Hi everyone, are there any Basenji owners on the board? i'd just like to know a little more about the breed and from owners who have had first hand experience with them. If anyone knows any good information sites also it would be appricated. Thanks
Basenji are fab little dogs When looking around for the right breed i looked into them, but they are not suitable for me or my lifestyle at this present time + I didnt think they would be the best breed for a first timer.....not that the small munsterlander is an easy breed ...however i would like to consider them are a future dog in x number of years time This article I found quite helpful when on my searches http://www.zandebasenjis.com/inform.htm This site is also good - the info is good and the sounds are fab http://www.basenji.org/ This is good info regarding the african importations that have happened in the states. They have some very nice dogs over there now;-) http://www.basenji.org/african/project.htm Sue
Hi I don't own Basenji but know them quite well, was there anything in particular you wished to know about as I may know and if not I have friend I can ask.
Check out the Basenji Profile here on Dogweb In addition Thordell has written her own breed notes about the Basenji too http://www.dogweb.co.uk/dog-articles.php?t=16339
Thanks for the reply's and links everyone im gonna get a mug of coffee and read through them all, thanks eRaze i didn't think to look under the Articles lol P.S. Sorry i posted in the wrong place, as i noticed it had been moved.
I looked into basenji's, even went along to a breed champ show to talk to the people there (fantastic, friendly people in the breed!!). All the dogs i met were really nice friendly dogs and seemed to have lovely temperments but if you do get one you MUST go to a good breeder as they can be unpredictable if not brought up properly apparently. I cant have one unfortunately as they would kill my parrots and cats and they cant be walked off a lead (and trusted!) so they wouldn't fit into my life at the moment... But one day!!
Hi Jessica, thanks for replying. Im just researching into particular breeds and the basenji seems an attractive, small and yet unusual (in a good way) breed and was just after a little more information