How Many ...................... General Chat

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by 6JRT's, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    How Many ......................

    I know I do have 6 dogs but I have counted how may collars/harnesses/leads I have which comes to 114 collars, 291 harnesses, 83 long leads & 117 short leads. :081:

    No I can't possibly get rids of some oh no definitely can't do that, as I might get rid of my dogs favourite ones, :) the problem is I can't say no to my dogs when we go shopping, if they want something they sit in front of item & I end up buying it, :044: we once spent 3 hours in a top London pet shop going through every collar seeing which one my dogs wanted, it was going great until they started changing their minds :101: in the end they all had diamond encrusted collars.
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    You are crackers Tina - in the nicest possible way of course!
    I also get tempted by classy leatherware - and even worse than you, I like to keep it for 'best', which means it gets very little use! Last year I did pass some of my unused tackle on to a couple of dog charities, but it is strange to realise how attached you are to some things. I just couldn't bring myself to give up the toydog show leads, or the Lowchens little rolled leather collars. Perhaps there is a subconscious reason?
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Carole - I think we keep some things to keep the dogs that wore them still with us, as it were. I have all of Little One's collars and harnesses, plus Pereg's, taking up a LOT of space in the bottom of one side of my wardrobe.

    The collars, matching leads, other collars and countless harnesses for Tikva take up one shelf in one of my cupboards. The problem with harnesses for her is that even though she has a couple of fancy ones that I won, she wears mesh harnesses, and although they go over her head to go on, they will not go over her head to come off even though her head is fairly narrow, so need cutting off.

    She started with XXS [which was too big to start with] then XS and then S - and is now on Medium. After having lost my beloved Pereg on 1 April and then Baby Ziva who I last saw on 1 May, when Tikva suddenly turned up on 5 June I went a bit overboard, buying each size in a few colours. So as she grew out of one size I had a number of each size that had never been worn, and I gave them to Michal. No rescue organisation anywhere here. She took them to the surgery and whenever they had a new client they gave them as welcome gifts.

    I do not think that Tikki will grow out of the Medium but I have loads of those as there was an offer of 20 for not much more than $1 each [no choice of colour]. Not that the others cost much more than a couple of dollars except from the XXS ones I bought from a company Tina recommended, which were probably better quality but these cheap ones still serve the same purpose... and just in case she does grow out of them I have a couple of Large.

    I dare not count them all!
  5. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Takes 30 minutes for my dogs to decide which harness & collar to wear every time we get ready to go walkies.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tina - you are definitely off the scale!

    How are you feeling today? Better, I hope xx
  7. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Yes better but am still getting short of breathe when walking.
  8. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    That's nuts lol

    I've probably got about 12 leads, 1 harness, 1 halti, 7 collars......
  9. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I now have 120 collars - 297 harnesses - 123 short leads has I saw matching collars/harnesses/leads today when I went shopping :D so just at to buy 6 matching sets [3 pinkish purple sets 3 blue sets] oh yes have also bought 3 giant rabbits harnesses to as they have out grown their old ones :)
  10. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Wow - I mean it's your choice and your money, but it seems so wasteful. I've got like 7 collars. I wouldn't even have that many had Nigredo not gotten bigger than they said. One was given to me as a Christmas gift in a Secret Santa draw. I also have 4 harnesses, again because Nigredo was a giant and couldn't wear what my previous dog wore. I have like 4 leashes, one of which I've had since my last dog was about 7 years old and he died in 2013 at the age of almost 16. I just don't see the point in buying stuff that the dogs don't need.
  11. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @Malka Chas has Tweed's last collar, and a couple of Golden Retriever ones. Merlin, our last GR was pts 40 years ago! It's how they live on though, little things that refresh the memories.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    That is just it - if I look at any of LO's or Pereg's collars and harnesses it brings them back in that I remember them wearing them. I had bought a new puppy set - collar, harness and leash - for Baby Ziva although the harness was too big even though it was the smallest set - but even though she was only with me for 11 days I could not put them on Tikki when she had grown into them [I had taken Ziva's collar off her - I had not had time to get a tag and although she was registered at my Vets [Michal having been here to check her and give her her first worm pill] in case it was stolen.

    Instead she was stolen - or rather dumped somewhere.
  13. BlueJay

    BlueJay Member

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    Holy moly.... and I thought I was bad!!! Not a patch on you hahaha

    Off the top of my head.....
    Ripley - 7 collars, 6 harnesses, 3 leads (she's deprived)
    Rory - 9 collars, 7 harnesses, 5 leads
    Frodo - 13 collars, 8 harnesses, 6 leads
    Sam - 9 collars, 5 harnesses, 5 leads
    Hiccup - 7 collars, 5 harnesses, 3 leads
    Gwen - 8 collars, 5 harnesses; 4 leads.

    I really dropped my game after getting Gwen and Hiccup.... I threw a paddy because it's awfully difficult to find matching gear in the right pink, blue, green, orange, purple and yellow. They MUST have their correct colours!!!
  14. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I had a male Rottie that would only wear Pink collars [tried putting a blue collar him & he sulked until I took it off him] & harnesses try finding matching sets to fit a Rottie was near on impossible.
  15. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    Perhaps a local dog place / charity / kennel / shelter could take some of the ones you don't use ?
  16. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    That's a lot. I'm not sure how many I have bit it's not that many harnesses. I've a lot of collars and leads, though I've not as many as I use to I will have to count them up tonight when I get the chance.
  17. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I do use some of the puppy harnesses & other harnesses on my foster dogs when I take them walkies, as I hate walking any dog on collar/lead even the larger dogs I foster wear a harness when I walk them.

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