Hello From A Texan Dreamer Introductions

Discussion in 'Your Introductions' started by Kathleen Danish, Jun 14, 2016.

  1. Kathleen Danish

    Kathleen Danish New Member

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    Hello From A Texan Dreamer

    Hello World! :039::049::007:

    I'm kittyluv and I'm from the beautiful state of Texas, Austin Texas to be more exact. I love to draw my life as I see fit. Life is short as I learn at a very young age (5 to be exact) when my mother pass away from breast cancer she was only 28 years old. God knows I miss here I try to keep her memory alive through my drawings. My dad says I looked just like her.

    Not surprisingly I'm a daddy's girl. My dad and me are extremely close I can tell him about anything in the world. It was just the two of us until about 2 years ago when he remarried Rebecca. I'm happy his happy Rebecca is a very pretty red head and she could out cook the best of them. Additionally I'm in love with my 2 step sisters Jessica and Elizabeth who are 5 and 6 years of age. We are a loving family which I'm very grateful for.

    Similarly I'm very grateful for my ability to draw. Drawing has open a lot of doors for me. As I said in my about me I'm currently working on my website, that's right I'm working on my business. I've been even looking at different art studios to buy. My dad and Rebecca were not too crazy about the idea to not attend college and to open a business instead however they both still support me in whatever I do which in itself is a blessing.

    I look forward to sharing my life with you one drawing at a time. Losing my mother have changed my life for the best. It has thought me to not take time for granted, life is short. You see my mother was also an artst. At the time of her untimely death she too was working on her business she refused to let her illness stop her from her passion. I'm following in her foot steps and working on my dreams.

    Wish me luck,
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Hi Kittyluv, I have given you a greeting elsewhere. I hope you are successful in your artistic ambitions.
    I envy your talent, do you draw animals?
  4. Dustin Junke

    Dustin Junke New Member

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    Hello kittyluv!
    Thanks for the follow! :)
  5. mikebusano

    mikebusano New Member

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    hi kitty,

    i believe your philosophy. It's like saying "there is no try, only DO".

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