I can't get K9 outside if it's raining/snowing, the only way to get him out is if I put his now favourite coat on first, the coat does have clip built in to attach your lead but I don't trust it, so I got a medium size dog harness (Cocker Spaniel size) to go over the coat.
An bless! He does look cosy in that one. I wish my two were happier wearing coats. They were in the car for five hours yesterday - apart from wee breaks - but it seems they would rather snuggle into piles of Vetbed than wear clothes!
K9 gives me a look which means "you're wearinga coat I want to wear a coat too" he stands rooted to the floor until I fetch his coat.
That is beautiful and it looks so cozy! Callie has a whole wardrobe of sweaters and jackets. Peach fuzz fur so he gets chilly this time of year. With him the problem is great big neck and shoulders n' bitty waist, hard to find a good fit.
My dogs have roughly 20 coats each, some with legs on them, they all have parka coats (K9 favourite at moment) & duffel coats, others are like horse rugs fasten under belly & around chest, plus they all have a Santa coat - dress type for the girls then there's the jumpers & scrafs plus the hats with bells on.
I thought Tikva could do with some pj's but when I measured her up I realised she was too long. Same with the jackets I thought would be perfect. Tikki is just too long for everything I saw.
I had some specially made for K9 as he's got a 22inch chest, 16 inch back, 15inch neck & 11inch legs cost me £11.70 including p&p (had camouflage ones made for his fancy dress competition at the JRT Christmas party) will try to get photo of K9 wearing them x
K9's made to measure pj's am using them for fancy dress only, they are to thick to wear in house as material is fleece
Hadda good idea. I think. Gotta nold sweater wot I can cut up to fit Tikva. I think. The only problem is that she tends to pee in her crate and her crate is in my bedroom which is cold... ...but she does not seem to be cold at night and no way will she go outside when it is raining. But she will not poo in her crate, wakes me up to let her out to poo on a puppy pad in the salon. Will someone please tell me what I am doing with a total nutcase?
I only used a coat for Tweed when she started to fail - and she hated it. I bought coats for Eddie when he was a puppy, and had to spend long sessions in the car while I was working Tweed. He would get his jaw into the front and try to rip them off. My dogs do like to make nests with their vetbeds though - I give them 2 or 3 layers in their beds, or in the car. You may think I'm hard, but though I think practical coats can look really smart, I think a healthy working breeds have their own heat control, and often dislike the restriction of a coat.
Small dog & young puppies plus elderly dogs seem to be wearing coats around here. Medium/large don't wear coats around my area unless of couse they are young puppies or elderly dogs. The Greyhounds wear coats plus their kennel mate Billy (Beagle X JRT) that's the most silliest dog in the world, the Greyhounds are ex racers so need to be muzzled but now their kennel mate Billy as decided that he needs to wear a muzzle to & won't leave the house without one, is so funny seeing Billy's smiling Beagle face wearing a muzzle (most dogs will try to remove muzzle not Billy) The Greyhounds have to stay on lead & yes Billy have decided he needs to stay on lead too.
No coats for Bogie or Pepe, even when they've just been clipped it doesn't seem to bother them. The only dogs I've bought coats for were Gertie the lurcher and Chico the Chihuahua. Gertie hated hers and used to deliberately turn and move to make it difficult for me to get on. Chico also hates his and does his best to evade capture when he sees me approach with a coat. Luckily it's so mild at the moment he doesn't need one.
Do not forget that if really can get cold here, and Tikva is very short-coated. She also has a long back, being half Daxie, although not as long as a Dax. I doubt pj's would be any good for her though - she wakes and eeps "wanna poo" so I have to get up and let her go through into the salon so she can poo on a puppy pad, but the little booger will pee in her crate [she never used to] so would end up wearing sodden pj's. I put pee pads in her crate, also the old towels that I had replaced, and she tears up the pee pads and pees on the towels. This is one horrid puppy! TBH I do not know if she is cold at night and I do not take her out or let her out on her tether if it is raining - doubt she would go out if it was - but then with Tikva, who knows. I have sorted out a couple of old sweaters and will see if she will wear one. If she pees on it then that is that. She can freeze!