My vets loves me .......perhaps not General Chat

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by 6JRT's, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    My vets loves me .......perhaps not

    I had an brainwave :115: this morning of saving time, by taking all 9 dogs & the 3 cats all together at the same time to the vets :100: not one of my greatest ideas, the dogs decided to run round me, so my legs were fastened together by their leads, then one of the cat's managed to open the catch on his basket & went & sat in front of a cat hating dog, then scratched the vet when he went to pick him up to put him back in his basket.
    The vet at to come out to me & take each dog in separately, then come & take the cats in afterwards, the best part was paying in my rush out of the house & into the taxi's mini bus, I had forgotten my purse oops :102: I told the vet to watch my 9 dogs & 3 cats while I run back home to fetch my purse, only problem was I got side tracked on my way back to the vets & a full 2 hours later I realized I had left the vet looking after my pets :044: I phoned my lodger up, asked him to go rescue vet & pay him for me.​
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I... Am... Not... Laughing.


    :005: :005: :005: :005: :005:
  4. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Don't think I be getting the new vet again.:D
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Honestly Tina, how did you manage to take all those dogs and cats? As for forgetting your purse, knowing you you could have cooked it!

    I dread to think how Tikva will behave when I take her to the surgery - she has not been yet and Ram has not seen her, as Michal came here to give her her puppy shots and worm pills. She also left another worm pill, half of which the devil will have on 2 October, the other half three months later, and Dr Vadim, the Local Authority Vet turned up a couple of weeks ago to give her her rabies shot and microchip her.

    Strange that, as it usually takes a few telephone calls before he turns up and I had not called him, either Ram or Michal did, but at least it was done so she is now legal, with both the microchip and rabies shot registered with the Ministry of Agriculture under my ID number, which is the equivalent of a dog license. I wonder what he thought when he saw her, having been here yearly for Little One and Pereg before her. LO always pee'd on his shoes when he turned up - Pereg just accepted him as a once-a-year stick-needle-in, not that she ever noticed what he was doing. Tikki screamed, well she would, because he grabbed her and stuck TWO needles in her! One for the rabies shot and one the microchip. Not that he hurt her as he is very gentle and very quick, but because she was not expecting it. And oh is she a drama queen. :rolleyes:

    I want to take her to the surgery to get her weighed officially, also her claws need cutting and I only have two hands... plus my sight is not as good as it should be for close up things... plus the devil wriggles... plus the devil bites... [although she is getting better... slowly]

    I also want to pick up her medical card as I do not have it yet. Vadim left the peel-off bar codes for her microchip, one of which has to go on her card and one Ram will need for her notes. It will also be interesting to see Ram's reaction when he sees the little bugga as she is so much NOT the dog he thought would be good for me after I lost my Pereg.

    Yeah well, I reckon he has her paws well under the table now, and her evil self dug well into my heart.
  6. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Easy Malka as soon as the taxi mini bus turned up I put the 3 foster dogs in then the 3 cat baskets then K9 & Skye followed by the hooligans went back locked door & when we got to vets, I took the 3 cat baskets in first then went back for the dogs, the taxi driver walked the 3 foster dogs in for me leaving me with just my 6 to walk in, but once in the vets the dogs decided to walk round & round my legs as I was sitting waiting to be called in.
    I never really thought the brainwave through, because once in vets it was obvious to me that I would not be able to get all 12 pets in consultation room at same time, plus Comet didn't help by opening his basket & then sitting right in front of a dog that hated cats.
  7. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Tina, you really are priceless!
  8. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Not perhaps your finest hour. Oh my, poor vet.

    Our vet lets us pay over the phone after the appointment - usually because their payment machine is out or when I've had a home visit
  9. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I always pay by cash as its easier then trying to remember my credit & debit cards pin numbers
  10. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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    Lol how did you get sidetracked for two hours? :043:
  11. pugluva

    pugluva Member

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    How on earth could you forget about 9 dogs and 3 three cats ?
    Your poor vet must be very patient lol.

    I forgot my purse once when I had to take my dog to OOH but they was very good said pay next time your in, but I phoned them and payed in the morning.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    You do realise that this is our Tina, the one who cooks spectacles, dog bowls, keys, and crunchie knows what else in one of her Agas?

    @Azz - same comment for you. This is our Tina, would you really expect her to do normal things?

    TINA WE LOVE YOU - please never change. Mwah :058:
  13. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Well you see its like this Azz & Carol, I got home picked up my purse then on way back to vets, I had a senior moment & simply forgotten where I was going, I had my purse but no K9 (my medic alert dog) so stood thinking for a few moments & thought I must be on the way to Asda (I never take K9 to Asda ) so I went shopping there & called in their café for a drink after I had finished shopping, it was why I was sitting in café that I realised I had left the dogs & cats at the vets. :D
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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  15. pugluva

    pugluva Member

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    Aww poor you I'm glad you all got reunited in the end, you must have been so shocked when you relised where they all were.
  16. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    No I started laughing when it came to me where my pets where, at to pretend I had funny message on my mobile, as the people on the next tables were looking at me, then after I finished laughing phoned my lodger told him what I had done, he cracked up laughing too & said he go & fetch them for me.
  17. manydogz

    manydogz Member

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    Tina......You are much braver than I am! I would not attempt to take all 7 well behaved dogs to the vet let alone adding my 4 cats to the mix.
  18. ndidi

    ndidi New Member

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    I have taken 4 cats and two dogs to the vets once that was quite enough for me. They all needed vaccinations. Took a bit of organizing as two of the cats hated the dogs.
    Can be done but I am not sure I would again. Though I have now only got two cats and two dogs.
    I think you are very brave to take that many and I am glad you all made it back home safely eventually.
  19. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Sally I never really thought it through I just had brainwave of taking them all together & acted straight away, normally if I take them all together my 6 dogs & my 3 cats I would have my 3 men with me.
    My 3 foster dogs are only with me until their owner gets out of hospital,l been told he be out mid November, so normally I only have 6 dogs, well will be 7 dogs in October when one of my men gets back off holiday with his new dog.
  20. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Any more news on Kula's progress, Tina?
  21. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Yes by brother said yesterday that she let the delivery men in that delivered the new kitchen she was barking at first but as soon as my brother told her NO she stopped, but Kula flatly refused to let the men leave, she stood in front of the door baring her teeth (she was muzzled but not on lead) every time they went to leave, he at to push her away with his leg from the door so that the men could leave.
    He's getting extra help with training Kula from a police dog handler down in Poole, he said he's helping him with Kula's separation issues, he has also got one them special slow down dog bowls to stop her bolting her food down in one scoop & it as helped a lot he said she no longer brings back up her food.

    bowl is like this one

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