Possible Distemper Health

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by BoerboelMom, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. BoerboelMom

    BoerboelMom New Member

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    Possible Distemper

    I got my Boerboel puppy, Krishna, from a breeder at 7-weeks-old. The breeder doesn't vaccine and I didn't believe in vaccines either. I stopped vaccinating once I had one dog die of cancer and three dogs diagnosed with cancer within one year after receiving routine vaccinations. Krishna has never received a vaccine in her life.

    Unfortunately, two days ago she became very ill. She was sneezing, coughing and had a fever of 104. I gave her Only Natural Pet Eye and Upper Respiratory Homeopathic Remedy and this has stopped the sneezing, coughing and returned her temperature to normal after just three doses. Yesterday morning she became very lethargic and was vomiting. I dosed her with Newton Homeopathics Fever & Infection and this seemed to give her back her energy. The vomiting stopped after I gave her Only Natural Pet GI Support. Today she had diarrhea, but cleared up once I gave her Only Natural Pet Probiotic Blend.

    Krishna is showing all the signs of distemper and at only 7-weeks-old, I'm worried about her. However, I am still continuing the homeopathic medications and she is symptom-free as of tonight. There is no homeopathic treatment for distemper itself, so I'm treating her symptoms. What worries me is how young she is.

    Thankfully, she is eating well. For breakfast she ate some beef gullet (this is what caused the diarrhea, so I'm going to stop feeding that until she is better), lunch was beef heart and dinner was beef kidney. Krishna eats a raw diet.

    Has anybody dealt with Distemper (possible distemper) by using only homeopathic remedies and not Western medicine?
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    If your very young puppy has indeed got distemper, she needs to be seen by a qualified veterinarian, not just have her symptoms treated by homeopathic so-called remedies.
  4. BoerboelMom

    BoerboelMom New Member

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    I may take her to a holistic veterinarian if her symptoms do not continue to improve, but I will not give money to a greedy Western veterinarian who only cares about keeping dogs sick to line their pockets.
  5. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    I think you should take your pup to the vet rather than try and treat the symptoms of what he MIGHT have.
  6. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Take your dog to a vet now - your dog might have something more serious then distemper, your pup might have canine parvovirus (CPV) infection which is a highly contagious viral.
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Sadly not vaccinating your pup is probably the reason its now very ill.

    If your pup has distemper and goes untreated, it will die........

    it seems odd that you will not give your money to a qualified vet, yet you will give your money to a homeopath ..

    What happens if in later life and your pup needs serious veterinary treatment.......who are you going to go to then !!

    Take your dog to the vet NOW!!!
  8. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    You really aren't being fair to your puppy. You need a firm diagnosis and once you have that, then and only then can the appropriate care be decided.

    If your pup has distemper or parvo, you are risking, at best, neurological damage, at worst, death unless you get him treated with the appropriate care
  9. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Chris B and Pork1epe1 like this.
    I was working for a vet in 1958, when Epivax was starting to become more accepted by the general public. There can be no procedure which has saved more canine lives than the vaccination of puppies. (The frequency of boosters is a more debatable point).
    My first dog, which was for my eleventh birthday in 1953, was a WSD rescue which was, 'over distemper', as these dogs were described in those days. She had a poor appetite, and suffered from skin allergies, and cracked pads on her feet and nose - typical hard pad scarring, and my friend's Pem Corgi had chorea, (St. Vitus dance), as a reminder of her brush with distemper.
    I would never fail to fully vaccinate a puppy, and give the 12 month booster. My dogs have been on the subsequent 3 year protocol, which my vets introduced in 2005, up to last year when Eddie's vet suggested that he had no further boosters because of his autoimmune problems.
    I really hope your puppy does not have distemper, and you have time to be able to reconsider your decision not to vaccinate. You must have had some nasty experiences with vets for your posts to be so antagonistic towards the profession, but there are knowledgeable and caring vets around - ask others in your locality for their opinion, and you should be able to find one you can really trust. You must know in your heart that pet shop remedies are not suitable for use against killer diseases. Unvaccinated dogs that survive do so because they are surrounded by the, 'herd immunity', which is provided by the vast majority of vaccinated dogs which make up the population.
  10. BlueJay

    BlueJay Member

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    If your dog has distemper, you should probably be aware that you are pretty much directly responsible for refusing to vaccinate. Overvaccinating is a potential issue, not vaccination full stop.
    I hope your dog recovers without issue and I hope she never truly needs a vet in her life....

    How does one homeopathically treat a broken leg?
    Live your life as you wish and face the consequences, whatever they may be, but how dare you have the audacity to tell other people not to vaccinate their puppies.
  11. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I agree with everything said, and honestly I hope that this is a joke. Your dog has all the symptoms of distemper and you MAY take her to a quack vet if she doesn't improve? Gosh, that is rough! You should have vaccinated. 3 dogs got cancer a year after vaccinating? Did the same vet do all the shots? Where did you get the dogs? I HIGHLY doubt the vaccines lead to cancer like that.

    Breakfast, beef stomach. Lunch, beef heart. Dinner, beef kidney. Keep feeding your dog like that and diarrhea will be THE LEAST of her problems. You really need to research and learn how to take care of dogs.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Has anyone heard about the sick puppy owned by @BoerboelMom ?
  13. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Just checked. Last seen doing a welcome post, Thursday, 8.45am. our time.

    I hope this puppy is OK. I had been wondering whether it was possible that he would have any maternal immunity if his mother has never been vaccinated. Presumably she should have some, just through her encounters with other dogs, and the general environment. I suppose exactly how much immunity she could have built up would depend on the amount of exposure she has had.
  14. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Hi BB Mom, whenever you are unsure about your dogs illness it's worth going to a vet - even a holistic vet (we have some really good holistic vets in the UK!). Holistic vets are usually qualified veterinarians who just happen to have an holistic approach to things.

    With regards to homeopathy, unfortunately there just isn't any good evidence to suggest it works - I wish there was as like you, I am not a fan of conventional 'medicine' and how the medical industry only really seems to care about making money!
  15. Benjamin1995

    Benjamin1995 New Member

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    You need to go to a vet. It's really your only option. I don't think it is wise to try to treat distemper using herbs. You have to vaccinate. In my honest opinion, I believe it should be illegal not to vaccinate a child or a pet. All my dogs are vaccinated and I wouldn't have it any other way. Vaccination is just part of being a responsible caregiver. Refusing to vaccinate dogs, cats or even children is incredibly irresponsible. I hope this puppy is okay. Distemper can easily kill puppies. I really hope the puppy got to see a veterinarian.
  16. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I have a feeling we may not get an update on the puppy. Even if we did, at this point, I can only hope it's good and that the OP is honest about it.

    OP - also ask your vet about proper feeding. You're doing the raw diet all wrong.
  17. Benjamin1995

    Benjamin1995 New Member

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    I can only imagine something terrible has happened :(

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