Information on malamutes from those who live with them. Questions

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by fairystar, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. fairystar

    fairystar New Member

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    Information on malamutes from those who live with them.

    Hi all.
    We are currently researching for our second dog :)
    Our samoyed is 15 weeks and we will be adding a female friend when he is around 1 and desexed.
    We also have 2 rescue cats, so rescue Mal will be out, as they all say no pocket pets!

    We love the artic breeds and was owned and loved by 2 sammies in the UK.
    I do however have a pure love for Huskies and Malamutes.
    I do not think the running, energetic husky might be as good a match as the slower lovable Malamute.
    I am after information from those who live with Malamutes.
    I have dones research and had 10 yrs coping with lots hair, double coats, selective hearing and following commands with my sammies.
    This time round we are training, our sammie is in training and will be for long term and we will train our addition. As we want one when he is around 1 and he is already almost 4 mths, we are trying to get as much information as possible. We will be getting him a companion, so if it turns out another samoyed is best for him, then so be it, but I cannot pass by attempting a Mal or husky in my lifetime, I have craved this breed for many many years but it wasnt right for us at the time.
    All info is welcome :)
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  3. BaltosDad

    BaltosDad New Member

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    I am a Malamute owner and have a few tidbits for you.
    The Malamute is the most strong willed alpha dog out there, so if you have other males, a male would be a bad idea. They can be substantially same sex aggressive especially with others in the same household.
    And although the larger more powerful Malamute is loveable from some standpoints, don't be fooled by this. They can be recalcitrant, and require substantial time and effort investment for training, and structure, with at least an hour of exercise daily. Their superior intellect and strong willed nature lends to a higher degree of difficulty with training. But if you are dedicated to it, they are worth it in my view.
    Also, from my experience, they are not slow by any means. My dog Balto is as fast as lightening, and although he doesn't slow down or corner well, he can scale a 5 foot fence from a sitting standstill without even grazing the fence with his feet. He will do this from my pool area if he sees something in the woods that interests him. They have a strong hunting 'seek and destroy' instinct.
    The Malamute will attempt (likely successfully) to dominate the Samoyeds without relent, especially if either is a male, and this will likely involve physical confrontation...which can be disturbing...but with females it is usually easy to control.
    Also, I recommend getting the dog at 8-10 weeks so that you can imprint/train him from an early age which is better for you and the dog.
    Just my two cents worth...hope it helps.
    Good Luck.
    Mark and Balto
  4. dogdays

    dogdays New Member

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    Did you get that mally girl?
  5. fairystar

    fairystar New Member

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    Azz likes this.
    hi :) I totally forgot about this post, I didnt even see the reply to my post, so sorry for not thanking the above poster....
    we had our name down for a pup, however life took us in its own path and we unexpectedly ended up with a neighbors Husky as our rescue :) she is 5 almost 6+ yrs now and amazing and we have had her for 18mths now, they work well together most of the time :)

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