I only ever showed my Z girl at "fun" shows - mainly because my mentor was involved in them, and even though she was a Crufts judge and tried her best to teach me how to handle my Z, I just could not. The best she ever got was "Highly recommended" - but that was fifth out of just five dogs. I used to take her for fun mainly, because although she was perfect I just had no idea how to handle her in the ring. But - at one show the guy who had been the judge at her first show, when she was only just over six months old, turned up and said let me handle and show her. If you will excuse the expression, " Oi va voi". Did she show perfectly? The one and only 1st place rosette she had. Never again though as she was not meant to be a show girl, but it was almost unbelievable that although I could not handle her in the ring, an expert could.
Someone at the show on Sunday ran another exhibitors dog for them, but I don't feel I know anyone within the club well enough to ask for the same. People have no idea who I am half the time despite being at a few shows with the 'regulars'. I will ask at ringcraft though Jackie.
Professional handlers are Very expensive but you could ask at rincraft or around the breed ring if someone would handle him for you just to see how he does, whilst I agree another handler would most likely get more out of your dog, personally I feel that there is nothing more rewarding than being an owner/handler especially when one reaps the reward after all the hard work they have put in. Tricks of the trade come with experience, hard work and dedication, as you gain confidence you will learn to make the most of his good points and how to cover over his bad, if possible try getting to shows early and stay late watching how the P.H get the best from the dogs’ in other breeds as well as your own especially in the group ring, get talking to other Hovawart owners around the ring if you see a handler that you admire don’t be scared to ask for advice on how to get best out of your boy im sure many will happily pass on their experience, think of it as a day out with your dog with the bonus of making new friends and enjoy. Though not for your breed there are some good tips here for the novice handler. http://www.brytestar.com/how2show.html
Just a few pointers to pass on to you. Don't be first in the ring, let the other exhibitors go in first, this way you can be last in line and give yourself as much room as you need, let the other dogs run off first, again give yourself space, so cash's nose is not up another dogs backside and more importantly another dog is not up his... When you are standing waiting your turn relax him ( keep one eye on the judge and how he is getting them to run) and allow him to settle a little, feed him, have a little toy or just fuss him, keep moving round to give you both plenty of space and when you run him, keep a good distance from any dogs, even if you have to make your track smaller, it's all about getting him relaxed. Also when the judge wants to see his teeth, you open his mouth if he is uncomfortable with anyone looking in his mouth. You can use a command for this....I use , " teethies" , this lets your dog know he is about to have his mouth looked at, talk to him all the time the judge is going over him, tell him he's a good boy, or anything that works. All these things can make it a little less stressful for you both in the ring.
Thank you for the tips Jackie, and to everyone for offering support. I really appreciate being able to come here and post about the ups and downs. The problem with waiting till the end Jackie, is that if the ring is small as it was last week, he was lunging at the other dog as it passed by on the other side of us if that makes sense? We was running normally at one point, the next he lunged sharply and really pulled me abruptly I use 'teethies' too and he's been absolutely fine with the judges going over him. I used to worry about him accepting a male judge, but he's been great and just stands there. I think this judge only asked if he was ok because of his behaviour towards the other dogs Wish I could upload the video from our show in July as that was the best behaved he's been. I'm actually keen to get back to ringcraft now and see how he does.
Just a quick update for you guys. I've decided to leave ringcraft until the New Year now. Our club are shutting for Xmas on the 8th and reopening on the 5th January I think, so it made sense to start afresh in the new year now. That means I'm not attending LKA unfortunately and won't be attending Crufts either as I really wanted to test him at LKA as recommended by Jackie. It's disappointing yes, but I figure we have plenty of opportunities to qualify him again next year or whenever he's ready.
Sorry to read this, but you are quite right, there will be other chances. This could also give you time to sort those cysts out as well, and get him back into full coat without losing too much of next season's showing. Will you still go to Crufts to watch?
Thats a shame, but you know cash and if you think this is best then your probably right, there is no point in you going and you being nervous as he is going to pick it up and may act on it. A little time out will do you both good, give shim time to mature and hopefully forget whatever has triggered this. Go back to ring craft when you can and take it slowly, maybe try something else too, the more he is in contact (controlled) with other dogs should help.
My desicion not to attend LKA was partly based on the fact the numbers for AVNSC are huge! 60 odd entries I think, and whilst half of those entries might not turn up I worry the waiting around and the possibly larger class size will unsettle Cash again. We will just see how ringcraft goes again the New Year. We met up with a friend and her two dogs yesterday, and he was fine. Initially a bit growly in his play and chasing, but he soon settled. I just think he's fuelled with testosterone at the moment making things worse! Carole I plan on still attending Crufts, yes. Sad that it's unlikely to be with Cash. While I can qualify him again relatively easy, there is something extra special about qualifying the first time around and the excitement you feel as a result.
Typical! Don't go to LKA and find out Cash would have been the only one in his class! And therefore would have likely been well behaved. Very disappointing. I so wish these shows released class numbers beforehand too, would make things much easier to plan.
What a shame Louise. It would have been a nice gentle experience for Cash, and the rings were big enough to keep a space in the challenge. Never mind, there is always another day!
No I haven't I just didn't feel confident enough in doing so. Am looking at having a handler handle him for a couple of shows this year to hopefully qualify him again for next year.
He's looking great, how is he doing , shame about crufts, but fingers crossed you sort him for the coming year.
Yes, if I'd had a handler I may have entered him. He's doing ok though. We're continuing our WT training and doing lots of impulse control work. It appears he does not like dogs getting in his face! Which could be troublesome at shows......