Need advice on a new ACD Questions

Discussion in 'Australian Cattle Dog' started by Brett, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. Brett

    Brett New Member

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    Thanks for all the help guys! If I can remember how to work my camera I'll throw some pictures up when I do end up getting her. Prepping the yard she's going to be staying in is taking a bit longer than anticipated so it may not happen today.

    Don'y worry @CaroleC I may be new to the forum but have been contemplating this decision for the past few months now:)
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - This is because Windows 10 decided that on all accounts that did not go through Chrome [mine all came through a Firefox Add-on] had been compromised and sent emails to all recovery email addresses - words to the effect "someone has been using your password so we closed the account".

    I do not have a smart phone just an old mobile but it can accept text messages, however when I filled it in to get the code Google said the number did not exist.

    I have lost one Hotmail account, one Yahoo account, and ten Gmail accounts. Which means I have lost all my online accounts as I used a different Gmail address for each one.

    @Brett - I am sorry I cannot help regarding the Epilepsy list. I have spent over six hours trying to get them to change my email address to my ISP one but as it is in my full name and not the abbreviated on I used for the List, I am having difficulties in proving that I am the same person who has been a member of the List since 2011.

    Ever felt like shooting yourself?
  4. Brett

    Brett New Member

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    Hey it's all good :) no worries. haha yea, all that technological b.s. can get pretty wild sometimes… Can't live with it, can't live without it right?
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Wild? I have lost 90% of everything I was involved with since 2004, with no way of getting it back.
  6. LMost

    LMost Member

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    Sorry see a lot of I got this and it does this.
    Most breeds of temper and are stable, follow the general guidelines of there breed but until you own a certain breed there are many features that are not common knowledge.
    Trust me many are hard to describe.
    It is also why many are a train wreck with a breed or a breed that people calla breed horrible and the new owner can find it great for them.
    Please understand a new breed can cause even the best owner issues.
    My best advise would be keep training and working with the dog, even the worst can be your greatest dog once you bond.
    Also has to do with maturing and a dog coming into there own, trust in you and you in the dog will go a great way.
    Ya might sound short and simple but it is hard as hell at times.
    Best wishes to you both.
  7. North Star

    North Star New Member

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    This is my first ACD, and he's still a pup. 8 months old, and with young kids and arrands to run, he's put in a kennel while we are out. Due to the fact that he will distroy everything and anything he can find. Anyway the longest he was in it so far was 5 hours and he was fine. And by the sounds of your routine, and the excersise he/she will get I think it will be alright for 8 hours or so. But watch out they're going to want all your attention when you walk through that door, like til you go to bed. Lol. You'll do fine!!

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