I want to go out General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Malka, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I want to go out

    OK Tikva, I will unhook your tether from where it is coiled out of your reach [I really do not want a strangled puppy], clip it onto your harness, open the door and you can go out.

    All sorted but the mini monster took one look and said it was too hot and no way was she going out.

    Fine. Come on in and I will unclip you and re-coil your tether [only thin cord] and close the door so the air-con will keep you happy.

    Around 5pm when the sun had moved round to the back [yes I know, it is the earth moving, not the sun] and the front finally had shade, mini monster went out. Did a Pereg in that she ran [scuttled more like it] for a far as her tether let her one way, then back the other way...

    ...and then came in to pee on on a puppy pee pad.

    Oh well - one day she will learn, but oh 'eck it is taking such a long time to train her. House train, no bite train, no jump up train, gerroff train - and if I am on the throne, please Tikki, stop trying to pull my nikkies down when I am trying to pull them up.
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  3. pugluva

    pugluva Member

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    Sorry malka but that made me laugh, I'm sure all your hard work will pay off in the end.
    What a wonderful little character she sounds.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tikva is the most stubborn puppy I have ever had. It is not because I am not spending hours each day trying to train her - it is because she thinks she is the boss and why should she bother with what I say? She sees me with the treats jar [I call them "sweeties" - thinks she can bite, jump, climb etc, and as soon as she stops she gets a tiny treat.

    Then she starts doing what she was doing in the first place.

    Little booga.
  5. pugluva

    pugluva Member

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    Stubbon you've not met Morris, sounds like she's got you wrapped around her little paw.
    Perhaps your rewarding her bad behaviour without realising it. I'm no expert in that field I'm afraid, my dogs run rings around me. They know I'm a soft touch.
  6. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    :043: :043: :043: :043:
    That's so funny Malka
    :044: :044: :044: :044:
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    No, definitely not rewarding bad behaviour because she only gets one tiny treat when she has behaved for at least ten minutes, not just stopping when I say "no bite" or whatever it is she is/was doing.

    Mind you, saying "no pull nikkies down" when I am trying to get off the loo does sound rather weird, but it is at times like that that I really would prefer her to let me go to the loo in peace.

    The thing is that mostly she is absolutely adorable, but then she turns into a :077:.

    I have been told that Daxies are difficult to train and oh heck am I getting it in spades. She is currently on the naughty step, ie in the small crate in my salon, having shredded half a dozen puppy pads today, the last one as I was trying to put it down, nipping my bum in the process. She obviously does not know that it is punishment because I would not punish her, but she does seem to know the difference between a small crate where she can curl up and either sleep or watch me, and her night crate in my bedroom which is about four times the size.

    When I go across to the macolet I put her in the big crate with a biscuit and she is happy there until I come back. I would never leave her in the small crate if I am not here, but she does need "time out" at times.

    And so do I.

    But I love that little puppy - and am so glad I brought her home when I did.
  8. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Malka, try teaching her a 'leave it' and 'stay' - both are great self-control exercises
  9. manydogz

    manydogz Member

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    Some pups can be so hard to train. Even so I miss having puppies in the house.
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Chris - I thought I had "stay" sorted, but Tikva then decided to ignore it. The same with "leave it".

    It is not that I am just letting the little booga get away with things as I really do spend a lot of time trying to train her. But she is unlike any puppy I have ever come across and just does not seem to have any self-control.

    Or maybe she does but she does not do or not do what I want, just what she wants.

    The one thing I am grateful for is that she adores people that come here, Oren came this morning to sort out one of my outside lights, and because she had seen him before she did her Hello Hello Hello act. As yet she has not seen many people due to me not taking her out before she had her rabies shot and also the heat, which makes me sick so I do not blame her for not wanting to go out.

    Tikva is just a difficult and stubborn puppy so I keep on working on training her. It is just taking a heck of a long time with her, but I will not give up. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later that she finally decided to behave. In the meantime it is almost non-stop training.
  11. pugluva

    pugluva Member

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    I think I've forgot what it's like to have a puppy around the house now, Morris is 6/1-2 It would be a shock I'm sure. Puppy's are very hard work some more then others, you just have to keep being consistent, they do get it in the end but it certainly takes time.

    If or when I get another pup I shall know where to come for help, puppy expert Malka lol.
  12. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    It'll suddenly click with her. She still very young, but your efforts will pay off as she gets a little older and wiser :)
  13. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I can but hope. In my past life when I bred Griffons, I never had such an obstinate puppy. Little One, the puppy I adopted when I moved from bungalow 1 to bungalow 2 on the Moshav was a dream to train - and she probably helped me train Pereg.

    Tikva had just me, but I think that she would probably have been just as stubborn had they let her stay with her dam and siblings for those extra couple of weeks - I do not think it is because she came to me so early. If anything, having to be bottle-fed should have made her easier, but it has not worked that way.

    She will click as to how to behave but I am not expecting miracles. Tikva is Tikva and I just have to keep on with the training and hope that one day she will decide that she does not want to be a mini monsta.

    But even though she is, at the moment, difficult - I love that little monsta!

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