What is the weather like there? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Azz, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    So you were "posh" like me then? My father was horrible because we were never allowed to be ill! If you could be dragged out of bed and stand upright for 30 seconds or more then you were considered fit to go to school!
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Yehuda hoiked up the mattress on its very solid slatted base [well they are called slats but they are more like 2x1's] and onmyearsandwhiskers there were four duvets all neatly folded and in the plastic zip-up case-type thingies they came in.

    I recognised the down and feather one as that folds smaller when squished so is in a smaller case thingie - grabbed that and grabbed the one next to it - which turned out to be the one that Pereg tended to have seizures on so has some rather large stains on it.

    I kept meaning to chuck it but even though it is far too big to go into a washing machine I used to put it outside for as long as possible so it never ponged, and who sees the stains when it is in a cover? The other two duvets have never been used. Do Not Ask why I have a total of five duvets - that includes the mid-weight one that nearly had me frozen a couple of nights ago until I put a blanket on top of it. I will have to wait to snag someone to help me put the cover on the duvet - my neighbour usually does but she has hurt her ankle - or something - and is hobbling on crutches. So I have just put it on top of the empty cover for tonight and hopefully I will not freeze.

    Yehuda had brought me round a selection of collars for Tikva, plus a couple of leads - and three packs of different biscuits. Tikki has either a tiny one or half of a larger one when she goes in her crate. She shoots in it and sits waiting for her bikkie! He also brought a couple of packs of Frontline Plus for small dogs - Ram does not carry Frontline any more.

    But oh is it cold. Brrrrrrrrr
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I hope you had a warmer night. One of life's little luxuries is lingering under a warm duvet on a Winter morning!
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    No lingering when eep eep eep starts with her "wanna poo" then goes back in her crate and the bdooly whatevers start as they are still in the process of putting up street lights on the other side of the road and started with their various machinery at 7.30am.

    But thank you, yes, I did not actually freeze last night and it is nice and sunny out at the moment - mini-Devil being out on her tether for the first time in ages!
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    A dry, bright day here today too. The grasslands are holding too much water to walk on, but we are using the park, and the linear paths, (disused railway routes), to exercise the dogs, and keep the mud in the car to a minimum.
    Merry is now able to go off lead in certain areas but, having lived as a pack member for six years, she is obsessed with other dogs, (and rabbit poo), and sometimes Wooo-wooo's in their faces, so I have to be careful. She loves cheese, so we do have a recall, albeit not always at the first command.
  7. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Been a pleasant day here dry mild and some sun, now torrential rain and high winds.
  8. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    How I wish that I had not written this on Monday.
    On Tuesday the little monster shot up 30 odd steps which lead from the linear path up to the open fields. By the time I had trailed after her, and negotiated a slippery 4 foot stile, there was no sign of the little B. Slopping through the first field - thank goodness I had put my wellies on - I spotted her, eating every bit of rabbit poo she could find, totally deaf to my calls. Another trudge before we found a way out, this time with the naughty B safely on a lead.
    You would think that this would have put me off, but no, next time find an even safer place and try again! So, this morning I tried her in what had been a deep railway cutting - now clad with 50 years of brambles. Unfortunately I overlooked the fact that,
    a. Merry is small enough to run under brambles. b. I can not run through brambles, or up steep railway cuttings! and most importantly c. The brambles were covering a rabbit warren!
    My cheese and I didn't stand a chance, she didn't run away, but I had to wait until she had investigated every trace of rabbit scent before she condescended to let me stuff her with Edam, and clip on her lead.
    I never realised just how good my angel Eddie was!
  9. Janet

    Janet Member

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    There's nothing like the feeling of relief (and usually exhaustion as well!) when you clip the lead on a runaway dog!

    Bogie (cocker) only goes deaf when he picks up the scent of a pheasant, but fortunately he never goes so fast that I lose sight of him - just fast enough to be a tantalising foot or so out of reach!

    My worst experiences with a runaway dog were with Gertie the lurcher, who I quite obviously could not keep up with! It only ever happened twice, each time when a rabbit was inconsiderate enough to pop up in front of her. The worst time was when one crossed a railway line and she went after it. The other time the rabbit went under a fence and Gertie scaled it (a very high deer fence) and then couldn't get back over so I had to dig under it.

    However, now we do not have any railway lines or deer fences near us, nor, sadly, do I have a lurcher any more.
  10. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    The weather so far this week has been dank and dreary and yesterday it poured with rain most of the day and only let up just before dark which meant we only managed a short walk up to the top of my land and back.

    This morning at least it wasn't raining but the electricity went off a 8 am (we had been given warning) and wasn't due on again till noon! At the moment it's difficult finding anywhere to go for a walk, The cart track and the fields at the back of my house are a quagmire as is the main road. For months now they've been digging up the grass verge (we have no pavements) and laying pipes, what for I've no idea! Driving up the road is a nightmare as it's muddy and littered with workmen, excavators, vehicles and goodness knows what else, which doesn't make for a pleasant walk And it's the same all the way to the highway some 12 miles away!

    Although I didn't need to do much shopping I bundled the dogs in the car and drove the 50 miles to the shopping mall,because behind the building is a 5 acre grassed area, No other buildings, no trees but lots of discarded plastic bags and pieces of paper which the dogs enjoy sniffing and I like it as well because it's flat and easy to walk on. We had a lovely walk and I don't who was more satisfied, me or the dogs, especially me as I'd remembered to take my wellies with me so didn't have to do my shopping in wet shoes!
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Lovely and sunny from first thing this morning so the little Devil has been out again on her tether and so far it has been every morning since Monday.

    The problem is that she wants to go out, she goes to the door and asks to go out - then runs off when I try to clip her tether onto her harness, so it is grab whatever part of her I can and hold tight until she is clipped on and then she rushes out.

    Did I ever say that this puppy is strange? I probably did about a hundred times!
  12. lovemybull

    lovemybull Member

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    :razz:The weather here today? Close to 70, and to those who say global warming is a myth:razz:
    But oy, runaway pups...I have to walk Sophie late and no chance of other dogs being about. Callie will stop by voice command, even off leash. Sophie will slip the collar and you have to grab her by the neck fat...no fun.
  13. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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  14. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    My son and his family live on a yacht moored at Penryn which is not too far from Helston! Not very comfortable living onboard in a gale force wind and huge waves!

    The weather here is lousy!

    Yesterday the dogs didn't get a walk because I couldn't face struggling through squelching mud and pouring rain.

    Today thought I'd go to the hypermarket to find me a duck for Christmas Day and take the two G's for a walk in the field behind the building. Twas not to be as we drove in thick fog all the way to the main road and I certainly wasn't going to drive another 50 miles and back for the sake of a duck, so abandoned the idea and went into our local market town and bought two trout and a large box of After Eight Mints instead. Not a tragedy as I've already got a pork joint in the freezer which I can cook on Christmas Day and all the ingredients for a sherry trifle so I definitely won't starve.

    The dogs however will be getting turkey for their Christmas dinner!
  15. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Winter is back :mad:

    So far this year we have had, in no particular order...

    • winter
    • rain
    • heatwave
    • RAIN
    • floods
    • sun
    • winter
    • cold
    • heatwave
    • rain
    • winter
    And so on and so forth. I think I am going on strike.
  16. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Whereas here, (N. Midlands), we have just had,
    Rain, ad nauseum.
    On balance, I think Freezing is easier to cope with than Muddy!
  17. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I'm just getting the online Israeli newspapers in. There is major flooding in the Southern Negev. I wish I could post the video that is one one but there does not seem to be a way

    This is from one report [not the one showing the video]

  18. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I hope this is not very near to you Malka.
  19. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - no it is further South, maybe 50km, although we have had a bucketload here. I am very glad that after the first lot of flooding here when half my front yard ended up against the front of my bungalow, plus the little patio flooded because the drainage ditch at the side had blocked, Nir came and shovelled up the mess [plenty of space at the other side yard for it all to be dumped] so I was able to get along the path to The Shack, and he cleared out the drainage ditch.

    Of course it rained shortly afterwards but not too heavily and had he not done all that work it would have been a total disaster. More mud and muck was washed down yesterday and last night but because Nir had cleared the original landslide, there is not much more to come down. I hope.

    Of course, all this muck is what the idiots who built the new road and pavement chucked down my front yard because the new pavement was built higher than the previous one - and that yard is very steep.
  20. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Not seen much of today as been in bed all day, got called out late last night to rescue some puppies from BYB- Puppy famer, but it was very warm at 2am, looks a bit over cast now & windy.
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - Further to my message 316 re the floods in the South:

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