Here's The Evil One Dottie I treasure the photo's of her off lead & unmuzzled as normally she's kept muzzled & on a running lead when on park.
My evil one has yet to meet dogs as she had to wait for her rabies shot. But she is definitely evil with me
Poor Dottie, once you get a reputation it's hard to shake it off. Is she the same at home, or just when she's outdoors?
Worst when at home she is ok with some dogs now but others is a big no no with her The Evil look at the photo shot when she saw another dog She was ready to go for the other dog but the owner saw Dottie & quickly removed his dog from room.
I shall have to print that picture and put it on doors of rooms I don't want my lot to enter! One look at those eyes should put them off! If she's OK with some dogs I would guess that she would like Chico. Most dogs seem to take to him - perhaps because he's so little he's not seen as any kind of threat. Mind you, if we should ever bump into Dottie, I won't make any chances!
Dottie only goes unmuzzle & off lead when we are in the secure field as there is only one key & we always lock the gate behind us, making it safe for Dottie to have a have good run about x
A secure field? What a luxury. Oh what I'd give for one of those, while I did some training with Merry!
A farmer as let one of his fields just for dogs to run free in, he as put up secure 8 foot tall chain link fencing up all around field (bit like tennis court fencing) I pay a annual fee of £10 & then £1 every time I use field (price is £1 per hour or £2 for 3 hours) you have complete field to yourself unless you go in a group, my sensible dog walking club have field for 3 hours every week, we met up there so dogs can have free run.
That is a super arrangement, Tina. If I was younger, it is something I would consider doing with land. Does he mow the field for you?
Yes he mows it normally when it gets to knee high he put sign up saying field closed for 2 hours then he will put the fencing panels back up (takes couple out to get tractor in/out) & reopen field again