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Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Malka, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    There were some more toys under the mattress [which she had yet to turf out] and there were more on the couch, and her greatest idea of fun is scattering some behind my chair - just to hear them squeak when I reverse and run over them.

    Oh, and there was another blue plastic basket behind my chair as well.

    Little mini booga - and just look at the length of that tail! :005:


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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Gosh Malka, she has changed. She is looking a lot less babyish now, and although she's predominantly Dachs, - hence the whippy tail - there is something about her that reminds me of Tang's avatar. (Where is Tang these days?). Has she started to lose any teeth yet? At least she isn't destroying her toys - yet!
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    No, she does not destroy toys, she plays with them - just my hands, forearms, legs - and one of a pair of imitation Crocs [I am not wearing my real Crocs for her to ruin] while I was wearing it. Luckily I was able to trim the shredded bit off. No teeth lost yet but we are doing fairly well with the "No Bite" as long as she can see the jar of tiny treats or hears the word "sweetie".

    Oh, and she will also shred the pee pads if she is in the mood, which is a booger as if I do not catch her at it I end up with shredded pee pads all over the carpet. :mad:

    She is definitely predominantly Daxie but with longer legs, a shorter back [and head] and smaller ears. Her back legs are also Daxie shaped, although of course longer. Her mother was a [very large] standard Dachshund and her sire, what they called "a little dog from across the road] was, presumably, a MinPin like Tang's. Looking at Dachshund/MinPin cross pictures on Google Images, some of the head shots are identical to Tikva, expression and all! :D

    Tikva is now 4 months old [she is registered with my vets as having 15 May as her DOB which makes her three days younger than they had told me] and still rather small, her size/weight probably coming from her sire - so I doubt she will get much bigger - and she is the most energetic pup I have ever come across! She also stands on her hind legs when watching me get her food ready, and will jump, all four legs of the ground when she is excited! Probably not too good for her joints but she is impossible to stop.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Incidentally, that first photo is an example of what she does if I ask her what she is doing - she flonks flat on her belly with her head flat on the floor [or edge of her bed in that case] giving me The Look, otherwise known as the Stink Eye. The second photo was asking me what I was doing! :lol:
  6. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Rosie doesn't destroy her toys either. She also has loads of 'em. At the beginning of summer she took the whole lot out on the garden and just brings one in to play with indoors (changing that one periodically). This past couple of weeks it's turned much colder and much wetter. She has brought every one of her toys in and just selects one now when I take her on the garden to play. Such a clever girl :)

    That second photo of yours Malka really does show a likeness to Pereg in her face
  7. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I am in :049: double in :049: triple in :049: with little Tikva her tail reminds me of a whippets tail long & thin xx

    Keep up the :096: behaviour Tikva your mummy will :049: you even more :044:
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @Chris B - Maybe a slight resemblance but definitely a totally different expression. Different nature as well, and much much more difficult to train. Mind you, Pereg had LO to teach her, plus she was a few weeks older when I got her from the Shelter.

    Tikva was, of course, far too young to have been taken from her mother and siblings, but there was that unspoken "or else" when they wanted me to take her just three days after I first saw her. But she is happy, healthy, and oh has she grown from that tiny puppy who would curl up in one of my hands - and I have small hands.

    I am glad I did bring her home when I did though, as I dread to think of what happened to her siblings.
  9. pugluva

    pugluva Member

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    What a stunning little dog very intelligent too by the sounds of it.
    There's two little Daxies x jacks at the park I go to sometimes look just like little Tikva,
    Everyone admires them.
  10. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    Looks like she is growing well. You're lucky she doesn't tear up the toys.
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    She certainly is, when compared to the tiny pup I brought home. The hand-rearing was rather tiring [and messy once I started weaning her and she insisted on putting her front paws in the dish], but she is doing great on raw.
    I have just had to remove the bright green Chomper duck and put it in the "to be repaired" basket, which currently has two of Pereg's dinosaurs in it - I have not had the heart to do them yet but will soon as Tikva is toy crazy. But I think the duck will have to be discarded as I had already repaired it twice and I am not sure whether it will take any more patching up.

    Pereg only destroyed one toy and she was four years old at the time, but she had a habit of terrier-shaking some toys and seams tended to give way and need repairing. I also had to give up on one of her monkeys but as they were/are not dog toys it is surprising that there are still three in one of the toy boxes. I also have some new monkeys in a cupboard as I bought the remaining few that Avner, who was then running the macolet, had, as those were Pereg's favourite.
  12. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    'To be repaired basket' lol - my whole house would be in the basket lol
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Ahem - I also kept the stuffing from the irreparable monkey and the other toy Pereg killed, in case something needs a bit more if a seam splits. I cannot see the point of throwing something away just because it needs a bit of repair, and that goes for clothes, too.

    On the rare occasion something really has had it, all buttons and zips are removed first so I have a button and zip box. Always have done. I guess it is a sign of the age I grew up in when everything useful was saved.
  14. manydogz

    manydogz Member

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    Tikva has changed a lot since I last saw a photo of her. Such a pretty, intelligent face. I think maybe she's too smart for her own good!
  15. manydogz

    manydogz Member

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    Glad Tikva is doing better with the biting. That's a hard habit to break.

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