What is it about Bull Breed Dogs Discussions

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Alphatest, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    What is it about Bull Breed Dogs

    that you love? :)

    Being a bull breed owner myself I'm curious as to what others think!
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  3. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    They are bold, fearless, clowns, addictive dogs! loyal, friendly and just amazing dogs to own! (in the right hands) once you get one bull breed u will never look back!
    ask yourself if you own a bull breed, will you ever be without one??? They are amazing wiht children and most with adults!

    The only down side is the bsl and dda!
  4. Moli

    Moli New Member

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    Bsl & Dda ????
  5. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    that comes with owning bull breeds moli, while we own such amazing dogs there is a threat to our breed and that is the biggest cur of them all the DDA and peoples ignorant views towards our dogs
    This is sad but true
  6. Moli

    Moli New Member

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    Ah, thanks, I should have know what you mean't Hayley! They are amazing dogs, I for one couldn't imagine having anything else!
  7. Shadowboxer

    Shadowboxer Fondly Remembered

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    With very few exceptions I find bull breeds aesthetically pleasing - clean lines; powerful; sleek; effortless movement. I also find that the majority have good temperaments. They are self-confident but kindly with people, peaceable - not looking for trouble but with the courage to accept a challenge without backing down. I admire their intelligence, their ability to work when required, their readiness to play, their loyaly and devotion, their readiness to forgive us our stupidities, their joyful hearts. :grin:
  8. Steve

    Steve New Member

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    Steven-i guess that suprised you...
    I admire their:

    Being self confident
    Ability to act the clown
    Never shy
    Intelligence (dont always show though!)
    Loyality could not ever be questioned

    Just an all round great breed! :grin: :grin: :grin:
  9. Ella's Mum

    Ella's Mum New Member

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    loyalty does it for me :grin:
  10. cable

    cable New Member

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    there are a huge variety of bull breeds about these days, one thing they all have in common is their courage and companionship which (in my eyes) can not be compared to any other "group" of breeds.

    i have owned staffordshire bull terriers, bull mastiffs and mastiff crosses.

    i admire the fact they are strong but gentle
    bold and courageous yet generally quiet
    intelligent but clumsy and playful

    i feel safe in this day n age with a bull breed as part of my family. a great companion and protector, but more than anything, a very good friend.

    i have a fair amount of experience with these types of K9 and will continue to have them in and around my family for the rest of my life, no doubt! :)
  11. bale844

    bale844 New Member

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    I found this piece that says it all for me (V.good as im terrible with words lol) -

    staffordshire bull terriers
    Author: Donal Keenan
    The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dog – A Masterpiece Amongst the Species

    The Staffordshire bull terrier is a strong and powerful dog. It is muscular, has distinct cheek muscles, strong jaws and teeth, which form a scissors bite. Contrary to this masculinity, a delicate touch to the terrier’s face is provided by its soft brown eyes and black shining nose. The skin coat is equally soft and sleek and comprises shining black, blue, brindle and fawn color with occasional markings on it.

    The secret of the dog’s strength is not depended on its size. With a short yet broad skull, short foreface, rose or half pricked ears, the Staffords are a masterpiece of unique qualities and well-defined strength. The legs are straight and well boned, the shoulders show no weakness, the feet are well padded and the body is tight with deep briskets and well built ribs.

    The Staffordshire bull terrier lives for about 10-16 years. Throughout its lifetime, it manifests enough of its strength. It possesses tremendous stamina and must exercise daily to keep up to its potentiality to show strength. It is advisable to keep them in chains in public sphere. The coat is shorthaired and smooth. Regular grooming with a firm bristle brush or a bath with shampoo keeps the coat fluffy, clean, soft and shining.

    The weight of this species of dog ranges from 28 to 38 pounds and the bitch ranges from 24 to 34 pounds. The height of both dogs and bitches range from 14 to 16 inches. The body is well balanced and is perfectly made. The tail is very fluffy and of medium length. It remains undocked, tapering to one point and then carrying low. Its neither too curled nor very straight for either of it would give an awkward look to the terrier. Therefore, the Staffordshire bull terrier is a perfect example of a handsome, well-formed yet strong dog. All the characteristics are very evenly balanced in this dog.

    The Staffordshire bull terrier is very affectionate, courageous and obedient. They are very friendly to all types of people. It knows to love everyone and is loved by everyone. A bull terrier in a family makes the family happy and adorable. The dog is extremely intelligent and stubborn but needs a persistent and continual process of training. Their potentiality allures them to jump off a deck, challenge others and walk through broken glass. The Staffordshire bull terriers are an adorable variety; therefore, loves both work and play.

    There are certain physical features that prove disadvantageous for the dog. If the dog has pink nose, light eyes or pink eye rims then its not the perfect one of its species. Moreover, it should not also have a too long or badly curled tail. It is also rejected as a good species if it lacks agility coupled with activeness.

    The origin of the Staffordshire bull terrier is from regions of Staffordshire. It first involved for its interest in bull baiting but gradually the breed’s popularity suffered a setback for the waning of the sport. Now it is again regaining its immense popularity as a successful pet and a potential dog.

    JUST PERFECT!! jo xx
  12. Alfiemoon

    Alfiemoon New Member

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    Where do I start?????

    I have a Mini bullie and a staffy at the mo and my a stnd bullie passed away last year.

    Our family just wouldn't be the same with our bulls. They are family!

    They are... strong, noble, tough, hardy, loyal, passionate, friendly, daft, soft, hilarious, gentle, beautiful etc etc.

    They idolise our children and vice versa. I love all dogs big and small...but there is something just that bit special about the bulls. :smt007
  13. griff

    griff New Member

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    i just love above anything else about them their loyalty bravery and the way they are absolute nutters:lol: never a dull moment:grin:
  14. bale844

    bale844 New Member

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    SAYS IT ALL.........:grin:

    I have 1 SBT, (soon to be 2).
    I show my dog + am expecting my 1st litter v.soon.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2006
  15. cable

    cable New Member

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    i like it bale:grin:
  16. bale844

    bale844 New Member

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    Thankyou, i find it hard to put into words without sounding silly what the breed means to me.
    That picture says it all + more.
    Their extremely addictive, you easily go from enjoying spending time walking your dog, to showing them, enjoying spending the time with them + comitment + bieng proud of what you achieve together.
    It was like this for me, its the urge to continue learning about the breed doing your best to do it justice, respecting the fact you dont + will never know it all but can still enjoy the challenge + trying, its sooo many things, but in simple words, especially so those who own the breed understand, its bieng priveledged enough to have a bully breed share their life with you.
    LOL, that probasbly all sounds silly to you lot, but it makes perfect sence to me, ;-)
  17. denatus

    denatus New Member

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    *Working ability
    And so on, the list wold be verry long here :p
  18. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    This is my second post on this forum.
    What I like about bull breeds is
    they don`t look like 4 legged mops(what you see is what you get)
    their patience
    their fortitude
    their strength
    their size(in general they`re not to big)
    their humour
    their intelligence(my bullterrier is soooo stubborn, but far from thick)
    their gentleness
    the way they play
    the fact my partner (5ft nothing) can walk our 2 dogs alone(staff bitch,bullterrier male) with very little fear for herself.
    the way people suggest those breeds are vicious evil devil dogs(don`t like that), and are then left speechless after meeting them when the worst thing that happened to them was a nasty lick(luuurv that). Usually sun reader experts.
    the way they create interest from strangers.
    the way my 2 elderly neighbours became smitten with them.
    the way they hate baths, but love to whoop the towel
    You can`t beat them, they`re the best, keep your fluffy haircut poodles etc. Only bull breeds do it for me.

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