much I loved having Little One and Pereg sleeping on my bed, but no way is this mini monster going to have more than a nap with me. Her bed is her crate in my bedroom, and she is happy to go in there when it is bikkie and bed time.

    Ah, but it was so nice having her little body cuddled up to me.
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  3. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Nigredo - a giant dog... absolutely refuses to sleep anywhere but on my bed. I actually hate dogs on my bed, but as a puppy I coddled him and allowed it so it became a habit. He is leggy and fat and he takes up oodles of space. He also woofs in his sleep and makes odd motions with his feet. He will gladly lay at the top to steal pillows, as well. I actually really hate this and always usher him to the bottom of the bed. It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't "snuffle" (breathe in my face) all that hot air. At least you enjoyed your little one up on the bed!
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I have a rather large bed - not quite a King size but not much smaller. It is also very high as I have two toppers on top of the orthopaedic mattress which was made in jigsaw type different densities of foam, according to my height, weight, and how I sleep. And that mattress is higher than normal. One topper is a memory foam one, the other ie an egg carton type foam one.

    It is rather high but easier for me to get from chair to bed and vice versa - and yet the tiddler could leap up on it as if she was flying.

    I rather miss having Little One and then Pereg sleeping on the bed, but sorry Tikva, your bed is in your crate in my bedroom. A nanny nap with me on the bed is one thing, but That Is All!
  5. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I had to upgrade to a California Queen. Not quite King, but not much smaller. Only King and California King are larger. The dog is just large and doesn't lay curled up but sprawled out, taking up lots of space. It is so high that Jade cannot jump on it at all. Nigredo and Oreo have no problems, though.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    We had another lovely cuddle nap this afternoon - Tikva has learned that bed cuddles are nice cuddles - and she is happy, She only woke up when she heard someone knocking at the door, which meant I had to surface and go see who it was.
  7. mikebusano

    mikebusano New Member

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    Discipline is key, having your dog away from your bed signifies order in leadership in the pack. Though you like her being beside you, its something that I think is a good first step.
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Discipline was not the leadership key. I do not not belieive in pack leadership. or a "pack" leadership. Pereg was epileptic which does not mean she was a leader in my pack. She was just Pereg and she was no nore a leader in my "pack" than my little Tikva is.

    NO leadership in THIS PACK.
  9. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Do you really believe that a dog sitting on the sofa or laying on the bed is trying to take over the mortgage payments? Of course they aren't, they are getting in a comfy spot. The dominance theory has been well and truly debunked nowadays :)
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Thank you Chris - unfortunately the dominance theory is still believed by some people, especially if they have large dogs that possibly they feel they have to be the dominant one. Hardly what I would call tiddler Tikva who has been with me since she was three weeks old and has only ever slept at night in her crate, and even though I had to hand-rear her with a bottle, was never a cuddle pup.

    Having a nap on my lap is one thing - Pereg used to although she was really too big and too heavy, and she was quite happy to nap on the bed - after all both she and Little One slept on my bed from when they were puppies. But after Pereg there is no way I could cope with another dog sleeping on my bed, for obvious reasons.

    Tikva only goes in her crate - which is in my bedroom - at night. Which is why her coming up for a nanny nap was so pleasant! And it only took 13 months! :043:
  11. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    In my household the 5 adults sit on the floor & the 9 dogs sit on the chairs & sofa, :D
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    A tiddler like Tikva who only sleeps in her crate at night? Being dominant?
  13. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Well yes but I am the dominance female in my home but then I am the only human female in my home :044:

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